Relationships Within Marriage And Impact On Ecuadorian Society
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In February, from 1 to 14, from the United States, Spain and Italy arrived around 20.000 people to Ecuador, countries where the COVID-19 virus began to expand exponentially, the first woman who arrived in the country from Spain on February 14, presented symptoms of the virus to the next day, February 15, was hospitalized in the hospitalfrom Guayaquil since I present health complications, (Ecuador Ecuador, 2020).
Within the dependent issue that is being developed, marriage relations have also been affected by social isolation due to the health emergency by COVID-19, this implying the case of marriage as another aspect that can be observed within the subject of theCouples, registering from the country of Pandemia, China, more than 300 divorces scheduled in the Dazhou, Sichuan province, in southern China, Lu Shijun, manager of the Divorcios de Dazhou Registry, pointed out in the media in the mediapremises that "the divorce rate (in the district) has triggered compared to before (from the coronavirus outbreak)]". This evidenced on February 24 (Sepúlveda, 2020). But in other regions such as the Silk Route. A system of citations was established on March 1 as a way to avoid the concentration of people in the middle of the epidemic. Four days later, the registration had reached the top of its capacity (Tévez, 2020). In other cases, the crisis scenario is presented, which means that, in adults, stress and anxiety may occur for the situation that is being experienced, referring to the fact that in daily coexistence from the emergency by COVID-19,So situations that cannot be managed due to negativity effects can be presented giving as an example the study of a University of TorontAverage confinement of 10 days, high prevalence of psychological anguish symptoms were evidenced.
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29% of the participants reported symptoms of post -traumatic stress and 31% of respondents of depression symptoms. (Sepúlveda, 2020).
Continuing now with our country, this year, until March 14, 690 marriages were held in the Civil Registry Corporation, of the municipality of Guayaquil. With quarantine because of the emergency by COVID-19 at least one hundred couples who had already separated a date in this institution, between March 16 and May 29, stayed with the party ready, and although for sevenDays (May 4) The Government has announced the resumption of some activities, they will have to undergo new regulations, including the number of people who will attend the ceremony. This on behalf of marriages that have already been postponed by the aforementioned reason the director of the Civil Registry Corporation of Guayaquil, Olivier Dumani, explains the provisions that are being adjusted in order to return to hold marriages, taking the measures and collections forAvoid agglomerations and protect partners and institution’s personnel, according to the protocols of the Emergency Operations Committee (COE) (El Comercio, 2020).
In Quito the new provisions issued by President Lenín Moreno to stop the expansion of COVID-19 make the activities scheduled in the public sector suffer variations in a matter of hours or minutes. For example, marriages that were scheduled between March 16 and 21 will be reprogrammed, the Civil Registry announced, and the parties will be contacted by the entity to define the new dates to formalize the unions. (Rueda, 2020).
Returning to the problems in marriage, other evidence are given after living in the contingency by COVID-19 there is the increase in conflicts in this situation cause other types of characteristics apart from the divorce of couples, or postpone theMarriage for contingency since that requires the population and also arranged by the Government and the Civil Registry (El Comercio, 2020). The other visible problems are more personal in the sense of intimacy, attributing errors to the couple, in the study of the UDP Academy attribute errors only to the other. In the year 2000 researchers investigated the different “attribution styles” of couples and discovered that when the couple is repeatedly blamed for errors and those are assumed as internal failures (‘you always do this or never look’)to greater marriage dissatisfaction and more probability of divorce. Before blaming behavior for an inherent feature, says the study, give the couple the benefit of the doubt. (Sepúlveda, 2020).
In interpersonal values it is found that as the human being as a social being must and needs to live and interact with other human beings, but the isolation in quarantine by COVID-19 causes a state of stress where this is caused or developed moreConflicts, also due to space factors in which it is inhabited, since stress can be felt when you are locked in your own home although you are aware that this restriction of exit is for contagios and increase in infected andDead, we must tolerate one’s intolerance and do things not to contaminate the rest, says Heresi, "because there is not only a risk of virus infection, but the infection of anxiety". Listen to music, have time alone, exercise, all help to keep calm in time that there is no calm, he says. "This is a real threat, we are not crazy, we are seeing every minute as more people die and that is a reality, but we have to calm and not panic". (Sepúlveda, 2020), this as an analysis of the theme of infections within thought in couples, is undoubtedly a crucial moment for relationships. Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher, an outstanding researcher on couples relationships, recently stressed in an interview with the US television network.UU. CBS in the This Morning program: “This is going to be a period of great growth for relationships. Couples will grow together or separate ". (Sepúlveda, 2020).
