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Radiation, Chernobyl


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Radiation, Chernobyl


Radiation, being a propagation of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves through emptiness or by a material medium, has many uses in many aspects of science. Especially to obtain electricity, for the treatment of diseases, for agriculture, archeology ..


Electric power is generated in nuclear central calls, which are responsible for producing nuclear energy, which is obtained from the atom core through fission or fusion reactions. Most nuclear power plants use nuclear fission, since nuclear fusion is unaffordable although it is in the process of development. The nuclear mergers that are generated in the nuclear reactor create heat energy, which is used to heat water in a closed circuit until it becomes steam.

The steam at a large temperature goes to a turbine, turning it, turning it into kinetic energy. This turbine, which is connected to an electric generator, transforms the mechanical energy of its electrical energy turn. Another use of ionizing radiation that today is quite common in medicine, is the treatment of diseases through the techniques of broadcastic, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine.

Radiodiagnosis is to obtain images of the organism, with an X -ray team. Radiotherapy is a world -known cancer treatment that uses a high dose of radiation to destroy those cancer cells and reduce tumors. And finally, nuclear medicine consists of using small amounts of radiosondas (which is a radioactive material), injected into the bloodstream, inhaling or swallowing them.

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The Radiosonda delivers energy in the form of gamma rays, in the area being examined, creating images of the interior of the body thanks to a special camera. The advantage of this type of medicine is that it allows you to identify not very developed diseases. On the other hand, although radiation is a fairly powerful type of energy at performance time, it has consequences that make this type of energy is quite harmful at the same time.

For example, exposure to radiation generated by X -rays, increases the possibility of developing cancer later in your life. Also the possibility of contracting cataracts and burns in the skin, it would be feasible if the person were exposed to quite high radiation levels. These are some consequences that affect the person being exposed to such energy, but there are consequences that also affect the environment. 

For example, if a nuclear power plant explodes, (see as the case of Chernobil), it would have several harmful effects towards the environment, since in the nucleus of a nuclear reactor, there are more than 60 radioactive pollutants, causing nuclear pollution to be deposit on the ground, in the oceans, causing the species of animals that inhabit in those places, to be exposed to said radiation, harming them.


After having analyzed some of the many consequences of using radiation, I consider that the use of this must be under its due safety and caution, preventing it from having any contact with the outside so as not to damage it. Therefore, I would not live next to one of these, because the probability of being affected by any of the effects that radiation has is much greater than if I lived in another different place.

It has been narrated in the text of Voces de Chernobyl, the people who were radiated with the explosion, it was recommended to drink milk. This was due to the fact that milk has anti -cancer properties due to its high vitamin D content. But the problem there was that milk despite containing anti -cancer qualities was radioactive, since cows had been fed with radiation grass. Therefore, the effect it had, was totally contrary, causing even more damage. 

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