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The paper examined the processes that must be done before, during and after the hiring process of new employees in an organization. The case study was the opening of a new office, and various positions had to be filled, not only according to the papers presented by the job applicants but also the alignment of their values to the organization’s values (Taguchi, 2002). Various positions were identified and the respective procedures, including the selection devices for the different jobs, determined. A total of five jobs were considered necessary for the successful operation of the new office. It was predicted that the positions of the office manager, supervisor, director of operations, accountant and receptionist were the most crucial for the successful functioning of the new office (Noe, 2007). The primary work of the office was assumed to be a statistical organization involving a lot of data. The primary source of information was found from the internet journals and books on recruitment and human resource management. We learned that different job titles require different selection devices and the setting up of requirements for a job offer should only be done in moderation.
Following the proposal to open an office in Indiana, several positions have been created and need to fill for the continual of normal operations of the organization. The type of room had been stated in the previous meetings between the stakeholders involved.
Wait! Recruiting paper is just an example!
During the meeting, we agreed that the office should be up and running by January and the vacant positions be advertised in the local dailies and major television networks in Indiana before November. The application would be closed on 12th November and the shortlisted candidates be contacted through phone, to come for an interview that will be held in the month of December.
In this paper, I will state the guidelines and procedure to be followed during the hiring process.
A check on the Legal processes involved during hiring
During recruitment, the human resource managers should always ensure no illegal discrimination against any of the applicants for the vacant position. No discrimination by race, gender, age, nationality, religion and even physical disability provided the applicant is in a stable condition to perform all the work duties assigned to them (Weiss, 2004). When interviewing is chosen as a selection device, the panelist should be at all time be aware of the questions they pose to the applicant as some issues may appear discriminatory and thus the applicant may warrant a lawsuit against the organization or the panelist (Miller & Hollowell, n.d.). The panelist should at all time be conscious of the “age discrimination in employment act” and the “Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964”. The only discrimination can only be done by the protection of a minority group when the affirmative action is chosen. Regarding all these, Supervisors will be trained for a week and attend classes to know how to interview well.
A Check on The Vacant Positions to be Filled
Since it is a new office, a lot of positions are expected to be advertised, but for a starter, the most important one ones will be filled first. The positions are as follows.
I. Position for the Operations Manager
The position is one of the key areas need for the successful running of our organization. The person chosen to be an operations manager is the one responsible for leading the operations and takes over the total responsibility for ensuring the office brings in appropriate financial success to the organization. The person chosen will be the one tasked with ensuring effective communication between the office with the external environment around it. They include the head office in New York, lenders, Customers and even vendors. The person is also the one in control of the operations and production for the office.
II. Accountant and Bookkeeper
The position is also another important one for ensuring stable operations of the office. The person who will be sitting in this office will be the one tasked with the responsibilities of payroll management, cash management, statements and balance sheet of the organization at the office, collections of receipts.
III. Office Manager
The individual chosen to fill this position will always be referred to as the director of the human resource at the company. The main work specification of the person found suitable to fill these shoes will be taking care of any work around the office that does not involve production process.
IV. Receptionist
The work of the front-line person will be welcoming visitors and guiding them to the appropriate offices that they want to visit, take and make phone calls to customers or other businesses and always ensure that they are complying with what the manager asks of them.
V. Supervisors
The person holding this position will be the one tasked with overseeing production processes usually when the director of the said department is absent. The person chosen to fill this position should have a good understanding of the production processes of the organization and know how to work with all individuals in the office and also in charge of ensuring new workers are assimilated smoothly into the office.
The above positions were identified because of them being central to the operations of the new office which will be able to coordinate with the central office in New York. The criteria for choosing one of the applicants to fill these positions will be based on the applicant’s level of training and the skills they have that are related to the job and also the amount or duration of the experience the person has on the particular duties Identified with the job title.
Qualifications Needed for the specific jobs
The requirements for the specific positions listed above should always be reasonable and made in good faith. The requirement should be non-discriminatory or appear to be favoring a person or group (Noe, 2007). To ensure that, the condition is appropriate for the specified job title. It should always be able to identify that:
i. The requirement chosen for the job was agreed upon as it was rationally connected to the duties that will be required to be performed while doing the job.
ii. The requirement was legitimately related to the job title and is chosen in good faith.
iii. The requirement is reasonably achievable by a good number of the applicants.
iv. The requirement should be a necessary component needed in the obligation of the duties of the said position.
The test done for this should all be inclusive and must leave room for differences between people who will be expected to apply for the work. Meaning that every person who applied for the job should only be assessed against their characteristics instead of taking and comparing them to a particular group.
