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Racism In Peru, A Question Of Training Or A Simple Cultural Concept


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Racism in Peru, a question of training or a simple cultural concept


Peru, as well as several Latin American countries have built their society based on racist concepts, starting with the differences in skin color, the different cultural and economic partners. In our country racism has served for politicians to build speeches, which allows them to get to power, in Peruvian citizens it has been naturalized to use the terms such as Cholo, Serrano, Indian;In derogatory tones. This is why most people have become accustomed to living with racism, and this comes from the time of the conquest to the time of the colony in which the Spaniards began to name Peruvians as Indians;The centuries of marginalization, exploitation, racial segregation, would have convinced us that whites are better or superior;However, over time the Spaniards began to relate to the so -called Indians causing our culture to be so varied today, we can say that racism is part of our history, but it would be important for each Peruvian to understand thatHaving such a variety of races as a result of miscegenation, it is a source of pride and not a cretin argument to belittle a person who has different skin tone, because as Ricardo Palma mentions in his Peruvian traditions "who does not have Inga has a mandinga". And in our genealogy we have some Indians, cholos, trrigueños, white, etc.


Racism according to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, is an exacerbated feeling of the racial sense of an ethnic group, which usually causes the well -known discrimination or persecution against various ethnic groups.

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(Spanish, 2019).

According to the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization on December 21, 1965, the doctrine of superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically falsely false, morally condemnable,Socially unfair and dangerous, {… {Nothing in theory or in practice allows, nowhere, racial discrimination.

The reasons for racism in our country range from the way of dressing, economic income, their language, physical features, etc. Racism was born at the moment that each of us creates stereotypes and prejudices of anyone we find in the street, shopping center, university, etc., The best way to combat racism is to accept that our country is multicultural and very diverse, and that this variety is a source of pride.

In this regard, our State tries to promulgate equality in all its senses, and throughout the national territory, promulgating laws that allow certain wayOur country, the results are still alarming, since every day there are episodes of racism and discrimination everywhere, which leads us to think that the problem is so rooted in our culture, that it can even be said that we ourselves ourselvesWe refuse to accept that the problem is born even in ourselves.

Regarding discrimination due to the physical aspect in our country, it is based on the fact that a person who has the physical factions closest to the European prototype can have more social advantages compared to a person who comes from the interior of the country and that he has not had theGood luck to have "blue blood" and it is impossible that today social acceptances are totally complete and egalitarian, we will always get carried away by a person’s complexion or physical printing causing racial intolerance to increase.

In our country we continue to believe that people’s ability are measured by skin tone, we have implanted the stereotyped concept that Peruvians who do not have white skin are a group of lower people and with totally lower abilities to those who have factionsmuch more socially acceptable and this is being transmitted from generation to generation;The issue of racism is so worrying, since it is the parents and the environment who convey intolerance against people who are different by promoting in their children the violence between peers also called "bullying".

In Peru, 75 out of 100 schoolchildren have been victims of physical and psychological violence in parts of their classmates, according to a survey conducted in 2015 by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) and the Ministry of Womenand vulnerable populations. These alarming figures reflect the big problem that our society faces regarding racism and the lack of empathy and awareness of these issues. (Education, 2017)

This aspect is very worrying, since being repetitive the concepts related to discrimination and racism in Peru that has already internalized the supposed inferiority, it is normal for Peruvians to listen to the psychological aggressions denigrating others and we do not have any type of type ofEmpathy and questioning. Peruvians have built racist and discriminatory terms that today are part of our language and the way we relate between Peruvians.

On March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is celebrated in our country, however, this date is not a day of reflection, much less promoting the respect and acceptance of people, since there is a kind of denialismFaced with the problem.

On the other hand, we also have aspects that involve social and socio -economic status as a factor of discrimination, since since the colonial era, we have the marginalized social strata, which were immensely mistreated, due to the fact of not having a wealth that allows us to relate to theWealthy families. Therefore, it is evident that economic status generates division in society, since, many times we see episodes of discrimination related to economic capacity, being useless state policies that seek to eradicate discrimination in all their senses.

From the aforementioned, it is evident that racism in our country is in the veins of it, this because training at home, school, school and higher institutions, with respect to discrimination and racism, is diminished Faced with the culture or social context, since many times the effect of teaching respect for other people, is discouraged and diminished by social context and human relations in their own environment, also do little or almost nothing to cultivate The culture of tolerance more effectively and allowing coexistence with social peace, and equality in all its areas, so we believe it is necessary to teach from the first years, with policies in favor of respect, tolerance, companionship, empathy and equality, since this will allow a better social and economic development, since prejudices degenerate the country and make us return to the decadent era of abuse and injustices in contribution A of the least favored, having to treat us as a united society in favor of our country.


  • Racism is based on hate and contempt for people with a different skin -colored tone, especially black people, this has been dragging for a long time, therefore you must start generating change and promoteThe equality of races.
  • No one is superficial for promoting racism, on the contrary it is unfortunate that there are people with lack of values and low self – esteem.
  • Although the State has legislated and tries to promote non -discrimination or racism policies, efforts have not been enough to eradicate those ills that do so much damage to our country.
  • It is necessary to more efficiently encourage a culture of equality, tolerance and peace in favor of all of us, since a society with marked social strata is currently evident, which they do so much damage to the country, being time to renew our culture, in favorof a more united country.


  • Education, m. d. (May 1, 2017). Ministry of Education. Obtained from http: // www.MINEDU.Gob.PE/N/News.PHP?id = 42630
  • Spanish, r. A. (15 of 11 of 2019). Spanish Language Dictionary, 23.ª ed. Obtained from the Spanish Language Dictionary, 23.ª ed.: https: // dle.RAE.it is/?w = racism   

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