Research Aimed At Studying University Recruitment Towards Prostitution
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This essay is going the recruitment process in universities to incite youngwhich are limited by different factors: low income, absence of basic conditions for a dignified life, violence towards women, women’s head and high unemployment rates, therefore, Colombia becomes the country with the greatest productivity of victimsof human trafficking towards prostitution;According to the Report of the Criminal Investigation Directorate (DIJIN) and Interpol, it was announced that between 2015 and 2016 the traffic of people has increased by 284% .
As society increases the importance in social networks, these become the largest recruitment network to attract young women between the ages of 18 to 25 years through deceptive advertising regarding modeling agencies or other advertising attracting advertisements to thecultural and generational field that pimps want to cover. This Operandi mode is the most common to induce young people to provide a sexual service. As the need to protect and guarantee basic social rights arises and in turn prevent the violence that exists in the middle inevitably towards women who exercise prostitution, the bill 79 of the 2013 Senate is approved, by whichDignified treatment is established to people who exercise prostitution, affirmative measures are set in favor and other provisions are issued to the restoration of their rights.
Prostitution activity has been developed over the years as the greatest illegal and clandestine economic source exercised by men and women in multicultural areas and any generational segment.
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Before entering the problem that is unleashed around prostitution we cite a small fragment that reflects how this activity was described in 1935 and also showing the similarity of current understanding against the act of sexual trade.
"Prostitution itself or individually considered, is the act by which the woman, for money or its equivalent, is given to any man, without any distinction, and allows the use or abuse of her body".
At present, social networks have become the modus operandi of the pimps for the recruitment of university students towards prostitution, it is the way they manage to convince young people to fall under their network of traffic of people and prostitution in differentCities of Colombia.
In the vast majority of cases the information they generate according to this situation is the “offer of better economic stability”, it is mainly given by social networks since it is where most young people dedicate a large part of their timeAs a playful distraction, they contact them through messages and ads where they offer various ways to generate money or simply trips or other material things in exchange for going out with foreigners or local people looking for “beautiful girls to hang out” or in the caseof the men "nice children to spend the time".
Where at first they are usually simple outings to have coffee or eat in a luxury restaurant, and then with the passing of time they stop being only simple exits and become sexual encounters in hotels, motels or even make the famous bridge trips. Sometimes they use these university students to help recruit their partners selling that option as the best they could try to improve their life.
The stereotype of ¨The university prepaid ¨ where young students from different universities in Bogotá exercise this activity which develop in a medium-high social status has been inserted to society and are divided into different categories: those that begin and have the greatest contactWith their agencies, manager or pimps, the independents, who work alone with some fixed customers and the escort prepaid or models who are paid for being companions to meetings, parties and other events that in which the customer creates convenient their company.
Prostitution in the prepaid modality is lucrative for both those who exercise it and for companies that are responsible for managing platforms for collection of customers and the development of the activity;It is important to highlight that it occurs in all socio -economic strata, being one of the most desired modalities because it guarantees discretion, confidentiality and anonymity.
According to a report present in the Informative Bulletin of the District Secretary of Women in 2015 "women in figures" it was found that prostitution is concentrated in a range of 18-45 years, being 39.9% young (18-26years) and with 43.3% young adults (27-45 years).
In mid -1915 in Colombia, Valle del Cauca, a great mention of propagation of venereal diseases were made therefore those who did not have a decent, moral and good customs trade were prohibited the proximity to education centers, market squares, parkscentrals and temples. These people had to remain in limits that within the tolerated were distinguished from morality, therefore, prostitution is considered the "most ancient disease" being understood as an immoral act and involvement to public health, excluding from the social environmentTo the woman who exercises it to such an extent to transform prostitution as a gender problem.
The Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DIJIN) and Interpol in a report announced that between 2015 and 2016 the traffic of people has increased by 284%, therefore, Colombia becomes the country with the greatest productivity of victims of traffickingFrom people to prostitution through deceptive advertising regarding modeling agencies or other advertising advertisements to the cultural and generational field that the pimps want to cover, this is one of the most common modalities to induce young people to provide sexual services.
Therefore, the need to protect and guarantee basic social rights arises and in turn prevent the violence that exists in the middle inevitably towards women who exercise prostitution, the bill 79 of the 2013 Senate is approved, by whichDignified treatment is established to people who exercise prostitution, affirmative measures are set in favor and other provisions are issued to the restoration of their rights.
"Article 5. Legal nature of cases of physical or mental affectation due to its exercise. Therefore, it has the same legal protection of the other behaviors legally classified as trades or jobs.’
