Reading In The First Years Of A Person’S Life
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At present, take a book and sit down to read, a simple and fun gesture, which, mysteriously, is getting more and more importance among the little ones in the house in the face of the situation that is seen today with technological changes, this generates less interest in reading. In addition to this there are other problems such as: dyslexia, dysortography, reader delay, among others;It is very important to know what the mechanisms are to be good readers, since if there is a child with any problem in any of these processes or in several you can go to a specialist to value it and try if necessary. The purpose of this is that new alternatives and methods are sought to encourage and help it in their understanding. Reading not only provides information, but also form (EDUCA), vocabulary is enriched, as well as spelling improvement. I consider that for adults reading is a task that is very simple but the reading learning process can be a problem for the little ones in the house. In addition to reading a text correctly, they need to understand what they are reading and more important is that they learn to love reading.
Development/ body
For the development of boys and girls in their growth stage it is vitally important to know how to enter them in the habit of reading. Transforming the habit of reading into an interesting hobb. Reading must be considered today as an interactive communication process where a relationship between the text and the reader is established, who through his reading capacity;Process, organize, synthesize, analyze and value the information read to internalize it as personal language by building its own meaning.
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The importance of reading with a good understanding has been talking about the importance of reading. It is a situation in which it is possibleStart in handling the understanding of what they read. In order for an act of reading, two types of information are required: the visual, is constituted by the letters, which are the stimulus to start reading (in seers). This information is a necessary, but not sufficient condition, so that there is reading. And the non -visual that is constituted by the knowledge of the language in which what is read is written, the knowledge of the subject and knowledge of the world that the person possesses, (and the touch for the case of the blind people). The more non -visual information you have, the lower visual information is required, and vice versa. This explains the difficulty you have for someone outside the chemistry the reading of a text containing formulas and the resulting compounds. Similar situations live children, for having few life experiences, less knowledge of the language of which an adult and less knowledge of some topics that are proposed to read can have to read. This is the reason why they spell. Books are a fundamental pillar in the cognitive and emotional development of the little ones. Embark on reading from childhood not only provides delight and pleasure, but also provides a magnificent cultural, scientific and literary heritage. It is a most effective transport that brings us closer to new and interesting worlds. The importance of acquiring this habit from an early age is based on its benefits when studying, acquiring knowledge and the possibility that children experience sensations and feelings with which they enjoy, mature, laugh and dream. (Educatius, 2018)
The problem is that today digitalization has often influenced reading, not only for children. It is often common to see children entertain themselves with tablets or smartphone from a very early age, even before they learn to read or write.
Reading causes that can occur in children
There are different causes that can influence reading difficulties, even more than one cause or just one may have. There are many language disorders, but for this type of the main cause it is usually:
Dyslexia, this learning disorder implies the difficulty in recognizing letters and its corresponding sound, since it is impossible to understand a story if it is not able to recognize the words. They omit words, they even change them for others. But dyslexia is not only that, it also affects speaking and writing skills. Who has difficulties in reading can be people who are very restless and who touch everything they see due to their great frustration. Sometimes, they can present disruptive behaviors not to do any task in class that know it is very complicated. Auditory processing disorder influences the processing of information they listen to. This may mean not understanding what people say or not knowing how to continue a story that reads out loud. With this disorder there would be difficulties in distinguishing the sounds of letters and saying new words. It is very frequent, to see children who have TPA with problems to listen to the differences between the sounds of the letters, such as the B and D, as well as to pronounce new words;The difficulties of visual processing, involves the difficulty of differentiating letters or forms. Do not see them in the right order. Having a blurred or dual vision are common complaints. Children often try to compensate for their eyes or closing an eye. (Garcia, 2018)
Consequences of the difficulties of reading in children and adolescents
The most common consequences that we can find in children with reading difficulties are that they do not understand what they read, so they change the subject or invent what they have read. Attention problems, they get bored easily in class, their homework does not end, they do not address the task that is done, they lose interest. Low school performance, low notes, difficulty learning new subject, do not do the exercises because they do not understand the statement. Greater dependence on their parents. Isolation behaviors, introversion, low self – esteem, lack of motivation. Reading errors, confusing letters or omitting them. They read at a very slow pace.
