Rich Poor And Urban In The Age Of Excess
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Pages: 1
Rich, Poor and Urban in the Age of Excess
I believe that America’s Industrial Leaders in the Age of Excess were Lords of Creation. This is because there was lack of government regulations in that era and it was survival for the fittest, and these industrial leaders did not just accumulate wealth, but they were also the most significant contributors in how America became known are the greatest nation economically (Reiman Richard 2:29). However, to some extent, I also agree with the Robber Baron argument that because of these industrial leaders the consumer prices went up and the small companies were not able to compete with them making it a monopolized industry.
Work Cited
Reiman, Richard. “Part One: Rich, Poor and Urban in the Age of Excess: How Should We Evaluate Them.” YouTube, 5 Jan. 2017,
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