View all "Religion" ready papers, essays and assignments
Zeus mythology and history Introduction Zeus was the king of the Olympic gods and the supreme deity of the Greek religion . Often known as the Father, as the god......
Work stress, sleep disorders and how to manage it The present grade thesis is part of the contributions of work psychology, a circumscribed area in the study plan of the......
Women who have changed the world Introduction Throughout history, humans learn about figures such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Tesla, etc. However, there are times that i...
Words: 1748
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Women's Labor Law in Ecuador Summary Women's labor law has become a letter of triumph for some and for other lessons to learn. In Latin America, firm steps have been......
Words: 2557
Pages: 9
Women's education during the nineteenth century Introduction With the next work I intend to illustrate women's education in the course of the nineteenth century, for this I will ou...
Words: 1760
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Women in the Catholic Church, a silenced majority “A Spanish man San Juan de Ávila and a German woman Hildegarda de Bingen received one of the greatest honors of the......
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Witch hunting in Europe during the Modern Age Witch hunting was a tragic episode of history that happened in Europe during the Modern Age. It is here when the foundations......
Words: 1556
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Witchcraft in the Spanish Inquisition In 1692 in the city of Salem, the famous witch hunt took place. In Salem there were few executions and imprisonments of witches compared......
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Pages: 5
Will to power and the great songs of Nietzsche INTRODUCTION This book describes what is considered as the main engine of man: the ambition to achieve his desires, the......
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William Heard Kilpatrick project teaching method INTRODUCTION. Who is William Heard Kilpatrick? Kilpatrick was known for developing the "project method" and collaborato...
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Pages: 8
Whitman and "The Society of Dead Poets" In the movie "The Society of Dead Poets" thoughts and expressions of the great American poet Walt Whitman can be captu...
Words: 4218
Pages: 15
When the punishment goes beyond death Introduction One of men's greatest intrigues is to know what happens after death. Years Man has been questioning if what is written in the......
Words: 1366
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What I know of the independence of Mexico of Hidalgo y Cueilla What I know about Mexico's independence was that it was being prepared by Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, who......
What are the essays and what is their origin The essay is a literary genre that deals with a specific topic, many times the essays serve to express an idea,......
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We must know the meaning of the word political Introduction First, we must know the meaning of the word political, since it works directly in the imposition of an idea......
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Weddings in their cultures Introduction In Spain, traditional weddings are very large and long. They usually invite more than 200 people! First they exchange votes, then there is a...
We are a reflection of our culture This essay is intended to publicize the relevant information about one of the most famous works of the Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, which......
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Vision between the Peruvian State and the Catholic Church INTRODUCTION Peru is a mainly Catholic country, since until 2017 citizens over 12 are Catholics, compared to 14.1% that ...
Utopia by Tomás Moro, Study The word utopia is used to define an ideal society but is considered unattainable. This concept and definition comes thanks to an author named......
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Understanding of the fundamental convictions of Buddhism Buddhism arises from Hinduism from Hinduism when Siddharta Gautam. This through his effort reached a state of wisdom and...
Words: 1314
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Uncertainty between evil and absolute goodness in 'Fausto' Fausto literary work by Johann Wolfang Goethe, divided into two parts: the first was published in 1808;The second part...
Words: 1254
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Transhumanism and Eugenics: The future of Medicine The future of biomedical sciences As we see these sciences are currently under a revolution process and for example, we even reth...
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Towards a theology of religious pluralism Introduction Jacques Dupuis, Belgian Catholic theologian, at a time of his work towards a Christian theology of religious pluralism, publi...
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Tourism and religious conflict Introduction Tourism is one of the greatest generators of economic and cultural development where it is practiced, this is because people from other ...
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Tokugawa Shogunato and contacts with Mexico Introduction The first friendship contacts between Japan and Japan occurred with the sinking of San Francisco's galleon in Iwawada (toda...
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Those who have knowledge, do not predict: those who predict, have no knowledge How this thought of Lao-Tse "those who are aware, do not predict: who predict, do not have......
Words: 1322
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The work of the Greek poet Sophocles, Antigona Antigone is a tragic work written by, the Greek poet, Sophocles. It was first recreated in the year 411 to.C. The plot......
The waves of terrorism and the situation of Colombia “It is said that if you know others and you know yourself, or in a hundred battles you will be in......
The Venice Mercader movie The Venice merchant is a film set in a work by William Shakespeare, which transports us to Venice in 1596 and in a certain way......
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The universal affirmation of human rights “Human rights are a set of principles, of universal acceptance, constitutionally recognized and legally guaranteed, aimed at ensuring hu...
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The Trojan War and its main Greco -Roman heroic figures The Trojan War has served, for centuries, how reference point for the study and analysis of ancient Greek and Roman......
The traditional practice of female genital mutilation Female genital mutilation is a traditional practice that entails the cutting of the clitoris in girls or women. Although its p...
The three phases that man crosses to become the Super Man Introduction On October 15, 1844, Friedrich Nietzsche was born. He came from a German family, Protestant shepherds. His fa...
THE THIRD SEX: LAS DIES Introduction The theme that I have decided to deal with in this second anthropological essay of the subject Social Anthropology, is related to sexuality, re...
Words: 2835
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The symbolism of the peacock in India The peacock also fulfills the sacred animal function and is related to several gods. Within its religious role this animal will be the......
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The symbolism marked by religion Introduction The symbolism of San Manuel Bueno, martyr as part of the generation of 98, Miguel de Unamuno was always worried about philosophical is...
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The study of the Greek tragedy of Antigona The antigone literary composition, ἀντιγόνη in Greek, is a Greek tragedy written in the 5th century before Christ by the trag...
The story of San Agustin de Hipona Aurelio Agustín de Hipona was born in Tagaste on November 13, 354 - August 28, 430, Latin Theologian, one of the greatest figures......
The story of Rome is an essential source Introduction From its foundation as a city in 753 to.C. Until the fall of the Roman Empire of the West in the......
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The story of Abigail Williams Introduction. In the play Las Brujas de Salem written by the American playwright Arthur Miller in 1953, based on the judgments of Salem witches of.....
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