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Religion In The Constructions Of Ancient Egypt


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Religion in the constructions of ancient Egypt


Before all this I will mention some of the important points, such as the matter of the longest period in history (prehistory), many of us have to ask ourselves perhaps, why the history of prehistoric art?, For this is fundamental, since in order to understand the current contexts and behaviors of us as human beings we have to know or rather investigate it a bit to continue.

 And this is how I speak of one of the main ideas in the text and that also allows usimmersed before these ideas, that is, I do not intend with this knowledge to definitively the religious events that marked the history of Egypt, if not, rather, to understand the fundamental role that religion had before the artistic constructions and the different points of view focused on thesesame.


It is important to review how fundamentally religion is in the oldest era, since it had a specific function, we must understand that as humanity we undergo constant change and that religion today gives us a turn completely, nowWell, let’s review some interesting points of view, according to Mafla Terán, ‘science and technique are carriers of knowledge and undeniable well -being, but by themselves they are not carriers of meaning, utopia, guidance, support, vital power and vital power andof hope in the face of adversity, pain and death. Hence, religion continues to have a preeminent place and function in people’s lives ’.

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Now analyzing this position I can affirm that as human beings we cannot talk about what happens when we die because no one has had the ability to return, while technological and scientific changes cannot give an explanation of absolutely everything that on the one hand isWell, since as people we have to always be investigating and looking for premises to respond and if we find the response of everything, it may no longer be the same and life would not have any sense.

It is also important to raise the idea that religion fulfills to functionality, when we give this word to something there must be a change in the social, the technological, in addition to the vital, because religion leads the human being to break with its natural conditionand connect with a fundamental by limiting a notion of religion and thus we create fundamental, which will not always be the same for everyone, but in a way religion is not possible without ourselves functioning as living organisms because there is a strong correlation and coexistence between the two.

Therefore, it is essential to raise an idea within the different artistic historical contexts, since we will always find different technological, and aesthetic advances, with the term of aesthetics I mean what does to be something and also that this goesTo tend to fulfill a function mostly, making clear the above now if I will talk about Egyptian culture and then raise some important premises for the development of religious constructs in time.

We will start talking about one of the greatest civilizations today and its settlements, since as we already know Egypt is located on the side of the Nile River, it had a bit difficult agriculture, but still is if it was achieved because the floodThis transformed it into a fertile and free land for crops, thanks to these, they were able to have a broader development and that the growth of some plants was achieved by the annual flood that covered the valley. 

 Just as the river was key to the development of agriculture, this was also for communication, since it can be said that at some point the trade was developed and that the unification of the same favored politics that in turn broughtI get a series of relationships and this is how a strong work organization used for the construction of large monuments and tombs is created.

Egypt was one of the most important, most interesting and outstanding settled civilizations to investigate with lush characteristics such as the fact that the main date on which it arose, in short, there have been so many things discovered than on countless occasions that on countlessWe can only talk that something could be treated because we are not sure that it was, despite something we are going to talk about and it is very important is the question of religion as the summit of how art arose mainly and then investigatemore in some processes such as hieratic and duality issues in this, as well as the question of the development of the main arts and their technological functionality at the time, we will also resume some of the main gods in this.

However, years later it was discovered and scientists could not deduce well what it was about if it had not been because it contained some parts in Greek. The rosette stone is the one that helps us to understand various texts were already registered in low relief and even some scrolls.

In itself, the Egyptian writing has always been important, but within it we find three types of writing, the first one that are the hieroglyphs and that was very common to be in monuments and sculptures, it was written from left to right, from right to leftAnd from top to bottom, on the other hand there was also the hieratic writing that the scribes and priests used and that served to write religious texts, finally we will find demotic writing: which was used for daily life and commerce, to all this writing the writingIt was always very important not only for social and political issues, but this was functional to have a record of the events that passed at the moment.

As a second point we will talk about the power of the pharaoh, since we know in ancient times and the first Egyptian records that are said that in the first dynasties the pharaoh was important, since authors like Assman, place that the power of the pharaoh was supreme and practicallyIt was a God, here we found some architectural issues, since if Pharaoh died, a pyramid should be built to idolize him and that he was happy, although as time moved away, I will be building this issue totally. 

 For the Middle Empire, this issue is completely in the first dynasties and began to be separated although not completely the idea of the god-pose, however it is until the new empire that this break will be completely given, the pharaoh will have more political matters to deal withIn addition, society will not have it in a status of God or Son of God, but rather God sent him and is in his heart and that is why the Egyptians had a thought of the abstract as the divine.


As for the artistic novelties produced towards the pharaoh we also find fundamental elements over time, and the importance can be denoted through the different artistic novelties, since to understand this we can find three main words and concepts: the civil authoritythat forms an extremely important role not only in this civilization but in all.

 Pharaoh’s life was denoted in many aspects and with simultaneous characteristics in the production of its cultural goods, we find quite a lot of palatine architecture. In itself, the production of architecture from the power of the pharaoh, we can also find a large iconographic sample, mostly we can find essential features according to the years, the pharaohs played a fundamental role not only socio -political.