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Rebellion On The Farm And The Seven Commandments


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Rebellion on the farm and the seven commandments

Rebellion on the farm, it is a novel of social and political criticism of the British George Orwell, published in 1945. It tells the rebellion carried out by the animals of a farm, the manor farm.

It was a rebellion led by pigs, since these were considered the smartest animals. It should be noted that the rest of the farm animals were horses, dogs, chickens and donkeys, they all made up a hierarchical society, and each played a different role in the rebellion.

This rebellion was caused due to the lack of attention of the farm owners , suffered by animals, who came from humans.

After expelling humans, animals decide to establish a system marked by equality in which they would direct the farm so that everyone was equal, for this they placed the following motto:

"All animals are equal".

They also insist that humans are enemies:

‘Four legs yes, two feet no.’

With this, it reflects a clear division, two sides, the good and the bad. For this they created a series of commandments that everyone had to comply with:

The seven commandments

  1. Everything that walks on two feet is an enemy.
  2. Everything that walks on four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
  3. No animal wears clothes.
  4. No animal will sleep in a bed.
  5. No animal will drink alcohol.
  6. No animal will kill another animal.
  7. All animals are equal.

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Among the pigs that took control we find Napoleon and Snowball. To the first, very persuasive, he only cared to send and reach leadership, regardless of anything else, while the second wanted to help other animals and promoted teaching.

Both rivaled all kinds of activities that were proposed on the farm.

Napoleon to see Snowball’s continuous proposals decides.

Therefore, a society is clearly marked by the totalitarian regime, something we see in the figure of the leaders, and the lack of freedom of the rest of the farm animals, reference to an ignorant people in search of solutions is highlighted.

In principle, Napoleon led correctly respecting equality between them, but as the days went by, the animals were increasingly exploited, they worked hard while worsening the quality of life the quality of life.

On the farm there is oppression among animals, there was a small part of them that expressed their discontent with respect to the decisions made by Napoleon, but expressing this could lead them to suffer serious consequences. This reflects tyranny and manipulation very well.

On the other hand, the story was constantly changed to Napoleon and this reminded the other animals the bad conditions with those who lived when they were with the humans.

Thanks to the passivity of the rest of the farm animals, the pigs managed to manipulate them.

They conceived the figure of Napoleon as the biggest boss, who was making a great sacrifice for them, and Snowball was just a traitor:

‘Napoleon is always right’

Finally, the animals of the farm after the hard periods of work and wars see how their leaders allied with humans, end up eating together and negotiating, modified the commandments and adopted their customs, and they already walked with their two two legs.

‘There was no doubt of the transformation that occurred on the faces of pigs. The animals out astonished their gaze from pork, and from man to pig, and again from pork to man; But it was already impossible to distinguish who one and who another ’.

We see, as the motto: "All animals are the same", it changes with the passing of the work, since they were modifying all the laws that established at first as the leaders were convenient, we see this in the following sentence:

"All animals are the same, but some are more equal than others".

From the book I keep that phrase, which encompasses all the meaning of the novel.

Here is clearly the hierarchy within the farm, who were the manipulative leaders who only sought their own good and who were mere workers who only sought equality and better living conditions for them and their future generations, something that to Many may sound familiar.

While we are reading the novel, we realize that we already know those events, that we already know that they are happening or have passed throughout history, it is easy to recognize. Great political figures in history are reflected under the appearances of pigs and the people in the rest of the farm animals, a working people and almost its illiterate. The author directly shows that he refers to the revolutions against the dictatorship and how leaders are passed through friends of others to achieve power and admiration.

The entire work reflects real events marked by human corruption, reflecting a reality that occurs in many countries of the world, where there are various sides, with a hierarchically divided society and where it is tried to impose a concrete way of seeing things.

There will never be a unanimity that favor a side, since there will always be different points of view, so there will always be different matches.

All this happens in the current reality where the bad decisions of the government are also justified. All the streets adorned with political campaigns of the government and projects that will one day be held, there are stories of progress very alien to reality in many countries of the world. It also shows the reference to populism and manipulation of history and people.

In conclusion, it is a clear criticism of political hypocrisy and highly recommended, since on the one hand, it is a clear reflection of the political system that had the Soviet Union, but that is easily applicable to many governments so it is very easy to identify in The novel to pigs in the national reality that has lived or can be living each person. 

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