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Raising Free Will On Bandersnatch


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Raising free will on Bandersnatch


The Bandersnatch film introduces us in a story where we are able to make decisions for the future development of the life of the main character, Stephan, and as chosen are presented alternate finals. This essay relying on the aforementioned film, seeks to demonstrate the conception of the construction of reality through free will, "if a metaphysical or ontological freedom that overcomes or violates causal determinism […]" (capella, F, 2005) and the management of reality in the life or destination of the subject. We are who we build the path of our life or have we been deceived and we follow a pattern with returns to always reach a marked destination? , These two approaches are feedback because we have freedom to choose between options that are presented to us,

The reality has been a controversial issue that has been explained from several philosophical perspectives, within them the one with great weight is Hume’s skeptical philosophy that divides the contents of the mind, "calls the first type of perception" impressions "(knowledge through the senses), and to the second type, "ideas" (representations or copies of impressions in thought) "(Navarro, J and Pardo, J, 2009). In the film, Stephan acquires impressions of reality, such as the metaphor that Colin offers him about Pac-Man which means programming and control, discovering his father’s safe and the result of these impressions is the idea that the boy ofthat has been controlled and has not been able to make a decision throughout his life coming to discover that he has been the subject of a psychological experiment when he introduces the PACS password in the safe, which according to Colin’s theory indicates two relevant points;The first one that the Government pays people outside of which they pretend to be relatives and the second that there is a programming man (father).

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In our life as in the movie we reflect and ask ourselves if we are the ones who make decisions or we are aimed at a destination. Hegel from his absolute idealism describes destiny through pantheism, “establishes that God and the universe are the same.”(Contreras, s, s/f). Being the ones who make the decisions in Stephan’s life, we could conceive ourselves as his God, since Hegel poses to us that he is who is in us, then we would say that in our life we are the presence of God and that we know how to go for life becauseWe have been arranged for experiences to reach our destiny raised. However, which happens with the majority of the late film, Stephan ends up in killing his father or ends dead. Is it the destiny to which he should bequeathed? Nietzsche gives us the perspective of Lord-Yieron, the possibility of responding for him places us rather as his lord, we affirm our vital impulses so that we decide without thinking about the consequences if not only with the purpose of entertaining ourselves and the character as a servant, obeys our decisions and feels weak when it is controlled by what happens your life with resentment and frustration. We may be only the servants of a man whom we have called religion and guide our actions at your convenience and the one who has awakened from deception can awaken in itself the will to power.

Many times we have felt that a situation has intervened in the development of another or in the life of another subject, summarizing that a situation fits a cause and an effect. Husserl created the phenomenological method. According to López (2018) “Phenomenology is the science of essences and its description. For Husserl the transcendental subject is the unity of consciousness or subjectivity and from this transcendental consciousness the known world arises. "The study of the phenomenon of chaos in physics, led to light to the butterfly effect that is applicable to psychology, refers to the cause-effect paradigm. Human beings as Aristotle once stated, are social beings, by relating ourselves, we generate actions to see the course of our lives or that of others. In the film a clear example is the father’s decision when Stephan’s teddy bear hides, if that decision had not taken the child he would have died on the train with his mother, this butterfly effect is presented as one of the possible endings. Another example of the cause-effect paradigm is when we are given the option to give a signal to the creator of the game, Netflix or PACS (the symbol), if we choose to say that we are netflix of the 21st century will be dragged into a psychiatric and its game4 will not come out.

Knowledge helps us as a control center at the time of making decisions, but this has established itself through experience and search. In the process of consolidating our knowledge, subjective obstacles or social brands are presented, the most obvious are the prejudices or idols indicated by Bacon;Araujo (2018) describes them like this:

  • The idols of the tribe have their origin in human nature, human understanding is like an imperfect mirror that receives light irregularly, distorting and discoloring the nature of things by mixing their own essence with them.
  • The idols of the cave are the idols of the individual: since each man has a cave where he lives and where he distorts nature according to his propensions, his education, his conversations and readings, and the impressions that cause things in himAt different times.
  • Market idols: preconceptions formed through interaction between men. Because it is through discourse that man is making associations, and in many cases the words are imposed on the mind according to vulgar criteria.
  • Theater idols are those who have settled their real in the mind of man, from dogmas and false demonstration rules.


Colin’s daughter, Pearl, lived her childhood in an environment exposed to constant drugs and conspiracies that her father said, her thinking was forged unusually, so in the future her decision to make a remake of the game, is based onthat will be very successful for the cult of morbid behind due to the murder of the father of the creator of the game while the society of the context of Stephan withdrew the game for the same foundation of the murder. The social schemes are in our ideas, since we grow with them, they can be molded, but the essence will make us take choice to their criteria.



  • Araujo, a. (2018). Idols that cloud the mind – naukas. Retrieved 25 January 2020, from https: // naukas.com/2018/02/22/Los-Idolos-Nublan-La-Muel/
  • Capella, f. (2015). Freedom, free will and determinism. Retrieved 25 January 2020, from https: // www.Juandemary.Org/IJM-Actuality/Analysis-Diario/Libertad-Libre-Albedrio-Y-Determinism
  • Castillero, or. The ‘butterfly effect’: what is and what teaches us about the world. Retrieved 25 January 2020, from https: // psychologyymente.com/miscellanea/effect-mariposa
  • Contreras, s. Panteism: characteristics and main thinkers – Lofede. Retrieved 25 January 2020, from https: // www.Lifer.com/Panteism/
  • Gershenson, c. (2000). Nietzsche and Moral. Retrieved 25 January 2020, from https: // touring.Iimas.UNAM.MX/~ CGG/JLAGUNEZ/PHILOSOPHY/ETICA-NIETZSCHE-MORAL.HTML
  • López, J. (2018). Retrieved 25 January 2020, from https: // galliciadiario.com/web/border_cargar_articulo.PHP?ID_Articulo = 3156
  • Navarro, J., & Pardo, J. (2009). Hume knowledge and its limits. Retrieved 25 January 2020, from http: // www.philosophy.Net/Materials/Sofiafilia/HF/Soff_Mo_13.HTML

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