The psychologist cited as Gutiérrez, in these cases recommends if some inconvenience is presented advises meditation to reach tranquility, and although the attachment theory speaks that in the links in moments of anxiety we seek to approach figuresOf attachment important to calm us down, there is also the need to have personal moments, explains Heresi: "We need a person and individual relationship with us". (Sepúlveda, 2020). In the chronology already established, at present, another problem is presented apart from those already seen, the violence and domestic abuse and violence that can be given during confinement. “Aggressive people do not relax in closed environments. On the contrary, ”says Mireia Cabero. “In relationships that are already broken before confinement, or in which there are abusive behaviors, the alert must be taken. Violent people now have it easier if possible: home visits are restricted, no one will see the battered woman down the street. Or to the children. Be very careful with that. In these situations we must activate courage and seek foreign support immediately. And the environment, the neighbors, must collaborate more than ever giving notice to the authorities in suspicions of abuse at home ”(García, 2020), now presenting themselves as domestic violence as a result of the emergency by COVID-19 or the isolation, but consideringThe opinion of the specialists in human fields The psychoanalyst Agustina Fernández, a member of the Psychoanalyst Association of Argentina mentions that we consider whether or not to spend an indefinite amount of time with our partner can be a difficult decision, especially if we have not spent much time togetherbefore. “There are those who have no alternative, they live as a family, they have children, brothers and parents who transform into colleagues twenty -four hours. Even those who already live as a couple must face this situation without much choice. However, there are people who are in a couple but do not have the modality of coexistence. They can choose ". Also mentioning the psychoanalyst Fiorella Litvinoff of the same association as the psychoanalyst Agustina Fernández says that “quarantine obliges those who live together to know each other otherwise. The exterior as a form of evasion of the other or as a distance is no longer a possibility. And for those couples who do not live, it may not be the best option to do it now, since they would be making the decision not for a process of maturation of the couple but forced by external circumstances ”. (Infobae, 2020). Concluding that external circumstances also as the environment and personal development of the couple depend on the situation in which it is located, but by the contingency by COVID-19, with what has already been presented before we observe the current situation today today.
On February 29, 2020 the first case of Coronavirus was confirmed. While on March 13, 2020 the National COE for Emergency Coordination was activated. Through Ministerial Agreement, issued on March 11, 2020 by the Minister of Health of that time, the health emergency status is declared in the National Health System. (El Comercio, 2020), Covid-19 cases confirmed in Ecuador amounted to 4.450 and deaths, 242. The first positive detected person was a 70 -year -old woman on February 29 (Labarthe, 2020). Getting observing complications such as crime, breach of the remaining touch that on March 21, Saturday 2020, the curfew was declared except in Guayas, Santa Elena and Galapagos from 4:00 p.m. (El Comercio,2020), until the current date, on March 15 it was decreed that the departure of aircraft that lead to foreigners who fucked in the country to their country of origin (Zevallos, 2020) which caused the isolation in the country isNotable seeing in some social, economic situations apart from health, in the Ecuadorian case, as in others in the region, confinement immersed many homes in the crisis that cannot at the same time respect security measures and eat every day. This caused scenes of social violence, such as those registered in the San Roque market, located in a popular area of Quito, where the products and material of small informal merchants were destroyed with heavy machinery by the Mayor’s Office of Quito. On the Internet several recordings of military and police abuses were disseminated during operations to enforce the restrictions of the state of emergency. On the night of April 4, a 19 -year -old drowned in a river in the province of Los Ríos while trying to flee a police control because the time of the curfew was passed. In other parts of the Amazon East, distant peoples already report difficulties for supplying certain products, while indigenous communities suffer several simultaneous cataclysm due to the heavy rains that have destroyed houses, bridges and access roads to their territories. Many have self-isolated against the fear of being contaminated and potentially very affected by distances to health services in case of pollution. The wet season is adding additional difficulties to health and socio -economic problems. (Labarthe, 2020). With the varied opinions of the people of the country, observing that some media, as well as accounts in social networks of quite identified political groups, let them understand that so many people are dying that the medical and funeral system would be collapsed, to such a point that"Leave" corpses on the sidewalks of that wet and hot city. That is false: according to Plan V magazine, among other sources, the funerary of Guayaquil have stopped working at the time the amount of deaths began to increase, which collapsed the system. The official spokesman Jorge Wated explains that the pandemic alert "complicated the functioning of the city’s mortuary system," which "is understandable when there is an increase in deceased, a limitation of people to be able to work in all sectors". (Labarthe, 2020)
