Restaurant diet
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Restaurant Diet
In the current worlds’ buzz of activities, convenience and efficiency are imperative facets of life; hence, individuals turn to eating out because they can access ready to eat food and save time spent in preparing and cooking food. The case is not any different from my daily routine because I indulge in eating out on a daily basis. This paper is a demonstration of my eating habit and what I think about it in relation to a healthy diet.
I will admit that my eating habits are not good enough given my sweet tooth. I love eating French fries, bhajias, burgers, burritos, and meat (both red and meat). I usually start my day with a fruit or some natural juice. Two hours later, I usually take tea, four slices of bread and beef samosa/an egg/sausage. I usually alternate the tea with cereals and milk alongside the beef samosa/egg/sausage. Mid-morning, I take a glass of juice and some biscuits/ a piece of cake. My lunch mainly consists of meat with fries/bhajias. In the mid-afternoon, I take a burger/burritos, and at night I purchase a fruit or vegetable salad depending on my preference at the time. Twice a week, I alternate the fries/bhajias with rice/pasta with fish stew. During such times, in addition to the salad at dinner time, I take away a packet of fries. As is evident, my meals are mainly dry; hence, I ensure to consume at least 2 liters of water. However, depending on the schedule, I might skip one or two meals, especially lunch and afternoon snack.
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A review of my diet indicates that my diet is not good. Firstly, my diet is a high-calorie diet because of the French fries, burritos, and samosas, which are usually deep-fried. The burger is also high in calories and salt considering that the burger is a processed food that is deep-fried. Deep-frying exposes one to trans-fats, which are bad for the heart. Despite the fact that the meals have some vegetable mix, it is merely a tablespoon. Hence, I feel that I do not meet my recommended intake of vegetables, especially on those days when I take a fruit salad for dinner. Unfortunately, apart from the fruit or vegetable salad, which is good for me as it is nutrient-dense and low in calories, all the other foods are considered unhealthy foods as they have high fat and salt content that are deemed as risk factors for chronic diseases: metabolic disorders. The rice and fish stew is a good meal because it is low in calories considering that the rice has been boiled and the stewed fish is a source of good fats. I mainly choose meat as my stew and rarely consume healthier alternatives such as legumes and vegetables because I do not like them. I am proud of my water intake because it aids in digestion and washing away of toxic substances in view of the high-calorie fries, bhajias, and red meat. Skipping meals is not good because I find myself overeating during the next meal.
Now that I give some thought to my eating behavior, I believe that I need to change. In spite of my love for meat fillings, fries, and bhajias, my health should come first. Therefore, I need to reduce the intake of these high-calorie foods and increase my vegetable intake. I also need to replace the high calorie and less nutrient food choices with healthier options, such as corn, rice, potatoes, and pasta because they have some fiber. I will choose healthier snacks, such as vegetable salads to avoid skipping meals.
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