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Religious Freedom And The Problem In Education


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Religious freedom and the problem in education

«… It is not enough to be free to do what you are already.You should also be free to "become" what your conscience demands about you.»(Gatt & Pallares, 2018)

This essay aims to analyze the problem facing children and adolescents by exercising their right to religious freedom while educated. In our country, the right to religious freedom is granted to all persons in article 24 of our Constitution (CPEUM, 1917). This constitutional text establishes that “every person has the right to freedom of ethical convictions, of conscience and religion, and to have or adopt, where appropriate, the first article specifies that the rights that emanate from the Constitution will be recognizedTo all regardless of age.

Next, the implications of the right to free religion in minors, the obstacles, the consequences and the possible solution will be analyzed. Starting from the hypothesis that for this right to be carried out, the opportunities for searching, questioning and development in children and adolescents must be extended. 

Religion has accompanied the human being for about 5,000 years before the present in its polytheistic form and is not by chance, that this date coincides with that of the first kingdoms, writing and money (Harami, 2014), sincehas taken one of the most influential places in human life. When pretending to define it we find a problem, because there would be as many meanings as religions, each with their views, meanings and beliefs, while the 5 greatest and widely known: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

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The five forming parents of contemporary man internationally.

However, many authors dare to define it, for example, Georges Bataille (1973) who in his theory of religion, defines it as follows: “Religion is the questioning of all things.

Religions are the buildings that have formed the varied responses: in covered by those buildings, an excessive questioning continues ”.On the other hand, Fernando de Orbaneja (2013) points out that religion cannot be defined as the relationship between God and man, as many authors do it, since “a social institution formed by a set of people united by common beliefsand for the fulfillment of a series of rites and norms ".This meaning is terribly wrong for Christian believers, since Christianity is within the religions revealed by God, together with Judaism and Islam. So they affirm that their religion was not formed by people, but by God.

On the other hand, Erich fromm (1983) talks about the purposes of religion supported by the Judeo -Christian tradition and how it has a double function: to "explain the world of nature" and "to give moral principles, that is,an ethic ". If we seek religious definitions, we can find more inclined meanings to refer to the morality that each religion keeps, series of principles, beliefs, ways to achieve an end and response. Or perhaps, as the Bible would define the other religions: "It is of no use that they are worshiping me, because they teach doctrines that are mandates of men" (Mark 7: 7) .However, the approach of this essay intends, or at least tries, preserve a much more legal perception (and perhaps somewhat philosophical), in addition to contributing a bit of the point.

Now, in the field of freedom, it is well known that it goes beyond doing what each one wanted and that is closer to the right to make decisions within the possibilities, due to the human ability to reason.I would even dare to say that the State, recognizing the right to freedom, must not only respect the decisions of individuals, but to promote the ability to expand this range of possibilities to be able to exercise this right.It is extremely tragic, but in our country there are young people who are facing the need to survive and among their small options to do so, if not, they are all oriented towards crime, such as organized crime.

Given this situation, it is impossible to exercise their right to be free, since their possibilities are absurd and are obstacles to perform as a human being.Charles Malik points out that "… a manifestation of the dignity of the person implies the possibility of being its own, through free posture taking, the demands of what his own human person implies” (Gatt & Pallares, 2018),identifying with this position, freedom of thought.The Lebanese diplomat, who in his own flesh lived injustices made by Nazi followers in Germany of the last century, seeks to provide the person with individuality, to rescue her from the masses and that can be, which implies conserving humanity itself.In addition to avoiding conflicts such as those already suffered by ideologies imposed or disseminated in a manipulative way.

Therefore, religious freedom is something much more important, true and complete than only a religion freely exercises and that is allowed the externalization of beliefs.The same Lebanese diplomat points out that religious freedom goes further and allows the individual, to decide from the deepest of his being. That is, religious freedom allows to be and become every moment.In order for religious freedom to be fully. So the opportunity to look for different points of view and know different ideas and land must be allowed.

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