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Research Work 01: The Evolution Of Computer Science And Software


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Research work 01: The evolution of computer science and software


The computer science is previous even to the first computer created in 1938 the so-called Z1 a totally electro-mechanical machine, manufactured by the German Konrad Zuse, whose work was belittled for having occurred in Germany during World War II. But in reality the first device created in the history of computing was the abaco in 3000 to.C by the Chinese and this was also used by the Romans, in addition other predecessors to what we know today as computers would be inventions such as those developed from 1645 first that of Blaise Pascal that built a machine for sums and subtraction thatIt was composed of dentated wheels that, when they turned allowed to obtain the result of the operation, another example of this would be the invention of von Leibniz in 1675 that built another capable of performing the four basic operations. Finally, one of the most important predecessors would be the analytical machine that was the closest thing to a modern computer of general use made by the British math professor, Charles Babbage, and with this I represent one of the greatest steps in the history ofComputing.

After these first inventions, the true one was computational, where initially the use of these machines was thought exclusively for the military field, and thereby helping wars and facilitating some military tactical intelligence operations and deciphered information from the enemy armies,But this field could be expanded for many more things and with this the 5 generations of computing were born as shown below.

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First generation 1940-1960

Harvard University establishes an agreement with the IBM company to create a general computer. This machine was operational in 1944 and was called Mark I. I had the ability to store 72 numbers of 23 figures. It was a very slow computer, needing ten seconds to perform a multiplication and eleven for a division.

In 1947 the eniac was built in the US, which was the first computer itself. This machine occupied a whole basement from the university and weighed 30 tons, but was able to perform five thousand arithmetic operations in a second. What Mark I did in a week, Eniac did it in an hour.

The Eniac project culminated two years later, when the engineer John Von Neumann was integrated;His ideas were so fundamental to the subsequent development that he is considered the father of computers.

All computers in this generation are based on the use of vacuum valves. These components, in addition to the great space they occupied and that they were high electricity consumption, were very prone to constant breakdowns.

Second Generation 1960-1965

It is characterized by the change of the vacuum valve by transistors and by an increase in memory capacity. Transistor circuits reduce the size and electricity consumption of machines and increase their reliability. The transistor is an electronic device formed by a silicon crystal. Its operation is simple: it has two possibilities, transmitting or not transmitting electricity.

His appearance made computers faster and faster. In this generation the auxiliary memories were expanded and the great capacity magnetic discs were created. Printers were designed and high -level programming languages were developed. The first computer with transistors, the Atlas 1962, was built in 1956.

Third Generation 1965-1975

It is characterized by the revolutionary appearance of the integrated circuits (chips) made based on silicon. With them the doors open to miniaturization. Computers of this era undergo a speed increase, and the use of greater number of programming programs and languages. Operating systems for computer control appear.

The first device based totally on integrated circuits is the IBM 360 Series.

Fourth Generation 1975-1985

The most important characteristic of this generation is the appearance of microprocessors, which are circuits with a large number of transistors integrated into a small space. With them the size and cost of computers are reduced and the calculation speed improves.

A new era opens with the appearance of personal computers or PCs. In 1976 two students manufacture the first microcomputer in the world in the garage of their house and later founded the Apple company. In 1981 IBM launches its first PC.

This last machine (based on the Intel 8088 microprocessor) had a very interesting characteristic: its new operating system, MS-DOS, which caused the use of the computer to be much easier.

Fifth Generation 1985-Actuality

We can talk about a fifth generation that has an even greater reduction and a great portability of the equipment and an impressive development of the application programs so that they serve for almost any purpose. As of 1990, the explosion of communications between computers arrives, ending individual work with a computer and starting total communication between any type of computer, both local and worldwide, by using networks.

At present, the miniaturization of the components reaches its maximum expression with the realization of tiny processors such as Cell, built by IBM, Sony and Toshiba and used in one of the most popular consoles of the last decade such as the PlayStation 3.

The software

During the first years of the computer era, the software was contemplated as an addition. Computer programming was an ‘art of walking at home’ for which there were few systematic methods. The development of the software was carried out virtually without any planning, until the plans began to disqualabar and the costs to run. The programmers tried to do things well, and with a heroic effort, they often came out successfully. The software was designed for each application and had a relatively small distribution.

