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Root Cause Analysis


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Root Cause Analysis
Institutional Affiliation

How to respond
The case presented can generate far-reaching consequences for the hospital. More than the broken electric bell, it is filled with undertones of negligence. The kind of negligence that is implied could result in a fatal error as proposed by the writer. For this reason, the legal repercussions of the mistakes could be grave, and it is essential to find a solution. The first thing to understand in this challenge is the frequency of such events. The hospital should do this by conducting a study that would inform on the level of negligence (Kelly, 2007). Patients that have been in the inpatient department in h previous period should fill in a questionnaire to advise the administration if they have encountered the same problem. The survey will be filled voluntarily and anonymously. After understanding the scale of the issues, the hospital can then discuss the challenge with the nurses to understand the reason for the negligence. There is no reason why the nurses should not respond to the bells and calls from the patient. If there is an administrative challenge such as understaffing, the administration should take a step and increase the number of nurses. If there is a case of blatant negligence, those who were in shift should be made to face the consequences of their actions. This should include disciplinary measures. On the other hand, it is essential for the hospital to keep a correspondence with the patient who wrote the letter.

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This would ensure that there is maintenance of trust between two parties (Jo Delaney, 2018). This has two positive consequences/ on one hand, there is the retaining of a client. On the other hand, the facility could avoid possible legal repercussions.
Response to the Patient
Dear Esteemed Customer, I am gravely moved by your testimony of the unpleasant experience you witnessed during your inpatient stay out our facility. I am however grateful; by the deliberate action you took first to indicate the problem in the customer satisfaction survey and then to follow it up with a letter. I do not take your intention to help the facility improve its operations for granted. The hospital management therefore takes this opportunity to thank you sincerely for pointing out the challenges faced within the facility. The well being of the patient continues to be the focal point of our services and are therefore glad to learn of ways in which we could improve the patient’s experience. We have noted that the certified nurse assistant had indicated that there was a problem with the bell at night. This problem has since been rectified. The administration has also instituted a check on all the systems that are involved in emergency calls within the wards to ensure that this does not happen in the future. We have also noted with great seriousness the issues of laxity and laxity raised against the staff at the facility. These cases are being investigated currently and will be addressed accordingly. The facility, on its own volition will share with you details of the findings. Once again we appreciate your understanding and concern over the safety of our patient. As an appreciation for this effort, the hospital sends thanks by issuing you with a two free treatment procedures within the facility. We hope and are workings towards ensuring that the future events will be pleasant for you. We are looking forward to continued collaboration between us.

Jo Delaney, L. (2018). Patient-centred care as an approach to improving health care in Australia. Collegian, 25(1), 119-123. doi: 10.1016/j.colegn.2017.02.005
Kelly, D. (2007). Applying quality management in healthcare. Chicago, Ill.: Health Administration Press

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