Bearing this in mind, the qualifications for the advertised positions are observed to be as:
I. Operations Manager
Since the organization mostly deals with data and statistics. The operations manager should be conversant with statistics very well. Preferably, should be a holder of a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in statistics, business management, operations management and have at least a 5 to 7 years’ experience, the applicant should also have experience in real-time operations management and forecasting as these are the cores for our organization. The duration of the exposure time required was because this is a large organization and needed a person who is conversant with the above fields to pick up operations from the start in with high acceleration in order for the office to be at nearly the same level with the headquarters in New York.
II. Accountant and Bookkeeper
For this position, the bookkeeper should at least have a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from a recognized University in the Country. Other degrees that will be considered in the application process are a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or just an equivalent business experience operation that will be regarded as important. The applicant should also possess knowledge of the accounting principles necessary and required of them as a bookkeeper. Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated adequate awareness in the working with at least two accounting software’s that the office will decide on using for its daily accounting operations.
III. Office Manager
The requirements for this position is that one should be a holder of any relevant degree with activities of our organisations but should also have four years of experience in any leadership position. It is because the organisations want quick returns in the short run. The office manager should also have skills that are imperative in the position required. Some of the skills advocated for after several types of research and found demanding in the kind of our organisation are being able to multi-task, be a good decision maker as the office manager is vocal and vital in any quick and rush decision that do not have provisions for a meeting preparations. The office manager should also possess adequate knowledge of several computer programs and also be able to use them adequately. The applicant who will be preferred is those that show proficiency in Microsoft Office.
IV. Receptionist
The applicant for this position should possess at least a Diploma or Certificate in the relevant subject. The candidate should also possess skills in answering telephones, etiquette skills, knowledgeable in Microsoft Office, be able to work under pressure, and excellent listening skills.
V. Supervisors
The supervisor should have adequate knowledge in the operations going on the organisation and since this a data and statistics services. The supervisor should hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics or Mathematics. However, applicants holding a relevant degree from a related course will be considered too. An experience of over two years will certainly put a candidate over the edge of others. The leaders should also demonstrate the ability of leadership or show any leadership positions that they have ever taken or held.
Selection Devices
Once the application for the job applications has been received, the first thing that will be done is preliminary screening. The stage will involve looking at the specific resumes for the applicants and comparing them against the set qualifications needed for the job and thus shortlist the number of people that will pass to the next phase of filtering for the jobs advertised. After the shortlisting, the selected candidates will undergo telephoning interviews for the organisation to determine whether they are still in need of the job or gave up or moved on to another job. It is important as it saves the agency time and money as it will now be able to manage and allocate appropriate funds for the exact number of people who will come to be interviewed.
After successful completion of the interviewing through telephone calls, In-person interviews will be arranged, and an appropriate panel is basing on the type of the job advertised to be selected. Appropriate questions will be asked of the applicants bearing in mind the legal acts in place to protect both the applicant and the employer. Once this is done, and after a few have remained in all the job descriptions, the process will be changed to the determining the candidate who is best culturally fit in the organization Interviewing alone cannot be reliable especially when trying to get the best employees mostly because various people only prepare a night before the interview.
The process of doing this will now disregard any qualification of the individuals who passed the previous operations. The process’s primary goal is to determine the most suitable candidate who will comfortably work with the organization’s culture. The qualities to look at in this juncture involve checking the qualities and values of the applicants and determining who had the values that nearly coincided with the organization’s values. The process is usually a subjective analysis.
For our organization, ability test will also be done to get the person best suited for the operation’s manager and the office manager positions. Hence it’s main strength. The test will include those of cognitive abilities such as numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning as well as tests for global ability and psychomotor abilities test so as to determine their leadership and management potential carefully.
Vetting of the candidates
After the hiring process and stages have been exploited and the results for all the applicants gotten. The list should be forwarded to the recruiter, and a conditional job offer is granted to the number one applicant on the list, but an eye is kept on the second individual appearing on the list. The process is mainly done in preparation for the scenario where the person is given the conditional job offer fails to pass the test (Taguchi, 2002). The type of tests that will be carried out in this stage include drug tests, criminal history and background check. When all the processes are followed, the best employee will be chosen for our organization.
Taguchi, S. (2002). Hiring the best and the brightest. Atlanta: AMACOM.
Weiss, D. (2004). Fair, square & legal. New York: AMACOM, American Management Association.
Noe, R. (2007). Fundamentals of human resource management. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Miller, R. & Hollowell, W. Business law.
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