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Reaching Out A Solution


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Reaching Out a Solution
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What is the issue?
According to the presented case scenario, a spectator suffered a cardiac arrest. The coach of the home team opts to fetch for medical emergency assistance only to be presented with another challenge of availability. However, the emergency squad arrives and resuscitates the suffering spectator. Eventually, a discovery is made that explains the challenge that the coach faced regarding the availability of medical care. The AED had been locked in a custodian’s closet during the time of medical emergency.
Is it my issue, and can I solve it?
One should consider the importance of taking all the steps of political analysis regarding the flow of events in the scenario that just occurred. The definition of the main problem provides adequate assistance while defining the right issue in moving forward. The achievement of sustainable solutions requires a joint involvement of the involved stakeholders and affected individuals. As a nurse, one ought to look for various opportunities that reach consensus regarding the issues that are of paramount concern.
Is this the real issue or a symptom of a larger one?
Similar to this case, reading between the lines is highly critical in the evaluation of an issue. The methods by which information is conveyed to bring out facts is quite profound. The communication theory encompasses the fact that the messages are often not the main information hence more can be discovered through evaluations and assessment of a given situation.

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Does it need an immediate solution, or can it wait?
Every problem in case scenarios does have some solutions that all differ according to their practicality, cost, and duration that they would take in the solution process. These factors also represent the policy options. There always needs to a deeper comprehension of the methods by which an issue would fit into a given vision. This type of context does apply to various organizations. Without regard to the setting, the assessment of the history of the issue assists in the identification of the decision-making responsibilities of a given issue. The committees and panels of the managers are meant to evaluate the issue from the past perspectives as well as the structure of the organization and chain of command.
Is it likely to go away by itself?
Nurses are interfaced with the public during many occasions hence are always in the positions that facilitate favors for others. In most cases, it may fail to appear as an option to ask for assistance from those they have helped before. It is, therefore, a better option to seek assistance in moving issues forward as opposed to ignoring the solutions hence stalling issues that may result in more complexity.
Can I risk ignoring it?
The timing of an issue is critical in making a difference regarding the successful outcome. Carrying out a well-planned strategy could fail due to poor timing hence ignoring this issue may not be the best option. A particular issue has the potential to languish for a longer duration due to the mismatch of the concerns and values while at the same time create time for changes in the main problem.
What are the possible solutions? Are there risks to these solutions?
Avoiding confusing underlying solutions in such scenarios is critical. There are times that what appears to be an issue is not. For instance, proposing a mandatory continuation for nurse’s education may not be an issue but rather a possible solution to the challenges for ensuring the competencies in the medical field. Following an analysis of issues regarding clinical competencies issues, one could establish goals that include mandatory educational legislations od education amongst nurses’ education. There exists a danger in framing these issues as solutions because they limit creative thinking regarding the main underlying issues while leaving out the best solutions.
What steps would one need to take to solve the issue?
The context of the issue in the political analysis process ought to encompass a situational analysis of context examination during the problem. Such forms of analyses include a minimum examination of the social, ethical, historical, cultural, political, and economic contexts within the problem. There exist several questions that guide the analysis of the underlying issue.
Does anyone else at the school need to be involved in the solution?
Accordingly, relevant political forces do contribute the identification of the formal and informal structures. More so, these same organizational structures are meant to undergo analysis. The formal and informal structures are assessed through the definition of their functions, organizational structures, objectives, and missions. The communication networks are also graded as positive or negative depending on the personal communication networks. Among the factors to consider are the political structures which then provide democratic processes that are meant to balance out the rights and subgroups of a given organization.
Where is the power leverage in the school to reach the preferred solution?
The political feasibility of a political analysis assesses the solutions meant to be provided to a particular situation. There further exists numerous methods of which are used in the conduction of a feasibility analysis whereby the barriers and facilitators of change are sought in problem-solving. A force field analysis does require the critical consideration of the factors affecting the problem within a two-column chart. In one of the columns, the restraining forces represent all the status quos that would otherwise remain the same while the second column encompasses all the driving forces that take a particular issue through a change process. Critical factors surrounding the issue are also considered within the entire chart (Kingdon, 2011).
The knowledge of the history of the current situation does also provide an adequate insight to the positions of the key officials such that communication of enhanced with the individual strategies during the advancement of issues that are developed according to the issue. The nurses are required to identify the current level of governments and organizations that are responsible for given issues.
Powers of the nurses
The nurses in such a case scenario derive positional power from making decisions that lead the rest in various cases. More so, the reward power is then obtained from the compensations made by the wishful persons. The expert power is also present due to their fundamental know-how and special abilities. Referent power is also based on their associations with people who are in power while informational power is achieved through their ability to have information that a given individual may desire. All these forms of power contribute to the rise of empowerment not only to them but the shared groups as well (Mason et al., 2015).
J. Mason, D., Gardner, D., Leavitt, J., Chaffee, M., & O’Grady, E. (2015). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care (7th ed., p. chapter 9).
Kingdon, J. (2011). Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies, Update Edition, with an Epilogue on Health Care, 2nd Edition | Pearson. Pearson.com. Retrieved 11 February 2018, from https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/program/Kingdon-Agendas-Alternatives-and-Public-Policies-Update-Edition-with-an-Epilogue-on-Health-Care-2nd-Edition/PGM95175.html

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