Most software was developed and used by the same person or organization. The same person wrote it, executed it and, if he failed, he purified him. The design was an implicit process, carried out in someone’s mind and, the documentation usually did not exist.

The second was in the evolution of computer systems extend from the middle of the sixties to the end of the seventies. Multiprogramming and multi -user systems introduced new concepts of man – machine interaction. It was also characterized by the establishment of software as a product and the arrival of the ‘software houses’. The patrons of the industry, of the government and the university were preparing to ‘develop the best software package’ and earn a lot of money.

The third was in the evolution of computer systems began in the mid -1970s and continued beyond a decade. The distributed system, multiple computers, each executing concurrent functions and communicating with some other, significantly increased the complexity of computer systems. Local and global area networks, digital communications with high bandwidth and the growing demand for ‘instant’ access to data, meant strong pressure on software developers. The conclusion of the third era was characterized by the arrival and wide use of microprocessors. The microprocessor has produced an extensive group of smart products, from cars to microwave ovens, from industrial robots to blood serum diagnostic equipment.

The fourth era of the evolution of computer systems moves away from individual computers and computer programs, addressing the collective impact of computers and software. Powerful personal machines controlled by sophisticated operating systems, in global and local networks, accompanied by advanced software applications have become the standard.

The software industry is already the cradle of the world’s economy. The fourth generation techniques for software development are changing in the way the software community builds computer programs. Object -oriented technologies are quickly displacing more conventional software development approaches in many applications areas.

However, a set of software -related problems has persisted through the evolution of computer -based systems, and these problems continue to increase:

Software advances continue to leave behind our ability to build software to achieve hardware potential.

Our ability to build new programs cannot go to the same pace as the demand for new programs, nor can we build programs quick enough to meet market and business needs.

The extensive use of computers has made society more and more dependent on the reliable operation of the software. When the software fails, huge economic damage can occur and cause human suffering.

We fight to build computer software that have reliability and high quality.

Our ability to support and improve existing programs is threatened by poor designs and inappropriate resources.

In response to these problems, software engineering practices are being adopted throughout the industry.

Web and 4.0

Web is a set of documents interconnected by hypertext links, available on the Internet that can be communicated through digital technology. “Hypertext” is understood as the mixture of texts, graphics and files of all kinds, in the same document.

Web is not synonymous with the Internet;Internet is the network of networks where all the information resides, being an open learning environment, beyond formal educational institutions. The web is a subset of the Internet that contains information that can be accessed using a browser. Both email, such as Facebook, Twiter, Wikis, Blogs, Games, etc. they are part of

Internet, but not the web

The web is a "living organism" and, as such, it evolves. Since its creation in 1966, with that first Arpanet network, until the subsequent birth of the internet we know, it has not stopped changing and perfecting. We have gone from a 1 website.0 to 2.0, 3.0 And now the web 4 arrives.0. In the following comparative table we will show the most important information of each of these.

  • Web 1.0
  • Web 2.0
  • Web 3.0
  • Web 4.0



  • First web design and the most important unidirectional, mainly informative of documents and cultural information.
  • Dynamic static applications evolve, social networks are born such as blogs where resources, software and application can not be downloaded
  • Semantic web, in the cloud, multiplatform, multidispositive.
  • Powerful as the human brain progress of nanotechnology in the world.
  • New machine-mahine communication models


  • The information presenter has total control over what is published
  • Easy to use, it allows information to be shared by promoting constructivist learning, available from anywhere and less hardware requirements
  • Higher information processing speed.
  • Ease to make modifications and share information.
  • Almost unlimited access to all kinds information such as books, movies and games.
  • All kinds of bank transfers can be carried out.



  • Reading only, no retro feeding is allowed by losing the opportunity to exchange ideas
  • Less privacy.
  • Information saturation.
  • Greater risk with personal information.
  • Virus.
  • It depends on the broadband of the Internet.
  • Hardware sometimes very expensive.
  • HACKEO Risk to all kinds of personal information.



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