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Research Paradigms

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Research paradigms


From ancient times there were people who sought to find answers beyond the apparent circumstances, began to develop approaches, to investigate and examine phenomena with the intention of understanding them and explaining them. With the passage of time, in the search for truth with greater objectivity, groups with different ideas about the construction of knowledge were formed. Thus, empiricism arose (through the senses), rationalism (through reason) and idealism (it goes from the senses to be stored in categories in thought, through reason).

These first positions delimited the researcher in their methodology to find answers. It was then that two great positions emerged in the construction of scientific knowledge, which are not exclusive, so an researcher can take elements of both as best suits him: modernism, based on realism, empiricism and positivism ; and postmodernism, based on relativism, social constructionism and subjectivism. The research that is based on modernism is confirmatory, goes from the theory to verification, while the one that adheres to postmodernism begins from data and observation, towards the formulation of hypothesis.

According to these positions, there is talk of three methods or research paradigms: quantitative, qualitative and mixed, which are shown in the following comparative table.

Research paradigms


Basic General Frames of Reference. Positivism, neopositivism and postpositivism.

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Phenomenology, constructivism, naturalism, interpretivism. Are based on pragmatism

Combine or associate the qualitative and quantitative form, it involves philosophical assumptions of both paradigms.

When handling both objective and subjective vision, it captures both coexisting realities, that is, intersubjective reality.

To choose the paradigm to use in an investigation there is no preference in one or the other, so according to the purposes and purposes that are pursued, it is identified which is most appropriate for the problem to study.

They generate quantitative and qualitative inferences and metainferences (mixed).

The purpose of collecting and analyzing the two types of data is that the strength of work is greater.

Some of his benefits are:

  1. Broader deep perspective.
  2. Greater theorization.
  3. More "rich" and varied data.
  4. Creativity.
  5. More dynamic inquiries.
  6. Greater solidity and rigor.
  7. Better exploration and exploitation of data.

“The goal of mixed research is not to replace quantitative research or qualitative research, but to use the strengths of both types of inquiry, combining them and trying to minimize their power-to-the power-to-the.”(Hernández, 2014, P.532)

Reality to be studied.

There is a unique objective reality from where several observers can see exactly the same in a phenomenon. There are several subjective realities, which vary from individual to individual, the social world is "relative" and can only be understood from the point of view of the observer.

Objectivity. It seeks to be objective. Admits subjectivity.

Research goals.

Describe, explain, verify and predict phenomena (causality). Generate and test theories in a deductive way. Describe, understand and interpret the phenomena, through the perceptions and meanings produced by the experiences of the participants.


Deductive logic is applied. From the general to the particular. Part of the laws and theory, to the data. Inductive logic is applied. from particular to general. Part of the data to non -statistical generalizations and theory.

Personal position of the researcher.

Neutral and impartial, try to use rigorous and objective procedures, as well as prevent your biases and trends from influencing the results. Explicit. The researcher recognizes his own values ​​and beliefs, they are even data sources and part of the study. Instead of trying to explain a phenomenon they seek to understand it.

Nature of the data.

Its data are numerical values ​​organized in the form of mathematical variables, and its analysis is usually carried out through statistical procedures. Your data, generally words, come from interviews, images, documents or artifacts that individuals generate (drawings, schemes, photographs, speeches, newspapers, clothing, work tools, household utensils, etc.)

Research design. 

Structured, predetermined (precedes data collection). Open, flexible, built during field work or study.

Purpose of data analysis. Describe the variables and explain their changes and movements. Understand people, processes, events and their contexts.

Data collection.

It is uniform for all cases. The data is obtained by observation, measurement and documentation. They can be measured with instruments (which have proven efficacy), so it is possible to statistically analyze the numerical data obtained. Is aimed at providing greater understanding of people’s meanings and experiences. It includes questions and procedures that are built on the march; The data is generally collected in the natural stage of the participant in the study.

Results presentation.

The written report has a predetermined structure that includes: introduction, methods, results and discussion. Handle tables, diagrams and statistical models. The written report has a flexible structure. May include: narratives, text fragments, videos, audios, photographs and maps; Diagrams, matrices and conceptual models.

Results report. Reports use an objective, non -emotional tone. They are prepared using statistics to seek correlations, averages comparisons, differences between populations or cause factors. Reports use a personal and emotional tone. It is through contextual descriptions and reproductions of what the participants in the investigation to try to formulation of conclusions.


After analyzing the comparative table, we can conclude the following about the impact on the researcher’s activity when assuming some of these positions.

Quantitative research offers you the possibility of obtaining more generalized results, having greater control over the process, faster results when standardized, as well as easy comparison of data from each other and with other similar studies. For example, the SME manager and administrator may do financial and accounting studies, productivity statistics, detection and solution of mathematical resolution problems, market studies and even based on general studies, made on companies similar to yours, to take certain decisions.

For its part, qualitative research provides a deeper understanding of the data, allows you to put in context the situation and/or the environment, gives flexibility during the process, offers a renewed and natural point of view, with more details and unique experiences. For the manager and administrator of SMEs these benefits can be useful for example in the management of personnel, in specific day -to -day situations, in the development of an innovative project that requires creativity and experimenting until you get a point of satisfaction to be able to undertake it; In short, the possibilities are many.

But for the researcher who is inclined to mixed research, which is that of my predilection, he can enjoy the qualities of the previous two, a broader and more deep perspective, more complete and varied data, and a better use of the results. For example, if an entrepreneur wants to expand his business and open a new branch (also applies to the start of a business), he can use both market studies and statistics, and the opinions of the tenants in the surroundings, to know if It is convenient or not to settle in that specific place.

In particular, I think that each situation must be seen from different angles to be able to understand thoroughly and be able to make a decision, measure what is measurable, observe, deduce and intuit as the case White, but we are surrounded by a wide range of colors, and in this case, situations and factors.


  • Hernández Sampieri, R. (2014). Investigation methodology. (6th ed.). MC Graw Hill. 
  • UNADM. (2020). Research foundations. Unit 1. Research and its environment. Open and Distance University of Mexico. 
  • UNADM logo. 

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