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Reasons to give citizenship to the immigrating children


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Reasons to Give Citizenship to the Immigrating Children
Comprehensive immigration reforms have been laid down to solve the challenge of most of the immigrants’ face concerning being given citizenship (Vallejo n.p.). The comprehensive immigration reform bill seems to concentrate on three reasons that offer a chance for allowing immigrants to be citizens. For instance, most of the immigrant’s parents came to us to acquire a better life while enabling the US economy to be better (Gasson n.p.). In that perspective, it is reasonable to allow immigrants to be citizens of the US as a way of promoting the economic development that is part of the developmental goals. Secondly, immigrants are not a threat to the economy since most of the immigrants engage in commercial activities that later create a chance for business opportunities that enhance that the US economy.
Most of the American born children will try to have several skills and technological ability. Allocating the immigrants a chance to acquire citizenship will offer an opportunity for the American economic development to be best with the positive influence that the society will be replacing the baby boomers and the large population that is generally heading out from the economy (Gasson n.p.). Officiating citizenship for the immigrants will also enhance social interaction among the immigrants and provide better residential behavior and coordination in the American nation (Gasson n.

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It will promote social mobility and provide a chance for parents who have access to less exploitative and paying jobs to be able to finance their benefits and stream down children’s needs that enhancing the general economy of the US and other nations. Legalizing immigrants will also promote the social ability to engage in business ventures that will lead to improving the economic base (Gasson n.p.). Most immigrants tend to portray that they have fluency in technological skills thus they will enable the nation to have a better personnel pool that will carry the country to greater heights.
In conclusion, officiating citizenship to immigrants will reduce the waiting time that will promote a better approach towards enhancing the economic status and business ventures in the nation that the economy will be at a better place to be developed.

Works CitedGasson, Kristina. “How Becoming A U.S. Citizen Can Help Your Foreign-Born Children Immigrate.” Www.Nolo.Com, 2018, https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/how-your-naturalizing-will-helps-your-foreign-born-children-immigrate.html. Accessed 8 Dec 2018.
Herrera, Robert. “Options To Get U.S. Citizenship For Your Child.” Www.Alllaw.Com, 2018, https://www.alllaw.com/articles/nolo/us-immigration/options-get-citizenship-for-child.html. Accessed 8 Dec 2018.
Vallejo, Jody. “Giving US Immigrants A Path To Citizenship Is Key To America’s Economic Growth | Jody Agius Vallejo.” The Guardian, 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/apr/17/immigration-reform-bipartisan-path-citizenship. Accessed 8 Dec 2018.

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