Reading Summary
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Defense on Abortion
Jarvis Thomson makes a substantive defense on the controversial conclusion of the issue of abortion among women. For the sake of her argument, Thomson refutes the ideas of conceptus being a person at the time of conception (Thomson 48). However, she grants her claim on the impermissibility of abortion following the assumptions of the anti-abortion who claim every person has a right to life. Therefore, even the mother of the unborn child is entitled to her own right to a decision. That is, anti-abortionists have decided to overlook the rights and freedom of the mother to her personal space and decision-making. Instead, they enforce the right to life to overrule all other rights, which in Thomson defense in being hypocritical and double stands.
Thomson inclines her to augment against abortion claiming the prospect for drawing the line that defines the life of a fetus is dim. Arguably, the life of the fetus after nine months is based on the probability of factors beyond human control. In her argument, Jarvis claims that a woman also has a right to defend her life in case of any threat. This makes the process of abortion justified, and a third-party decision on the life of the mother, and the child is morally unjust.
Lastly, Thomson inclines that the right to life in some instances is not an absolute right. Therefore, the act of abortion can be viewed as morally permissible. In her defense, the right to life is not entitled to the willingness to use other people body for life itself.
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In other words moral obligations to save life does not apply in both ways even in the condition that can worsen the outcome of one’s life or threaten their existence. Therefore, abortion should allow, and women right to it be respected.
Work Cited
Thomson, Jarvis, J. “A Defense of Abortion” Philosophy and Public Affair 1(1) 1971, 47-66.
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