Replies to Radicial Jesus
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Radical Jesus Replies
Reply to J.K
Jesus was not exclusively a radical social activist as some people tend to say today. With politics and religion disheveled in a world dissimilar to modern times, it would be reasonable to conclude that Jesus was principally a religious prophet whose activities, actions, and misactions may be understood as social activism veiled in religiosity. He challenged not only religious authorities but also religio-political injustices that derived from them. He proclaimed the reign of God, and his actions in exorcisms, miracle, and healings attest to religious divinatory inroads into humanity. People like Yu who discredit the religious leadership of Jesus lead Christians astray. Jesus’ sayings and teaching are explicit. Although He never talked homosexuality, Jesus generally talked about sexual immorality, and He emphasized that marriage is supposed to be between a man and woman. I, therefore, agree with J.K.
Reply to N.L
N.L is right. Martin’s viewpoint that Romans crucified Jesus because his followers carried weapons publicly and were on a mission to raze down Herod’s temple does not hold up. This claim lacks substance and only seeks to make Christians think ill about Jesus and his intentions. The truth according to the Bible is that Jesus was a pacificist who sought peace for everyone. The reason why Jesus was arrested, tried, sentenced, and finally crucified by Romans was that he claimed to be King of the Jews, and blasphemy was a capital offense under the Roman laws.
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In Mark 8:31-38, Jesus predicted that He would suffer and die to repay the sins of humanity. Had Jesus been crucified specifically for the allegation that his followers carried weapons, the fact that he foresaw his death would not have been true.
Reply C.H
The allegation that historical Jesus is mythical originated with authors whose write-ups contain logical fallacies and have been discounted by academia. Works of atheists, such as Lataster, cannot compare to Gospels of the New Testament, which besides being valid have withstood over 2,000 years of deep scrutiny. The historical-Jesus-is-a-myth notion founds on false assumptions, redefined words, and selective descriptions, which cannot be construed to be true. Further, history points that it takes over two generations for a myth to be accepted and recorded in a historical account. Eyewitnesses to events help correct and refute errors, leading to the exposure of mythical embellishments. All apologetic books were written during the period of eyewitnesses, and that attests to the reality and reliability of the New Testament. They have more evidence to their historical veracity, qualifying their reliability.
Reply to W.B
Mary and Joseph were not married by the time Mary conceived. Additionally, their marriage is not well documented in the Bible. Therefore, the assertion that Mary and Joseph were on a honeymoon spree by the time Jesus born is baseless. King Herod’s order that a census had to be taken in Rome was the main reason why they moved to Bethlehem. According to Luke 2:7, while at Bethlehem, Mary went into labor, gave birth to Jesus, wrapped him in cloths and placed on a manager in a stable since there was no space in the guest. As a believer, I tend to agree with W.B, especially, in his hunch that the article does not have a significant bearing on one’s conception of Jesus’ place of birth. Though it may drive some new Christians into believing otherwise, this article cannot influence my faith.
The Holy Bible: King James Version. Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson Publishers.
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