Rationality And Decision -Making Criteria
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In general, we can characterize decision making as a type of process in which a person must choose between two or more possible options, with a reference raised.
For this reason, the use of rationality when making a decision also plays a role, since it evaluates, analyzes and acts with reference to the information it has, with a result, which can be characterized as safer.
This wants to publicize the relationship between rationality and decision making, in addition to the roles that meet some criteria of decisions such as certainty, risk and uncertainty depending on the situation in which they are found. Because it is useful to know how to make a good decision and that can result, with the search for information through bibliographic and exploratory investigation.
According to (Castaño, 2013), rationality accounts for an order of significance for our actions, that is, what explains an action, in the manner of laws that give meaning to acts. The rationality of modernity (and the administration is the daughter of modernity) is considered as instrumental because it is guided by the result of the action. However, not all human actions are rational logical and administrative decisions also influence emotions.
Rationality is considered as limitation, the means which is used for the senses of the reason to obtain a more reliable result when making decisions not only to follow the instincts, which in many cases can be successful, but also to carry out the things in a safer way.
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It describes us (Martínez-Selva, Sánchez-Navarro, Bechara, & Román, 2006) Making decisions is a continuous activity of the human being in all the orders of life. Choosing between several options can be a very simple task, but sometimes it is so complex that it becomes an important concern.
Decision making can be taken as something simple to perform, but you need to choose an option between one million possibilities and that is correct, in this way this plays an important role when choosing something.
- Decision criteria: certainty
Through the published of (Fajardo, 2012) certainty or certainty is the condition in which individuals are fully informed about a problem, alternative solutions are obvious, and the possible results of each decision are clear. In conditions of certainty, people can at least foresee (if not to control) the facts and their results. This condition means due knowledge and clear definition of both the problem and alternative solutions. Once an individual identifies alternative solutions and their expected results, the decision making is relatively easy. The person responsible for making the decision simply chooses the solution with the best potential result.
The information available to make the decision under this criterion is in a clearer and more accurate way for this reason in many cases is known as something safe, which is a minimum of risk by which it can cross when making this criterion in the decision making you want to make.
- Decision criteria: risk
It raises (Peñaloza, 2010) are the decisions that are made with partial information on the subject, that is, information is available, but this is not entirely exact and is probabilities of occurrence, therefore, the choice that is taken, will have an associated risk.
This criterion is also known to be as intermediate, the risk in this case can be said that identifies the problem with an infinite power that may arise, but thanks to this the solution and the problem within the data they have of information It is intermediate and cannot be declined for something safe in this way, the decision can be characterized by something unusual.
- Decision criteria: uncertainty
Express (Peñaloza, 2010) under conditions of uncertainty, the decision maker has no knowledge of the results of any of the states of nature and/or it is expensive to obtain the necessary information. In this case, the decision depends purely on the type of personality that the decision maker has, as a consequence the risk is very high.
This occurs in many cases in which those who make decisions do not have any information regarding the subject they are dealing with, for this reason the decision to be made is uncontrollable, it is not known if it will go well or bad or intermediate point is a future not seen and that cannot be visualized.
In conclusion we can determine that the present investigation regarding decision making is of great interest, not only for growing companies, the president of a nation, but for the entire general public, for the reason that decision making We see it every day, in all places, in different circumstances present. That is why in this way it can be generated to have a minor fear when deciding to choose something you want to achieve and in this way you can achieve it knowing what a chance of success or failure faces.
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