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Robotics And Its Advances In Medicine


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Robotics and its advances in medicine


This technology progresses and this is immersed by different sciences, the main one is the medicinal field where it causes an impact for the good of humanity, the use of this technology is very precise and can be used for the monopulation and distribution of medicines untilApplying it in complex surgeries where precision and errors should not happen, it is currently the medicinal field with technology they are closely hand in.

Robotics applied to medicine for surgeon’s use

It is another instrument in the medicine area, this compensates for people’s deficiency and compensates them with the accuracy and precision that a doctor must have, so that when performing surgery, it is compensated with a cut -out precision, forceAnd intelligence, thus achieving the wounds caused by surgery, robots use intelligent sensors that allow the verification of information through cameras, making known things that the doctor does not know, in the same way the strength with which he must work, thesesensors allow a good job in the area entrusted. 

The operation of a machine and the intelligence with which this acts is due to the different sensors that it has installed in its machinery, which allow to see, feel and detect forces and measure them.

Robots as rehabilitation therapy

In the field of rehabilitation these machines include mechanisms which can be used as adulterated members, rehabilitation therapies or robots that allow providing personal assistance in hospitals.

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The use of intelligent artificial prostheticincorporated into its assembly (Menzel, 2018).

Robotics applications to medicine today and tomorrow

One of the sciences that evolves with the help of another is medicine, this can be at different levels such as chemical, pharmacist and the physical level for determining the operation of the systems.

Technology increasingly includes the receiver as moving the replaced member by means.

Technology and robotics make the prostheses or members adapt to the human body closer, they are so real that they can even feel thanks to the simulation of large chimeras, which are increasingly realistic and effective.

The next retro of robotics and medicine is indisputable, as it consists in the reproduction of artificial tissue and organ implants for human beings. 

Robots and its evolution in medicine


One of the activities that are carried out in the different hospitals are the delivery and reception of medicines, the Robot Tug AlivianYou can also use this messenger for the help of food delivery, which carries a tray and deposits it in the established place and as if it were little also helps with cleaning. 


  • Robotics advances by leaps and bounds and supposes advances of utmost importance for the improvement of medicine and that it provides a better quality for perfect surgeries with less risk and greater precision where the recovery process is shorter.
  • Robotics currently provides tools that allow the improvement of patients with constant rehabilitation processes, where monotony is good for recovery in the shortest possible time.
  • Thanks to the advances of robotics in the not too distant future, the operations created today by human beings will be little required since intelligent processes will allow to be carried out in an autonomous way without the intervention of the doctor.



  • Delgado Soto, and. (14 of 05 of 2015). Robotics applications to today’s medicine and tomorrow. Obtained from Elsevier.com: https: // www.Elsevier.com/es-es/Connect/ehealth/robotics-y-medicina
  • Menzel, p. (15 of 10 of 2018). Robotics Medical Applications. Obtained from Pagines.FIB.CPU.ES: http: // www-pagines.FIB.CPU.ES/~ ROB/PROTECGIT/TREBALLS/Q2_03-04/APPLY.htm
  • Valenzuela, i. (13 of 02 of 2018). 5 robots that are already revolutionizing medicine. Obtained from Vix.com: https: // www.Vix.com/es/btg/tech/14042/5-robots-who-ya-stan-refolving-the-medicine 

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