Reflective portfolio
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DownloadPart One: Summary of ‘Revelation and Truth’
There are critical fundamental big picture questions that define our belief and way of life. The key issues involve defining who we are, where we came from, where we are heading, why is there evil in the first place and what awaits us after death (Stephens, 2015). Any rational human has beliefs about these issues. As such, they try to justify the truth that we claim to believe. The understanding of these questions requires a conscious mind able to think to criticise and analyse them to establish reason and meaning (Stephens, 2015). Humans have different beliefs and understandings of these questions. The only Being who fully understands these issues, purpose, and nature of the entire universe is God. This implies that understanding of this questions requires a more in-depth knowledge of God and how He reveals Himself to us as humans to fulfill our intellectual capacity can understand the truth.
There are some limitations or barriers that hinder the deeper understanding of these questions. For instance, personal barriers like being short in time. It takes a long time to develop proper critical thinking and necessary skills and ideas which are needed in human life. Those that have the time do not have the temperament to sustain deep and long intellectual thoughts. The other limitation is the moral barrier. Some people choose to not know the truth because of what they believe in. The other limitation is caused by human barriers. This implies that as human beings, our starting point of knowledge is the senses.
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Even though it may not end and be reflected in what we see, touch or hear, it forms a beginning point to us understanding the reality and truth. There is also the creaturely barrier. This implies that there exists an ontological gap between human creatures and God. This means that understanding God is beyond key natural intellectual capacity. It is difficult to understand or explain God (Stephens, 2015)
The answers to the big questions are supernatural. Our intellectual capacity to understand the truth is only fulfilled through union eternally with God, meaning being close to God. God reveals the answers to our questions, and this is through having an eternal union with Him. For example, God reveals Himself through the story of creation. The natural human capacity for revelation is also experienced in times of deep silence from God. There are times where people ask why things are happening the way they are, or why is God not answering them. As humans, we understand the reality that things happen for a reason. God has been deepening the understanding of this concepts over time to those who believe in Him, His revelation, and His calling. Through believing in God, one will develop a closer connection and develop a clear, concise understanding of Him.
The underlying difficulties to revelation are diverse. For instance, some people do not believe in revelations because they have not experienced them. Also, revelations do not occur all the time. Revelations help in maintaining the natural order and the subsequent laws of nature intact and the sensible making human knowledge of concepts possible. In another objective, Revelation is contrasted to personal thinking. This indicates that the principles in the sacred scripture are not opposed to natural reason. We accept them by faith since God is the author. Also, critical thinking, knowledge of God and religion are crucial in understanding revelations.
In conclusion, the underlying response to revelation and truth is having faith, trust, and belief in God (the trinity of Him: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), since He is the one, who understands the causes, purpose, and nature of all aspects of the universe.
Part Two
Chapter Analysis
Revelation and truth are vital, dynamic concepts in Christianity as well as other denominations. My understanding of the two concepts was further deepened by the several other literatures reviewed. Revelation in my view, refers to the disclosure and the manifestation of some truth to a relatively rational person by a supernatural being, in this case, God (Ahmad, 1998). This form of communication, or rather indication, occurs beyond means that are ordinary to the human. For example, I believe that God revealed Himself to us as humans, for example, in the story of creation which provides historical accounts of events on how God created man and the entire universe. It takes faith to believe in such a story unlike scientific stories like the evolution and big bang theory. It takes faith to believe in such a story unlike scientific stories like the evolution and big bang theory. There is also the revelation of God through His son Jesus Christ, who is the mediator between human being and God. Thus, the truth behind these concepts requires a deep knowledge of the scripture (the Bible) as well as the deep understanding of how the trinity of God works in our lives.
I agree with the statement that through believing in God, it will assist us in professing our faith professing our faith (Catechism of the church, 1997). It also coincides with the statement made by St. Thomas Aquinas that the only way to know and understand God is when we truly believe Him to be above everything. Thus, there is the natural belief of God’s revelation through His works of creation and the existence of humanity, as also noted by Stephens (2015), in the case study of nature in the article ‘Revelation and Truth.’ I believe that God manifested Himself to Adam and Eve in Genesis story of creation by talking to them, feeding them, clothing them and giving them the power to control and rule the other creatures He created. Humans also communicated freely with God as well as sharing communion with Him (Genesis 1:26, KJV). The revelation was eventually broken when Adam and Eve sinned. Still, after the fall of man, he never ceased to show solitude to his creature. God promised to redeem and bring them back to his heavenly glory through salvation in His son Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9, KJV) This explains the divine and spiritual revelation of God to humanity through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is the truth I believe was fulfilled in the gospel during the time of our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, it also deepens my understanding of the reality that God is a loving God who restored humanity back to His glory through His son Jesus Christ. As it is said in the scripture that for God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16, KJV). This is the truth that everyone and any other believer in Christ subscribe to.
