Reflections On The Meaning Of Life
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From the moment we are born we are exposed to evil and philological constructions that demonstrates reality, the world is as it is because we are always as we are what we live in a mirage and illusion that we like because it is the easiest way to face ourown reality, and that is what we do, what we feel and also what we think because we are and perceive which does not generate constant change. That happens that we are all affected by the diffusion of the past, we can really believe in oneself, in that one that is perceived before any interpretation.
We live in the world that depends a lot on the technology that we become addicted, therefore we lose the opportunity to know and experience the sense of living, since distrust and despair take over our spirit, lead us to confuse us to think thatNothing tends to be real, and that everything that happens around us seems to destroy us, causing hopelessness and demotivation.
Experiences serve us to learn and correct the fields, or things that we do without any meaning, they are not casual, but we have information or inherited knowledge that has limited us and sometimes we do not recognize it or think that we are making meaningless. When we live a conflict situation we can choose between facing and living it as victims or being aware of learning from it.
In life it costs us a lot to try that we are so capable, but after all you put the limits, facing oursa mistake.
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The situations that we live are what we need to live our life experience, which strengthens us and motivates us to live life by leaving behind the thoughts that the mind damages us and complicates life.
If we experience it without resentments and grudges, either without envy, but always grateful and with a quiet conscience that leads us to inner peace, which we will be with a transcending reality and we will not have to do anything specifically, everything will be spontaneously with a shotof conscience and reflection is where it arises from a change of perception that makes reality adapt or attach to our new look.
All in life have difficult difficulties, problems and situations, we can all overWe are proud and claims to continue living.
The most serious problems we have is that we act and act and do not realize that we do what we act therefore differentiates us from other living beings, since we are aware of what we do, that is, that animals followedThe intuition that is why they are not able to reflect on what they do and where the only thing for them is to survive in their environment which is to reproduce or multiply, it is we who have discovered their world, their philosophy of why they exist and that toSometimes we are surprised and we marvel at their way of life.
Having morality is to stop reality and learn from it, since being able to become the object of one’s idea and be the purpose or purpose that analyzes its own reflection and that is what we must do with great courage and autonomy. Sadly it is difficult for us to look for the easy way and we like the easy thing not to experiment and learn, and that takes us mediocrity and we lose great things that few people have it and stay in words or in dreams.
A clear example is in Colombia that the rich are the ones who enjoy and where the poor conforms to the minimum they receive for lack of opportunities and employment, where they are always the same governments and families who want us to be workers without any knowledge without any kind of knowledge. The reality that and we have it in front and we are not brave to be better and it does not depend on anyone so education plays an important role in life and the only thing we carry when we die therefore only memories will remain that society marks in a wayOr a contribution of hope much more for our planet as well as when we are born only to live, enjoy, learn and even cry because no one was born to be perfect and, but to be happy, because we are always delirious in search of happiness.
He who is not aware of how he is living, ends up not knowing and leads him to make mistakes, damaging life and also making mistakes that cost you expensive and that is why we must think before acting, we may not fall into account andWe spend it as if nothing where the words are taken by the wind, therefore it is very necessary and important that we think and reflect on what we do and live, and life shows us those situations and obstacles that we must overcome in a way thatLet’s be careful and that’s how life is.
Reflecting what we do is stop thinking and analyzing what one has lived, which is important to understand the causes and effects of actions and situations seeing it from the third -person point of view. With the perspective of reality asking us questions of why we do it, which causes these so that it is with patience and intelligence, because many times we make it meaningless is not good therefore the causes that intensified us or that promoted that idea that did notThey are the best and we must take them into account as a challenge of overcoming and changing them, being ourselves because no one else or to ask God to help us, be it that is motivation to do so.
Also that we are able to realize that teachings or life lessons leaves us learning situations and that is where our own thinking leads us to ask ourselves that I teach me that and what purpose will be because we cannot do as we always do things to doThings and that is not.
You have to be aware of those learning and with effort and sacrifice to put goals that encourage us without any fear and serenity, for example not to insult someone, do not answer with rage, be able to know how to ignore situations that affects me, value, have respectAnd tolerance because if things do not work and we need to receive something in return to do it because we are not free, we have no culture of being capable and we stay with that I already did or we already live like that, but it is not what we want.
Life helps us to become aware and regret of our actions which we get to apologize to have a quiet conscience because if we will not always live with guilt and it is a torment that when time passes it, that sometimes you do not endure and look for the solutionEasier that is death and we don’t think so many people want to live and fight, but they have their days counted, their heads high of moving forward overcoming obstacles.
You may not think that this is not the only solution, because life continues, when you die reflect this actions to generations and we will continue to repeat, it is very curious that we always repeat how bad we do and the good we leave it in oblivion and notWe have it in mind, since it agrees the bad and the good thing happens as if nothing, we accept in the psychologically damage ourselves which we are not happy.
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