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Relationships and Social-Media
Both the old and new media distort our perceptions of how relationships should work. In the past, people came together following an arrangement by the parents, when they wanted to expand kingdoms or lands. Love came in second. Presently, love is all that matters. But the overemphasis is clear in the media. The stories they tell, the songs and books they write talk about true love and how it conquers all. However, it does not work this way. This paper scrutinizes how the media influences our thoughts on relationships and what research suggests.
The media negatively influence people’s perceptions of relationships. Though some of the images portrayed are tantalizing, the end result is a disappointment and heartbreak because what is portrayed is not the reality (Coyne et al. 153). For instance, instead of two people spending time together, they engage in mediated reality which forces them apart. At the end of the day, the opposite partner sees the other not as perfect as they imagined.
Research suggests that in America alone, an average person consumes around 3,500 to 5000 marketing messages daily. They also spend an average of 41 hours weekly on technological devices like cell phones, television, and the internet (Fernandez and Mary, 322). Experts are only at the embryonic stages of understanding how the fast-changing technological culture affects relationships and human love long term. Due to technology, especially social media, the way people fall in love and connect with relationships have changed significantly.
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More alarming is how people meet online and start dating. People live fake lives on social media and what a person gets when they connect in person is not what they expect.
It is difficult to navigate the uncharted waters, discern the reality and start a healthy relationship. The media negatively influences the human perception about relationships by portraying the desired outlook. Those who fall victim will always suffer in the long run.
Works Cited
Coyne, Sarah M., Et Al. “I Luv U :)!” A Descriptive Study Of The Media Use Of Individuals In Romantic Relationships.” Family Relations 60.2 (2011): 150-162.
Fernandez, Sofia, and Mary Pritchard. “Relationships between Self-Esteem, Media Influence and Drive for Thinness.” Eating Behaviors 13.4 (2012): 321-325.
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