Before a case of these, teenagers are usually seen who at this stage of life continue to produce errors in reading and understanding is still very low. This fact causes your school performance to be very low and that they obtain bad notes frequently. In addition, in many cases there are emotional factors such as low self – esteem, social isolation, anxiety or even depression. It is important to note that if this problem is not detected before adolescence, it can have consequences in its adulthood.
What to do if these difficulties occur?
It is normal that many questions arise about what to do and how to help you improve academic performance. The main thing is to go to a professional and inform parents about what is happening to their child, their possible causes, consequences and techniques to improve their difficulty.
You have to be empathic, to accompany them in this process since for him or she is not easy. You have to listen to you by interesting your needs. They need to feel support from their parents so that they do not give up if they ever feel anger, frustration or desire not to keep trying;Increase your self – esteem is another factors that will also help and highlight all the effort you are making. Give him encouragement to continue working despite the difficulties, but never force him to work more;It is necessary to turn reading into a fun activity, since this will encourage them;And also help them carry out both writing and reading activities. To be able to better understand than work and that involves having problems in reading, it is important to analyze what are the cognitive skills that are associated with reading. The concentration and attention play a very important role that will allow all the perceived information between our conscience;Performing a pre -reading is of the utmost importance since everything that surrounds the text is being recognized since from that the reading begins and the main ideas of the text will be acquired, it is necessary to underline or make mental maps, among other activities for thebetter understanding of the text;At school, the tasks sent to them must be structured step by step and in smaller parts, in addition to receiving more practical classes;Likewise, eliminate or reduce what can be distracted, so that it has full attention to what the teacher is saying, without distraction.
Mechanisms to be good readers
Reading and writing are fundamental for the correct cognitive development of children. These practices are responsible for developing language, increasing vocabulary and improving spelling. In addition, they are a mechanism that allows developing the imagination and the desire to expand their knowledge, ideas and opinions, therefore, they are instruments of utmost importance for every child in the process of knowing the world.
Reading together is a strategy that works to help in the understanding of reading, choose a book or a not so long poem, it is ideal to read it while the child listens and mentally continues the story or the poem;Reading aloud is also another way to help, even if they have difficulties or mistakes, it is essential that parents motivate them to continue. Pause, review the word that generates difficulty and start over;The dictionary is the best ally, since many words are going to be new and it is necessary to know its meaning to understand the context of history. It is necessary to ask what did you understand?, It is important to analyze what he has read, but especially what the child has learned. If you do not understand what you have just read, it is necessary to pause and calmly explain the meaning, possibly your confusion is in an unknown word;Exercises to improve writing, in the variety of activities is the success of learning. Children are easily distracted, you have to be creative when teaching them, for example: the dictation, use of the dictionary, spelling games, audiobooks, board games that require writing.
It is important to remember that both reading and writing must be a taste and not an obligation. The objective is to help the child improve their skills, so everything must be according to their child’s age. Any time is good to motivate it, the posters in the street, the magazines, the newspapers etc., They can be excellent options to review reading and writing. (Ipler, 2018)
As a personal opinion I consider that the success of learning is in the dedication and customization of teaching, each person learns at their own pace. I think reading frees us from problems and concerns, at least for a moment;For me it is a way to relax and evade reality for a few moments and enter an adventure, it is my time of entertainment. Nowadays it is difficult to increase technologies we have around us being a more motivating reinforcer, but children usually copy models and we must educate with the example.
It is important that children frequently see adults reading and enjoying reading, they are more likely to do it. Reading is of great importance in the process of development and maturation of children, for this reason it is so important to create the habit of reading from an early age, since there is a close relationship between reading and school performance, it provides culture, develops theaesthetic sense, acts on personality training.
It is advisable to encourage children to love books and reading, reading in front of them aloud and having books always at hand is another way to show them that reading is an effective entertainment and within reach. It must become a daily exercise but not an obligation, since as it is done, greater knowledge and understanding skills are acquired.
- Educatius, a. p. (March 27, 2018). AUCA PROJECTES EDUCATIUS. Obtained from https: // www.Auca.It is/the-importance-the-development-of-the-ninos-ninas/
- Garcia, m. d. (October 9, 2018). cognifit health, brain and neuroscience. Obtained from https: //
- Ipler. (March 13, 2018). Ipler. Obtained from https: // blog.Ipler.Edu.CO/STRATEGIES-Mejor-Habajees-Recentura-writing-of-tu-son
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