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Saint Augustin of Hipona Author of the City of God Aurelius Augustinus was born in 354 in the municipality of Thagaste (currently Souk Ahras, Algeria) in the Roman province of......

Romantic painting and romanticism in Spain Romanticism is an artistic and literary movement that arises in England and Germany and will extend at the end of the S. XIX for......

Roman procedural law, the basis of the modern procedure Roman procedural law was a long evolution system used in the Roman courts, which in its subsequent stages formed the basis.....

Roman law concept and great jurists Because the concept of law in the Roman period was understood in various ways we will talk about a multidimensional understanding. Among the var...

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Role of women in Spanish society of the nineteenth century Introduction In the 18th century, both Spanish and European society suffers a change. Initially, with the arrival of the ...

Role of genres in contraception: men always know less How informed are men regarding the different contraceptive methods?, eclipses a lot to what I have been able to realize about....

Robinson Crusoe and the colonial context To understand the concept of the novel as an allegory of British colonialism, it is useful Many characteristics of the colonial context. Th...

Rituals in Freemasonry Introduction Freemasonry develops through the practice that masons make of their rituals. The Masonic rite can be defined as a set of ceremonial practices th...

Río Nilo in the development of Egyptian civilization Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures of which there has been a record, existing for more than 6,000 years. This...

Right to the subjective feeling of national identity  National identity can be defined as the subjective feeling of the individual to belong to a specific nation, to a community i...

Right to education interpreted as a human right INTRODUCTION The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is a main reference as a source of law, since those states signed to this......

Rights of sexuality and invisibility in society Introduction This essay is about the importance of sexuality as an opportunity for dialogue, from a reflexive and active position, e...

Review of the Literature of the Human Rights Committee The Human Rights Committee, in its article on civil and political rights defines discrimination as: “… Any distinction, e...

Revelation and religions summary In revelation the trinity is communicated, revelation which gives the base to the church. If God has been completely revealed in Jesus, other revel...

Result of the indigenous movement Introduction It is a movement that seeks to avoid the loss of Andean culture after the colonization of the Spaniards in addition to also having......

Report on Jewish sacred texts Judaism is one of the oldest religions and has been considered as the first monotheistic religion. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in......

René Descartes and his contribution to philosophy René Descartes, a fifteenth -century French rationalist philosopher, hesitated all the knowledge disseminated by the scholastic ...

Renaissance, the beginning of secularization and civil charity Introduction. In the years of the Renaissance, a greater implication of the public authorities in the control of hosp...

Religious freedom and children's education The main subject to be addressed in this judgment is the right to education of article 27.1 CE, in reference to the guarantee that public...

Religious Conflict: Secularization Introduction It is understood as secularization, that phenomenon or process that entails the differentiation between the ecclesiastical and relig...

Religious conflict: Jerusalem people Introduction The Crusades were nothing more than a succession of military campaigns sanctioned by Pope Urban Ll who thirsty for power was propo...

Religious beliefs in the Middle Ages Introduction Medieval philosophy for this time established all its actions by highlighting the name of God, all processes were carried out unqu...

Religion makes us better human beings   Spirituality as an immaterial need of each individual, can be considered a primary part of man, more precisely, as that part that together....

Religion in the constructions of ancient Egypt Introduction Before all this I will mention some of the important points, such as the matter of the longest period in history (prehis...

Religion in Spain's education Today, we live in a multicultural society, we are surrounded by students with different religious beliefs. Therefore, religious tolerance must exist w...

Religion affected a social disorganization of the people of Salem Introduction The objective of carrying out this work is to deduce how an expression can produce great inequality s...

Relationship of criminal social control with the Constitution It is undeniable that we have faced a constitutionalization of the legal system in general, and of course, the constit...

Relationship between spirituality and fitness and how to integrate them Introduction Spirituality and fitness are related? First, it is important to have the notion of fitness and ...

Reflection on the weight of Rome in European culture Introduction Traveling to Rome is a very different experience from visiting any other city in Europe. The feeling it causes is....

Reflection of the literary work "The tribulations of the student Törless" The taboos have existed in our society regardless of the place of origin, being results of huma...

Reflection: Arthur Miller's Salem witches Introduction. Under the context of American colonial history, we have the events that occurred in the small town of Salem, which are descr...

Reasoning of Philosophy Introduction Mythology, as a science has to be taken into consideration, began to be seriously accepted in the highest academic circles during the last half...

Reason: Definition of the concept by Aristotiles Rationality Since the beginning of philosophical thought, multiple philosophers have recognized that man, in itself, is distinguish...

Real Case of Charles Manson Sociopathy Introduction The case we are going to deal with is that of Charles Manson, in order to understand and explain the events from a......

Racism in the sports field Introduction This essay addresses the theme on racism in the sports field. Racism is a problem that stops the development and progress of human beings......

Racism in the educational field in Ecuador Introduction Have you ever been humiliated by the simple fact of belonging to a country, culture, ethnicity or skin color different from ...

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Racism in Mexico: A problem far from solving free writing in Spanish, 1009 words Racism in Mexico has been a big problem for many years. The color of the skin......

Racism as hatred and discrimination in Peru Introduction When we talk about racism we know that it is a type of discrimination that arises because of the hatred originated between....

Racial segregation: Historic period Introduction South Africa lived gloomy times during the so -called Apartheid, a historical period based on racial segregation or separation, whi...

Pyramides and architectural forms of ancient Egypt Introduction In this essay the theme of a cultural, social and political process of the Egyptians will be addressed;We will talk ...

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