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Religion and polotics being aligned with each other.


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Religion and Politics
In the contemporary world, the number of people who identify with certain religions has declined significantly. However, despite these changes, religion has had great effects on our society and community for many years. Religion has promoted social cohesion and solidarity in our society through several shared beliefs and rituals. When people in a given culture have a strong belief in a certain religion, it is highly likely to affect their culture. As a result, their culture begins to accept only the behaviors that acceptable according to that religion. For instance, many Muslim countries today are greatly affected by Islam today. In our modern society, religion sets the morals of how they need to behave. For instance, according to Christin beliefs, stealing, killing, and coveting are all considered as sins.
I believe that religion and politics should be aligned since we live our everyday lives according to our religious teachings and politics is also part of our lives. It is from a religion where values are made and these values make the laws that run society. For instance, the United States has Judeo-Christian values and they are used to make laws. We cannot also separate politics and religion since it is not possible to separate our private self from our public lives (Ashford, n.p). In one way or the other, our hearts loyalties will radiate towards public actions and words. Both religion and politics clash, converge and shape our public life and these intersections occur everywhere.

Wait! Religion and polotics being aligned with each other. paper is just an example!

Some societal issues such as same-sex marriage, abortion, marijuana legalization, and sex education in public schools, revolve around politics and religion. According to early European history, religion played a significant role in Europe’s political development. Therefore, it is evident that religion and politics are two issues that cannot be easily separated.
Works Cited
Ashford, Bruce. “Two Reasons Why Religion and Politics Cannot Be Separated. Retrieved from https://billygraham.org/story/two-reasons-why-religion-and-politics-cannot-be-separated/On 13th November 2018.

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