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Racial Equality


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Racial Equality
The best way to explain any phenomenon is often by sharing one’s personal experience. It makes it real and relatable to the audience. In “Black Men and Public Space” Brent Staples dependency on his own experience was successful in strengthening his demand for race equality since a lot of people have at least once found themselves in a similar situation.
One evening as he was walking along a street in Chicago he noticed how uneasy his presence made a certain white lady (Staples). On the grounds of stereotyping, the woman must have presumed the writer to be a criminal plan an ill deed against her. By Staples using this personal experience, he manages to capture the audiences’ sympathy.
In a nation like Switzerland, only race is dominant. When black people visit the country, they note that they are odd and so do the natives. In the essay “Stranger in the Village” the author James Baldwin shares his experience in Switzerland and how it made him feel far from home. He tells us of an incidence where children were shouting to him an offensive racial name Dimitriadis and McCarthy 171). In as much as they kids meant no wrong, it showed inequality. By James sharing his experience in a new nation, the audience gets to take the matter a bit seriously.
At times people are forced to use pseudonyms so that they can be able to go through some projects despite being competent. A racist will swiftly pass judgment upon a person just by reading out their name.

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Bolina Jaswinder who wrote the article “Writing like a White Guy” felled victim of this. Because of having a foreign name his poem was not given the attention it deserved (Bolina). Perhaps a person might not have imagined this would be possible in this time and era, but Bolina experience changes this notion.
Racial equality is an issue that is yet victimizing people. Some are suffering or undergoing oppressing because of their race. However, with the spread of criticism against the act, it has dramatically reduced. And there is hope that it will be eradicated.
Works Cited
Bolina, Jaswinder. “Writing Like a White Guy.” Poetry Foundation, 16 Nov. 2011, www.poetryfoundation.org/articles/69755/writing-like-a-white-guy. Accessed 10 Mar. 2018.
Dimitriadis, Greg, and Cameron McCarthy. “Stranger in the Village: James Baldwin, Popular Culture, and the Ties That Bind.” Qualitative Inquiry, vol. 6, no. 2, 2000, pp. 171-187.
Staples, Brent. “Black Men and Public Space.” www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/cms/lib/NC01001395/Centricity/Domain/10659/Black%20Men%20in%20Public%20Space.pdf. Accessed 10 Mar. 2018.

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