Also seeing complications after the deaths of people who died from COVID-19, Interior Minister María Paola Romo affirmed on March 30 that Guayaquil and other regions had managed mortality peaks still comparable to other moments (dengue, earthquake, etc.), but to avoid the spread of funeral workers and handle the rise in mortality to come, the funeral works would be assumed by the State. The government then launched an emergency program for the funeral of the deceased. After requested land to the city of Guayaquil for an eventual "common fossa", the government later said that everyone will have a worthy burial in a "holy field". Internalizing in the media that the population considers important it was observed that since the original version of this article was published, the information was realized by the severity of the situation and the original figures of the dead were increasing. On the one hand, according to the death records presented by the President of the Board of Directors of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS), Jorge Wated, 6 would have died 6.800 people above the normal average between mid -March and mid -April only in the province of Guayas. On the other hand, the Ministry of Health recorded less than 200 deaths per COVID-19 to the national scale, verified according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO). As this requires publishing only figures obtained with valid tests, the official numbers of deaths from COVID-19 evolve totally out of what the death records reveal, equally "official". «It is not that the numbers do not match. The figures give us different information, ”said Interior Minister María Paola Romo.
At the national scale, the Government registered on May 8, 2020, over a total of 82.312 Tests, 28.818 cases and 1.704 deaths proven by COVID-19 from patient 1, detected in March. While trying to multiplic. (Labarthe, 2020).
And within what consists with the media, these do not present the complete information or cover the data collected from the current situation, but the reasons are not known, this type of problems linked to the quality of the information,That all countries face their own way, appears exacerbated in Ecuador for political disputes, which recently included a judicial sentence to Correa by the Supreme Court. The way in which the question of the appearance of corpses is addressed in the street announces both the rhythm and the political tone of the general collapse towards which the country is directed if the measures taken by the government do not accelerate, and if it does not improve substantiallyThe situation for essential workers to perform their tasks effectively. In fact, this is not very different from the situation in Italy, especially in the rich province of Lombardía, where in early March the deceased were for days in urban apartments before being retired. (Infobae, 2020).
In the sense of Ecuadorian society we see that individual or collective effects are produced due to the impact of Covid-19 isolation since on the date of March 21, Saturday 2020, the curfew was declared except in Guayas,Santa Elena and Galapagos from 4:00 p.m. (El Comercio, 2020), the alarm state decreed by the government to deal with the expansion of the new coronavirus forces citizens to remain confined all or much of the day at home. It is a potentially stressful situation, in the first place for the reasons that have led to taking these drastic measures, and also because of the uncertainty of not knowing for how long the situation will continue, there is a first psychological effect that occurs in this typeof confinement situations due to a crisis that is, paradoxically, a certain tranquility. This is because the citizen perceives that something is being done to control the crisis, whether it is a massive terrorist attack as if it is a health epidemic or a natural catastrophe. In the midst of chaos, something is being done and we can also take refuge in an apparently sure place that is our home, ”explains the expert. Citing José Ramón Ubierte Pardo. Professor of Psychology at the Open University of Catalonia. (González, 2020), and on the negative effects of isolation Professor José Ramón Ubie. “It is not the same a situation in which you do not have any movement margin, than the one currently in Spain: there is no currency touch or state of exception and therefore certain routines of everyday life such as going to do thebasic purchase or work as the case are being done. That limits the feeling of overwhelming and imprisonment ". On the other hand, and to help better emotions and stress during these weeks, psychologists recommend guidelines such as forcing themselves to perform certain activities: putting on the alarm or booking time to stretch at home are simple tricks that can help have aa certain sense of normality. (González, 2020). Concluding that with the beginning and recreation of the virus, it has caused more changes in the behavior of the entire population.
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