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Reunion Speech


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Reunion Speech
I am so happy to finally meet you all. I last saw most of you in 1988 when we graduated from high school. A lot of things have changed since then. The strides in technology, lifestyle and the society are tremendous.
The economic environment has become a lot tougher. Shortly after our graduation, the cost of living rose very sharply. The markets, therefore, rammed as the psychology became about conservation CITATION Far15 p n.p. l 1033 (Farago n.p.). The economic concerns such as savings and employment opportunities, therefore, became such big concerns. The economic issues would need technological advances as a key element in their solution.
Technological changes took the world by surprise. The World Wide Web rose, and so did the celebrity culture and lifestyle with it CITATION Far15 p n.p. l 1033 (Farago n.p.). As widely said, the world became a global village. The internet enabled people to share information across the world. Part of the information shared was on celebrities and their lifestyle. Later, social media platforms such as Facebook would rise, and knit the world the more. The result of sharing information led to cultural mix and technology paved ways for societal changes.
The society became more liberal. The extremist views on race and sexuality faded away CITATION Far15 p n.p. l 1033 (Farago n.p.). People have become more willing to accommodate their fellows with different traits and beliefs. We have had the first black American president and established the LGBT rights.

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Segregation based on race and sexuality, though still present, has declined markedly.
Looking at the years pass by, it is undeniable that things change very fast. The cost of living keeps rising. Technology keeps advancing. The society becomes more liberal and accommodating. As we live longer, we expect even more changes in our world.

Works Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY l 1033 Farago, Jason. The “90s: The decade that never ended. 2 February 2015. Web. 6 May 2018.

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