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Reforms Established In Ecuador


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Reforms established in Ecuador


On Friday, July 17, 2020, the President of the Republic of Ecuador Lenín Moreno, reformed the Regulation of the Organic Disabilities Law, through Executive Decree No. 1097 so that in this way be able to avoid improper uses of the norms. We find the article: this article indicates that the acquisition of vehicles is intended for the use of people with disabilities, or for people who are really under the care of a person with disabilities, they will not pay the VAT value, in the purchaseor car importation.


Modified article 28 where the vehicle value should not exceed the value of 60 unified basic salaries $ 24.000, the price at which the vehicle was released, and also apply 15% annual depreciation in the first year, 10% for the second year and another 10% for the third year, also must alsoConsider the exchange rate in force for said date. It also indicates that it will not be considered the importation of vehicles that have been damaged, and have entered the country arranged. 

This is also going to take into account the year of the vehicle model. This reform also establishes that, in order to be exonerated from VAT, the Ministry of Public Health must allow electronic authorization that corresponds to the importation of goods for people with disabilities, and this document will be delivered to the Ecuadorian single window. It also indicates that the National Traffic Agency (ANT), within 30 days, will formulate the regulations for the plate.

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In order to differentiate vehicles for the use or benefit of people with disabilities. With this reform we hope that people with disabilities are really the beneficiaries, since we have seen that many people have drawn a disability card to obtain these benefits, harming people with disabilities, these legislators and government officials explained to the Health CommissionFrom the National Assembly the obtaining of Disability Carnes.

Most of them denies that they obtained it for benefit, and others prefer not to answer the questions that are asked. It is more than obvious that these people took advantage of the power they had to obtain these benefits, we are doing very hard in a country in which many people are only interested in their well -being, and take advantage of the jobs in which they are, without givingCount the damage that causes those who really need as in this case people with disabilities.


Hopefully with the new reform established by the president there are really changes because we know that people with disabilities are the most vulnerable groups and those who need the most. The President also eliminated article 30 in which he indicated that, to benefit from the benefit of exemption under the provisions of the Organic Law of Disability, the Ministry of Public Health will issue the corresponding electronic authorization for the implementation of exclusive use goodsof people with disabilities. 

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