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Revolutionary Threats Of Ernesto Guevara For And.And.Or.Or. And John F. Kennedy


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Revolutionary threats of Ernesto Guevara for and.AND.OR.OR. and John f. Kennedy


The cold war made by World War II, was a confrontation known as the historical period of strategic discrepancies and indirect conflicts between the Soviet Union and the United States. By 1947 both superpowers sought the political, economic and military preeminence of their countries in the world. The Soviet Union by the hand of communism sought Capitalism A socioeconomic system in which the means of production are worked together with private property. Both ideologies had guided these countries to world supremacy, however "the division between these two territories, was so deep, that they were called" steel curtain "(Lifestyle)

At the same time, in Latin America the United States through the Truman administration implemented an ideological and economic tactic as a consequence of the cold war. The Marshall Plan acquired two remarkable aspects. The first was to obtain that governments in Latin Americans broke any type of relationship with the Soviet Union through its military security program. A trade restriction with the Soviet block was agreed among others in exchange for providing armament and security for these countries. The second countenance was to force the Latin American rulers to veto the parties and consequently the communist ideology. "The success of this campaign demonstrated how sensitive Latin American elites to the US guidelines" (Orrego, 2007).

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Although in the fifties, in South America there were no strong revolutionary policies, but an ideological system controlled and governed by the great power of the north. In 1959 a new alternative came to power with Fidel Castro by Ernesto Guevara, known as the "Che". They would have shown themselves as democratic reformists against the dictator Fulgencio Batista in Cuba. The awakening of social awareness different from the Latin America was accustomed, it occurred during a trip by Ernesto Guevara throughout South America, where “The Widespretad Poverty and Oppression He Witnessed, Fused with His Interest in Marxism, convincing Him That the Only Solution to South and Central America’s Problems Was Armed Revolution ”. (BBC, 2014). As a consequence, this would have been the first revolution inspired by Marxist ideals, the first act in disagreement of the ideals of the capitalist regime.

The active participation in the Cuban revolution forced Fidel Castro to appoint Ernesto Guevara the new president of the National Bank of Cuba and the Minister of Industry. “In This Position, I’ve Travelled The World as An Ambassador for Cuba. AT Home, He Carried Out Plans for Land Redistribution and the Nationalisation of Industry [Footnoteref: 2] ”(BBC, 2014). His approach to the communist regime related to him did it through various offers to the Soviets. On October 31, 1960, the date that he visits the USSR for the first time served so that at the end of the year, Cuba received financial assistance from the capital Moscow. Guevara was the manager of the turn that had occurred in the imminent change of Cuban business relations. The facts went from a capitalist commercial agency to an exuberant commercial agency of the Soviet Union. Since then the arms aid of the Soviet Union in Cuba acquired significant attention from the Latin American public. [2: ‘In this position, he traveled the world as Cuba ambassador. At home, he carried out plans for the redistribution of the land and the nationalization of the industry ”]

The expected rejection in the Americans immediately occurred. The clear anger and enmity of American superpower was evidence. An operation that benefited the Castro government and weakened American (notimérica) power. The invasion of Bay of pigs then, was the failed attempt by the United States to overthrow Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) the person in charge of “Identify to problems of National Security concerned with the use government ‘[Footnoteref: 3]. (INTELLANCE AGENCY CENTRAL). He believed that the only option to avoid Soviet implementation in the lows was the supporters of the same, in this case, withdraw the Cuban president and to his right hand Che Guevara. “For this, a group of Cuban exiles and‘ anti -Castroist ’met to invade the island. This group was called 2506 brigade and would be responsible for executing the operation ”. (Notimérica) (Brigade 2506 Annex 2). [3: “Identify a national security problem or problem for the US Government. UU ”]

This attempt could have obtained fruits if President J.F. Kennedy would have ordered the US Navy to provide aerial coverage, but refused to do so. Cause for which North America was not only ashamed of the collapse of said plan but also by “the clumsy coverage used to hide its participation” (Orrego, 2007). An event that made the Cuban Government stronger, proved that the United States was a threat to the well -being of the Cuban people and anyone who did not share their ideology. The existing fear of Soviet transfer in Latin America by the United States from the famous Cuban revolution seemed then, being a fact. If the Soviet Union was willing to the Cuban supply, then it could be said that the rest of the Latin American countries that request it, would obtain the same support. “That concern spoke to the political leaders of Kennedy’s era to hurry to formulate his Latin American program.”(Orrego, 2007)

The capitalist program had the interest of supporting and protecting only the reformist rulers, through a help in their economy for growth and development, at the same time offering means for defense against possible rivals that will have the Soviet support, Cuba. In this way the United States thought that the expansion of the USSR would stop in South America and the US circle of dominance would be maintained. In 1961, August, in Punta del Este, Uruguay was the meeting of the Inter -American Economic and Social Council. Che led the Cuban delegation while the United States proposed this program with the name of "Alliance for Progress". Alliance that according to President Kennedy would be “a constructive and definitive response to Castroism” (Cañedo, 2016).

