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BAPS MandirAbstract
The BAPS become one of the famous religious groups in the world with numerous branches globally. Its origin began in the early 1900s when Shastriji Maharaj established the organization as Hindu sect affiliated to the Swaminarayan. The followers’ beliefs are premised on devotion to the Akshar or Guru who was considered a representation of God and the person mandated to give guidance through teachings to the devotees. I was able to witness first-hand the culture and religious activities of the BAPs following a trip to the center located in Atlanta Georgia that goes by the name Shri Swaminarayan Mandir. The temple was like nothing I had seen before starting with the unique architecture that includes three types of stones namely the Turkish limestone, Italian marble and Indian sandstone. The place was bussing with activities and the visitors comprised people of all ethnicities who were interested in knowing more about the Guru and his teachings.
The unusual architecture and scenery at the center were astounding, and it brought with it feeling of serenity and tranquility. Just from the architectural design of the Mandir (temple), it was evident that the cultural context in the premises differed from the contemporary American customs (BAPS 2). Surprisingly, the place is a favorite destination for families and people wishing to attain spirituality and learn some of the doctrines upheld by the BAPS.

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One of my main agenda was finding out whether indeed actual rituals and practices were happening in the Mandir. The tour was conducted by guides who organized the visitors in groups of ten to ensure that they achieved the best experience at the place.
The Mandir was made up of several sections each of which was ideal for a particular activity based on the teachings of the Akshar. Sacred images of past Gurus and the deities that the received the followers’ devotion were placed strategically all over the compound. As mentioned earlier, the temple was massive, and we were guided to the ground floor where we found a ritual already in progress. It was called the Nilkanth Varni Abhishek Mandapam, and the voices of the devotees could be heard chanting the mantras and prayers as per the traditions.
The Mandir was an excellent experience, and it shed light on the disparities in the world concerning the religious beliefs and customs. Just like the rest of the Indians, the BAPS are particularly keen when it comes to the adherence to the teachings.
Work Cited
“BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Atlanta.” BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, www.baps.org/Global-Network/North-America/Atlanta.aspx.

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