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Review About The Swot Model


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Review about the SWOT model

New companies in the market When they enter to compete, they have estimated a plan, these organizations are governed under the aforementioned document, which can generate certain problems to consolidate and order information, and as a consequence it directly harms the adoption of competitive strategies and laterThe elaboration and execution of mentioned plan. For everything mentioned above, there is a tool that helps in the process of operation and situational analysis also known as SWOT Diagnosis.

The objective to which the SWOT technique wants is to obtain a diagnosis of the organization, the priority of this technique is to identify and evaluate internal factors and external factors involved in the operation of the company, these forces can be segmented in four points which whichThey are: strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats.

Thompson, establishes that the SWOT technique estimates the fact that a strategy has to achieve a balance or adjustments between the internal capacity of the organization and its external situation, the opportunities and threats.

Strategic planning and SWOT analysis

Strategic planning allows companies.

To develop strategic planning, we must take into account the changes and demands that surround the environment of the organization, a benefit of carrying out this process is that it gives direction to a team, so that they establish a structure to coordinate and control the processes of the organization, for this, the following elements are considered: mission, vision, analysis of internal and external conditions, the formulation of strategies its implementation and control, includes a stage where an analysis or a diagnosis of the situation is carried out as a requirement to establish any forecastand therefore propose the solution strategy.

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The SWOT technique is the one that facilitates to know and have a diagnosis and analysis of the operations carried out in the organization. The strategies of an organization must arise from a process of analysis and consolidation of resources and purposes, so that they constitute a viable way to achieve the tax objectives.

The environment and SWOT analysis

Environmental analysis allows future images to be seen. Administrators must inform the environment, know their elements and try to intertwine them with each other and visualize how they can affect the development of the organization’s objective.

You can talk about two environments involved in a company: an external environment and an internal environment. The first made up of global influence variables, such as economy, politics, culture, technology, framework and legal regulations. To this environment belong both opportunities and threats that can influence the organization.

The internal environment, on the other hand, identifies the elements that are directly related to the structure and operation of the company, within this includes the available resources (finance, production, etc.) In this area are the strengths and weaknesses of the organization which are in control of the organization itself.

General considerations for the elaboration of SWOT analysis

It is essential to mention some considerations, which must be taken into account for SWOT analysis provides a diagnosis that is true.

  • Form a group of specialized people, a committee, in addition to have the experience and know all the areas involved in the organization.
  • Committee members must have all the facilities for accessing the organization’s information.
  • It is necessary to specify and collect certain elements of the organization structure that will serve to ensure its feasibility, such as vision and mission, the general objective, the organization chart, etc.
  • The criteria determined have to be clear, they should not leave open doubts.
  • For the predisposed criteria, the SWOT analysis must be performed, that is, the items mentioned by the Committee, there should be no doubt.
  • It is recommended that when performing the SWOT analysis, a matrix is elaborated, because this facilitates the identification and management of the data collected.
  • The final product of the analysis must be structured in such a way that demonstrates an appropriate diagnosis.


As elaborated?

  1. Internal analisis. – For this process it is necessary to analyze the internal forces involved and limitations that prevent the scope of the goals set. As a starting point we will talk about the strengths that the organization has and after the weaknesses.
  2. External analysis. – For this process it is necessary to analyze the advantage of the advantageous conditions of the environment that they can favor, they are identified as opportunities, also as harmful trends, which are called threats;With these two processes we can analyze the external factor of the organization.


In the matrix that we present below, Thompson proposes what are the aspects that should be considered for the elaboration of mentioned matrix

In conclusion, SWOT analysis is a valuable tool that supports the strategic planning process of an organization, its importance is the evaluation of weak strengths within the internal and external environments of an organization, in order to have aDiagnosis of its operating conditions.

It is advisable.

Bibliographic reference

  • Thompson et. to the. (1998), strategic management and administration, concepts, cases and readings. Special Edition in Spanish. Mexico. McGraw Hill Inter -American and Editors.
  • Fred R. David. (2000). Strategic Administration Concepts. Edit. Prentice Hall, Mexico.
  • Hill Charles. (2000). Strategic management. Edit. MC Graw-Hill, Mexico.

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