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The humor and functioning of Internet memes Introduction What is done in this work is an analysis of humor in memes. These are understood as, as defined by the Spanish......
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The genetic factors of Alzheimer's disease In EA patient autopsies, neurofibrillar ovillus formed by TAU protein pads inside neurons are observed, giving rise to an insoluble ba...
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The Frankfurt School is an institution through which the most famous philosophers passed Introduction The Frankfurt School is an institution through which the most famous philosoph...
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The discoveries of the Modern Age Within the modern age, the Renaissance was a break with the Middle Ages, a cultural revolution. According to Eugenio Garin's words. This rupture w...
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THE CURRICULUM, LEARNING ROUTES AND, MAP OF PROGRESS As we know the curriculum is the curricular basis where the general principles of education are, it is also a very important......
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The construction of an electronic brand The brand construction they have carried out and that these two companies continue to have and this is reflected in the essence of their......
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The cell and its structural characteristic The cell was discovered by the English scientist Robert Hooke in 1665 who, when observing with a microscope manufactured by it, saw fine ...
The advantages and disadvantages of social networks in young people Through the years, social networks have directly influenced our social environment, either by the way we interac...
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The adaptation of swimmers at temperature Introduction Cold water swimmers are athletes who challenge the thermal homeostasis of the human organism. By homeostasis we refer to the ...
Take into account before a sponsorship agreement Introduction A sponsorship agreement can be the great opportunity for an athlete to improve its income and boost the sports career....
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Synchronization of zeal in dairy females Introduction The synchronization of the estrus in cattle allows the presentation of the zeal in a simultaneous form of the females in the s...
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Pages: 4
Substance consumption in adolescents in the last decades Introduction. Almost half of all high school students in Maryland have tried marijuana, while one in four last year student...
Study on the Pasteur quadrant Research when formulated with the objective of responding to a problem, social or natural phenomenon, must be framed and delimited according to their ...
Study of the revolutionary ideals of Ernesto Guevara Within the context of the Cold War or indirect confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States that visualizes a c...
Stress: differences between sexes Many specialists have begun to wonder why, according to the latest data, the woman practically doubles the risk of stress -related disorders. T...
Strategies to enhance Alzheimer's pathology As already seen, EA pathogenesis is mainly based on the amyloid waterfall. However, numerous lines of research have shown that in order ...
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Socrates reasoning about nihilism Introduction It has been treated about knowledge in relation to virtue, good, justice, and the other concepts mentioned above, but it is here that...
Society and social isolation: A frequent fact Introduction Loneliness and isolation in older adults is an increasingly frequent fact, because at this stage a series of experiences ...
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Society and Deep Learning dependence The Deep Learning is not a recent research topic, in the year of 1950 Allan Turing made the publication of a research article called: Computing...
Skills developed with international negotiation Next, the minimum skills that a person must have to develop assertive and effective communication processes must have;Elaborate a de...
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Significant variables of child sexual abuse The results of the study threw significant variables, showing, for example, that the degree of vulnerability and risk to child sexual ab...
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Schematic analysis of qualitative research Introduction. In scientific research the scientific method is incorporated, therefore, it refers to a systematic process, using the organ...
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Research on university dropout In university dropout we find several models such as early dropout, this is when the person in the selection process is admitted but for unknown reas...
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REFLECTION AND CRITICAL ACTIVITY Introduction The central theme of this critical review is focused on higher education, observing that it has a diverse and extensive possibility of...
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Real estate valuation Introduction Valuation is a scientific process that through techniques and methodology seeks to determine the value of a certain real estate analyzing the phy...
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Quantitative research and the importance of generalization The quantitative approach within scientific research highlights the importance of the generalization or universalization ...
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Quantitative research and focus Introduction For Hernández Sampieri, Fernández & Baptist. It is based on the subsequent measurement and prognosis about a phenomenon or resear...
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Quantitative and qualitative research Introduction The kpis are operated based on two elements: the objectives and data that we can obtain. We would say then that the KPIS are the....
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Quality and Production Administration Introduction. The administration and organization of a company, is responsible for the situation that the company present, including key facto...
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Pseudoscience and its relationship with another science Introduction The pseudosciences: Among the main issues addressed are: definition of pseudoscience, philosophical dimensions ...
Professional training as an alternative after high school graduation One of the first decisions we make as adults is whether we are going to attend university or not. It is......
Positivism and Theology First, we begin referring to historical positivism, which arises as a result of German historicism being expanding, and French positivism at the end of the ...
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Polygenic and multifactorial inheritance in environmentalism In this bibliographic review we will deal with polygenic inheritance and multifactorial inheritance, in order to obtain...
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Paranormal phenomena and its study Chelitojbf states that “paranormal are all those unusual episodes in which a person perceives unknown phenomena, objects and beings that pres...
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Oregon considers the prohibition of additives in Thc Vaping products Introduction Last October, the governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, announced a temporary prohibition of all vaping ...
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Orcas: Aggressive and intelligent predators One of the most emblematic symbols of the ocean, orca is a charismatic species that probably has the largest geographical distribution o...
Online sales in pandemic times Introduction While we know, this pandemic is affecting all small and large businesses, for that we are conducting a survey that will allow usPhysical...
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Northern Ireland and Paramilitary Group Introduction With the signing of the Peace Agreement in 1998 in the Republic of Northern Ireland, and demobilizations and leaves total weapo...
My hermeneutic subjectivity of 'Las Meninas' “Las Meninas”, painted by the Spanish Diego Velázquez, in the year of 1656, it is a work of art, which always caused me curiosity....
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Multiple sclerosis (EM) in pregnancy Multiple sclerosis (EM) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease, of unknown etiology, which destroys myelin sheath in the axons of the central ne...
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