My previous understanding was that Jesus Christ is the savior whom God reveals himself. It broadens up my knowledge of revelation in the sense that God reveals Himself in such a way that He makes me understand the much-hidden purposes of His will (John Paul II, 1998). This is shown through the Holy Spirit who has a spiritual connection with God and shares His divine nature. Through this, God can speak to me, live within, and I can participate in His fellowship (Pope Paul VI, 1965). In the ancient times, God spoke to human beings through the prophets as it is recorded in the old testament of the Bible. In the New Testament, God speaks through His son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ reveals and manifests himself by performing the works of God. Through the miracles and wonders, he performed like healing the sick, raising Lazarus from the dead, feeding five thousand people from five loaves and two fish, commanding the storm to calm among others; through his death and resurrection and through sending the spirit of the truth (John 16:13, KJV). Also, he also confirms the revelation that God is always with those who believe in Him and the truth of His teaching and will free the believers and the church from sin and death as well as raise in eternal life (Romans 6:22, KJV). This is the truth that I uphold and believe that one day at the end of this life, we will meet our Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ.
My understanding, therefore, is that we as humans are called to the obedience of faith to God. This is because our mind’s intellectual capacity has the ability and capability of ascending and understanding the truth which God Himself reveals to us through His teachings. Before making a step of faith, the grace of God, we must precede and assist in the opening of the inner minds so that we can assert and believe in the truth. Also, to further deepen my understanding of revelation and truth, the story of Abraham provides many illustrations. For instance, God promised Abraham to be the father of all nations and that his descendants will be blessed abundantly and they will multiply significantly to fill the universe (Genesis 17:4, KJV). This is a revelation that cannot be argued since we experience it daily on earth. Currently, the universe is full of humans, a revelation that was fulfilled although it may not seem to be an announcement because it occurs daily. It forms the truth and broader understanding of how God Manifests Himself. Other stories also include the story of Noah and the covenant (Genesis 9:1-17, KJV), the story of Job’s suffering (Job 38:1, KJV), among many more others described in the scriptures. Thus, God has revealed Himself by love for humanity as well as providing the answers to the fundamental questions that I ask myself as a rational human being concerning the purpose and meaning my life as a Christian.
God’s revelation to humanity has immersed in history and time and thus, is the truth. In Christian faith, knowledge, as well as truth, are connected intrinsically (Veritatis, 1990). As such, the truth given through God’s revelation to humanity exceeds human knowledge. Furthermore, the fact is not opposed to human reasoning. The truth in itself possesses a force that unifies believers of faith. It breaks the barriers, opposition, and ignorance and unites mankind. Christ broke the walls of separation between humanity and God making us now fellowship together through the Holy Spirit. As such, I urge the church and believers to bear witness to the truth of Christ Jesus who set us free from sin through salvation on the cross.
Ahmad, M. (1998). Revelation, rationality, knowledge, and Truth. Chapter 13. University of
London Press.
“The Holy Bible. The King James Version” (1996). Tyndale House Publishers.
Wheaton. Catholic Bible
“Catechism of the Catholic Church.” (1997). 2nd ed., Retrieved from:
John Paul II. (1998) “Fides et Ratio: Faith and Reason.” Encyclical Letter.
Vatican Website. Retrieved from:
Pope Paul VI. (1965) Second Vatican Council. “Dei Verbum: Dogmatic
Constitution on Divine Revelation.” The Vatican Website. Retrieved from:
Stephens, C. (2015) ‘Revelation and Truth,’ in Brook, A. (Ed.). An Introduction to Philosophy
And Theology within Catholic Liberal Education, Sydney, McGraw-Hill, pp.210-219
Veritatis, D. (1990). Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Ecclesial Vocation of
Theologian Instruction. Vatican Website. Retrieved from:
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