Roe v Wade
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Roe v. Wade
In 1973, the American Supreme Court made the judgment in Roe v. Wade which was against the Texas Statute rule that performing an abortion was a crime unless the life of the mother was in danger (Palthrow, 2013). The case had been brought forward by “Jane Roe” who wanted to perform a legal and safe abortion since she was not married. The Court sided with Joe and got rid of the Texas law. The Supreme Court agreed for the first time that the legal right to privacy is wide enough to include the decision whether a woman should abort or not (Parker, 2017).
This ruling has had a huge impact in the American politics as there have been debates whether the woman has a right to abort or not. The two parties who have caused a lot of heat on the abortion issue are the pro-life and pro-choice activists (Jackson and Valentine, 2014). The pro-life believe that a woman has no justification to perform an abortion since the fetus is deemed alive since the time that it is conceived. The pro-choice individuals on the other believe that a woman comes first and the decision to carry out an abortion is their own and that of the government. This debate has divided American politicians. The Republican Party is pro-life and believes that life is sacred and a woman should not perform an abortion. They try to provide help to the women and their children as a way to show them that there is a choice except for abortion. On the other hand, the Democratic Party is pro-choice and supports the Roe v.
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Wade, which give the woman a choice to decide whether she wants to be a mother. The democrats believe the choice to perform an abortion is an individual decision and the government should not interfere.
Jackson, L., & Valentine, G. (2014). Emotion and politics in a mediated public sphere: Questioning democracy, responsibility, and ethics in a computer-mediated world. Geoforum, 52, 193-202.
Paltrow, L. M. (2013). Roe v Wade and the new Jane Crow: Reproductive rights in the age of mass incarceration. American Journal of Public Health, 103(1), 17-21.
Parker, R. B. (2017). A definition of privacy. In Privacy (pp. 83-104). Routledge.
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