The essential state has a primary control at the social level in the management and regulation of prostitution away from morality definitions. The limit line that separates prostitution as something legal or illegal is blurred either by state failures or the same corruption that directly influences control attempts on the subject that seeks to meet.
The state decisions in Colombia are strongly influenced in terms of the management of this social problem that is given internationally, in this way the legal procedure used in the face of issues that bring this movement to collation evolve constantly which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which constantTo tell the truth, it is a point in favor of the destination of the sexual market nationwide. Evidence of this is Judgment T-629 of 2010 that opens a door to the recognition of prostitution as work and the implications that this brings at a socioeconomic level in Colombia.
Regarding the management that is given at the governmental level of the crime regarding the induction of third parties to the sexual market without the individual desire of those who enter this world we have article 214 that appears in the Colombian Criminal Code.
‘The one who, with the intention of profiting or to satisfy the wishes of another, constrains anyone to carnal trade or prostitution, will incur prison from nine (9) to thirteen (13) years and a fine of sixty -six (66) toseven hundred fifty (750) current legal minimum monthly salaries.’
So what you want to raise is how this situation occurs from the point of view of these young university students, the reason or factors that lead them to accept this method of part -time work, as they are discriminated against or even deceived to enterAt the service of these networks. Likewise, what are criminal consequences that encompasses prostitution, recruitment to young people to it and what preventive measures are in this situation.
According to the study conducted by a student from Sergio Arboleda University in his thesis work ¨ Perception, a look in the face of prostitution in universities ”proceeds to the collection of data used in front of his research, therefore opting to carry out surveys to the surveys of theStudents from different universities taking into account men and women to have a perspective in front of this phenomenon, the data obtained were:
¨The 48% of the population surveyed would not be willing to have sex due to economic remuneration while 30% might be willing to have sex for economic remuneration and the other 22% if they were willing to have sexual relations for aeconomic remuneration.
‘31% of women surveyed are willing to have sex due to economic remuneration, 38% are not willing to have sex due to economic remuneration and the other 31% might have sex in exchange for economic remuneration.
28% would be willing to have an economic remuneration for having sex, while 2% if they would be willing to have an economic remuneration for having sex and the other 70% would not be willing to have economic remuneration for having sexual relations
33% of the population surveyed affirms that the Internet and social networks are a mechanism to recruit university students to prostitution because not filtering certain information facilitate that the information is transmitted and the young people are more exposed, 37% believe that it does not alwaysThe young women are sought by pimps, but they themselves seek that kind of information through social networks or other pages while 19% believe that the Internet and social networks are a mechanism to recruit university students since it is effective andfast, and another 11% say that the Internet and networks are not a recruitment mechanism since it is easier to recruit them in physical places where they frequent.
¨ 63% of the population surveygood university prostitution phenomenon.
Based on the research that this student presented, and the graphs that we have chosen, indeed social networks become the modus operandi of the pimps since it is much easier to contact by this means because it is a more confidential.
You can also see the imitations that this study presents in terms of the population surveyed, since the university community does not see this phenomenon as a social problem, but have normalized since it does not have great relevance and it is a situation that many see it"Well", therefore, you can notice the little participation of the students in front of the study.
Likewise, it can be concluded that prostitution, trafficking with people and pimping are crimes that have been implemented in society as normal, we see that embodied in different novels, programs and even books of Colombian society, emphasizing the abuse of the abuse ofThe limitations presented by some people and that resort to this medium to support their families.
Prostitution is a problem that in young people encompasses, venereal diseases, unwanted pregnancies, the abortions, drug addiction – alcoholism, physical and psychological aggressions and stigmatization rises and can reach depressions since as we have mentioned above it is not aprofession of good customs and the level of judgment is too high, although the necessary importance is not given.
Finely those who exercise university prostitution do not resort to psychological treatment since they can generate fear or simply do not interest them since they feel that their life with the material is sufficient.
- Informative Bulletin of the District Secretary of Women in 2015 ¨Mujeres in figures¨.
- Montoya Restrepo, L. F. and Morales Mesa, s. A. (January-June, 2015). Prostitution, a look from its actors. Colombian Magazine of Social Sciences, 6 (1), 59-71.
- Law 599 of 2000 Colombian Criminal Code
- Leon, March 2011.
- Quiroga, l. P. (2011). Prostitution in Cali at the beginning of the 20th century: a problem of great dimensions for health and hygiene.
- Piñeros, v. J. P. (1935). Some considerations about the problem of prostitution in Colombia
- Perception of a look in the face of prostitution in universities (Sánchez P-2018)
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