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Student’s nameInstructorCourseMay 20, 2018
Noah and the Ark
Noah and the Ark is a story in the Bible where God commands Noah to build an ark. Noah and his relatives are chosen by God among the other people, shows that Noah was a righteous man who lived according to God’s commands. In the religious perception, the story of Noah and the ark shows how the ark predicts salvation of humankind from sin to death. Many living creatures lost their lives during the floods. The ark was to protect Noah and his relatives from the floods. Churches today, believe the wood that was used to build the ark symbolizes the church and the cross.
During the time of Moses, the tabernacle was built in the design of the ark and whoever entered the tabernacle was saved just like all the living creatures that entered the ark during the floods. Noah trusted in God for everything, and he had faith that God would protect him from any destruction. Noah did not question God in any way, and that is the reason why he attained deliverance through the ark. Christians who trust in God and have faith in Him acquire salvation. Faith is a key component in the life of Christians, and through faith, God answers prayers (Stone 4).
The world today is still corrupt and full of sin, and God is never pleased with such actions. Just like the ark that was Noah’s salvation tool, God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for Christians to be saved. The ark that was built by Noah portrays the images of Christ in one way or another.

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Noah builds the ark using wood, and Jesus, the son of man, was also crucified on a cross made of wood. Noah was instructed to make one door at the side of the ark, and it was the only entrance to the ark. Furthermore, God was to control the access of the ark. In the religious perspective, Jesus is the door, and no one can go to his father without passing through him. The ark was to be covered both in and out with pitch (Louth 153).
The pitch was to cover the ark to ensure it was watertight and safe for everyone who was in it. In the Christian view, the pitch represents the blood of Jesus that covers the sin of humankind who will put their trust and faith in Him. The blood of Jesus acts as a security seal for anyone who belongs to Him and, through the blood of Jesus on the cross we are healed from every sickness. The ark carried all those who were in it to a place God had for them. The same way Christians believe that their good deed will be rewarded in heaven as Jesus describes his Father’s house as a house with many mansions.
The Christians that follow the Bible teachings and who live according to God’s commands will be taken to the place prepared for them when Jesus comes back to earth. The story of Noah and the ark is still in the Bible to show us that God hates inequity and loves righteousness. God, in the time of Noah, was angry with Sodom and Gomorrah’s immorality and He saw that the best way was to destroy them. God is pleased when people follow his commands and live according to his teachings (Fugle and Falk 253).

The floods that took forty days and nights made the ark float on waters of the Earth. The water covered the mountains on the planet, and every living thing that was not in the ark was destroyed. Noah and all the living creatures believed that the ark was safe for them and they trusted in God for their salvation. All animals coexisted with one another and obeyed commands with little or no squabbles between them (Woodmorappe 1) In the Christian view, the floods represent the storms and temptations that they go through, and Christians believe that their salvation is putting their trust in God. Christians know that the situation they are in is never permanent, God will see them through, and that is why they have faith in Him.
God is the creator of heaven and the Earth and everything in it. He gives and takes life when He chooses to. The story of Noah and the ark shows how powerful He is and the extent of his wrath when He is angry. God requires all of his creations to obey him, and that is why in the story of Adam and Eve, he punished them when they ate the forbidden fruit. God is merciful to those who confess their sins and turn back to Him (Louth 155).
Annotated bibliography
Fugle, Gary N, and Darrel R. Falk. Laying Down Arms to Heal the Creation-Evolution Divide. 2015.
This book allowed me to look at what good require from human beings. The inception of evolution is a weapon used by the Satan that sways souls from believing in the creation theory. The book was a significant source in allowing me to delve into the things that god despised. Noah flood was as a result of the inequities as the book has helped me explain.
Louth, Andrew. Genesis1-11. 2016.
This book allowed me to get a chronological account of events that happened before the flooding. It illuminates on how people sinned against God and how He brought His wrath upon the face of the earth from the time of Adam and Eve.
Stone, Larry. Noah: the real story. 2014.
I used the book since it provided a detailed account of the various things that happened when Noah was building the Ark and during the time people and animals took refuge in the ark.
Bible, Holy. The Holy Bible. Cambridge University Press, 1966.
I used the book as the primary source of the story of Noah’s ark.
Woodmorappe, John. Noah’s ark: A feasibility study. Institute for Creation Research, 1996.
This book allowed me to explicate on the coexistence between the animals in the Noah’s ark and how command was passed during the time.
Bible, Holy. The Holy Bible. Cambridge University Press, 1966.
Fugle, Gary N, and Darrel R. Falk. Laying Down Arms to Heal the Creation-Evolution Divide. 2015.
Louth, Andrew. Genesis1-11. 2016.
Stone, Larry. Noah: the real story. 2014.
Woodmorappe, John. Noah’s ark: A feasibility study. Institute for Creation Research, 1996.

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