Although several members of the various delegations sought ways for Che Guevara and Richard Goodwin, a delegate assigned by the United States, could solve and reach a pact, "this was impossible amid the height of the debates of the conference". (Cañedo, 2016). Although Che had ensured being willing to establish a coherent and tolerant dialogue with the United States on topics that they want to discuss, "nothing more than on the strict basis that there are no previous conditions". (Guevara, 2014) Finally, after the meeting, an appointment between Ernesto Guevara and Goodwin was achieved on August 17, 196 at dawn. In this appointment "Among the valuations of the contacted with Che, which Goodwin moved to the US president" (Cañedo, 2016) this assured that Cuba, referring to Ernesto’s words, was willing to establish an understanding with the capitalist superpower. “We are willing to talk; that we have no interest in any kind of struggle, but that nevertheless, we can bring the fight to the last consequences ”. (Cañedo, dialograph, dialogue)

Years later, the almost immediate response of Che Guevara was revealed to this meeting, "but there was no interest in undertaking negotiations with Cuba". In his criteria "the wounds, the humiliations of Bay of pigs were too great … because Kennedy had been humiliated, he was very cool" (Goodwin, 1988). For which in 1964, Ernesto Guevara an article in the magazine "Our Economic Industry". The article spoke about the effort of the United States to eradicate the Cuban model, “he points out:“ Trying to drown Cuba is the aspiration to freeze the present but despite all the types of aggressions that are made, the Cuban state It keeps untouched, its economy sits and its foreign trade develops, the failure of this policy will be total… ”(Torre)

Ernesto Guevara represented, without a doubt, the most prominent communist leader in Latin America of the Cuban government, so in 1965 he said goodbye to Cuba (Annex 2) due to a disagreement between the revolutionary ideals of the Cuban President and the own president, Manuel Barbarroja Piñeiro , author of the book "Che Guevara and the Latin American Revolution" comments that this clash of ideas occurred because Che had completely communist ideals, however John Lee Anderson, author of the book "Che Guevara a revolutionary life" comments that, che He had lost his total sanity, that even Fidel Castro differed in his ideals. Che’s positions were extreme, he did not fully share the ideals that Fidel Castro and the USSR congenia, however he congensed its entirety with the Asia regime, China. “The Cuban Economy missed a result of American Trade sanctions and unsuccessful reforms. DURING THIS DIFFICUL TIME GUEVARA SO. I have spent expressed His desire to spread revolution in other parts of the developing world, and in 1965 Castro Announounce that guevara had Left Cuba] ”. (BBC, 2014) (Annex 3 Checks of Che) . ‘The Cuban economy faltered as a result of US trade sanctions and failed reforms. During this difficult moment, Guevara began to fall with the other Cuban leaders. He later expressed his desire to spread the revolution in other parts of the developing world, and in 1965 Castro announced that Guevara had left Cuba ”.

After having disappeared from the public eye for some time, Ernesto reappeared in Bolivia, on November 4, 1966.It was in Bolivia where Che fight his last battle as a revolutionary. To the cause of him, Cuban, Bolivian, Peruvian and Argentine citizens joined the name of (Eln) (Glossary 1) and were backed by a network that did not combat armedly. Despite the successes of the March fighting, the rest of the months until October would go in decline. October, where they would capture the revolutionary leader and guide him on October 8 to his elimination. (Annex 4) “Che Guevara was injured and captured in an ambush by the Army in 1967. The next day he was executed in cold blood ”(Ocean Sur), on the instructions of the new American government of Lyndon.


In short, it could be evidenced as the United States felt threatened by ideals in opposition to US capitalism by Che Guevara. The attempt to persuade and urge a single regime to its convenience in Latin America by implementing help plans for profit or trying to overthrow through a failed combat, the ideal from Marxism, are clear examples of despair that a small island such as what It is Cuba, or a single person like Che Guevara could cause in the American superpower. But without a doubt the event that confirmed the clear affectation that the United States had before this historical character was his murder on October 8, 1967, the date on which the CIA along with the Bolivarian government captured Che and shot him. The transcendence of this historical fact is highlighted to this day with numerable facts such as the breakdown of relations between Cuba and the United States.


The main ‘‘ characteristic ’’ of historical investigation must be exploited to the maximum the objectivity of the facts. On Ernesto Guevara there is countless perspectives, some agree that he was a revolutionary leader who struggled to improve the conditions of the people while for the United States and other Latin American right -wing groups, Che was a genocidal willing to eliminate any individual who does not Share your ideals. Little is known about American public opinion, this is because in Latin America there is a very wide diversity of people, books and reports that support the character’s leader’s position. This leads me to reflect on the importance of evaluating sources and comparing and contrasting sources to understand what Che Guevara was.

On the subject that was interested in investigating, the death of Che Guevara, at first it was partially easy to know the actions of this character. I perceived that the conclusions of the authors were fully influenced by their nationality and ideologies, that is, his perspective completely changed and hence the importance of choosing the sources well for me to also be objective.

Investigating in a wide number of sources, allowed me as a student but above all as a person with an open vision and mentality to be able to get my own conclusions of the facts. The version of several Latin American authors in relation to US authors contradict each other and that does not mean that some have the truth and others do not.

I understood how difficult it is to be a historian; because they must shed their nationality, political position, in short, to be objectives they are in turn their challenge is to investigate a lot, and based on primary fuels. When I investigated I put myself in the role of the historian and reflect on the importance of his profession, since they do not have the tangible tools of scientists for example; Their role is more complex because they must rebuild facts based on arduous research, which even over time changes, either because declassified data or another countless causes are revealed that at the time of events cannot be revealed for political reasons , in short, that makes a exciting story because it is alive ..


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