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Reflection On Technology And Interpersonal Relationships


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Reflection on technology and interpersonal relationships

Technology and interpersonal relationships

The development of technology has undoubtedly a great help at the level of the whole world, because thanks to the Internet people can communicate at long distances anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet without any problem, there are also theSocial networks that are other ways to communicate easily either with our family and friends. Technology not only has benefits in the media, but also gives us great benefits in the development of education and also in other areas of knowledge.

Advantages of technology in the development of education

According to Isabel “today, technology is becoming a natural part of people. It is present in everything that surrounds them, from work, the closest circles and home itself."

Technology with the passing of time has modified or improved its resources towards users that has even reached a level that is already part of something natural that is part of the people who use it, as we can see the technology is foundThroughout us, technology can be present in our work and that is, everything we do is present.

In education

Technology has great functions in education not only because students achieve great skills in technological development, but also contributes and the experience of their learning development. Collaboration is one of the features that students obtain when working with technological resources, also the optimization of time in the use of technology students as teachers are very beneficial because they can carry out more activities in the tasks in a wayefficient.

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With the use of technology students’ communication is greater not only among themselves, but also with adults and adolescents being the benefit of technology. It should be noted that with the use of technology, costs are reduced because everything can already be done from a cell phone, in terms of education, graphic material or the use of cards is not very necessary to expose a job.

The United Nations Education Organization (UNESCO) points out that:

‘The radical changes caused by the third industrial revolution – that of new technologies – have in fact created a new dynamic, because since the mid -twentieth century the formation of people and groups, as well as scientific and technical advances and expressions and expressionscultural, they are constantly evolving, especially towards increasing interdependence.’

[image: related image] According to UNESCO it means that from the industrial revolution they began to use or created new technological resources that have brought great benefits and that have also brought great disadvantages but still the development of technology is maintainedIn constant evolution.Illustration 2: Advantages of technology in youth

Disadvantages of technology:

The use of technology today has brought great good and bad changes, in how many to the disadvantages of the use of technology in relation to adolescents the excess use of social networks which leads them to addiction by technological equipment, removing interest in continuing and having good communication with the family in the home if they become rebellious taking them along bad roads that later, in some cases they regret but it is too late. Also create fights in couples at home.

Couples in a family can have good relationships with their children and even with themselves, but to such an extent where technology begins to take place in the family, which later there are no good communications between them but many times the phone orThe cell phone begins to have a lot of influence and the addiction begins with social networks and with this sometimes great problems arise that even end up with the total destruction of the family.

In conclusion, we can say that technology has great benefits in people’s lives but also has great disadvantages and concerns.


  • S., Yo. (November 4, 2016). BENEFITS OF TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION. Obtained from https: // www.U-Planner.com/es/blog/benefits-of-the-technology%c3%ada-enucaci%c3%b3n

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