Salary Gap In Mexico
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For the best understanding and approach to the approach and solution of our situational hypothesis, it is necessarySalaries and the way they are integrated, without taking into account that within the Mexican context there has always been a violated group, women. Throughout history there have been different milestones that mark us as humanity in the development of human rights which are not granted, but demanded and that is how they have come to carry them.
One of the greatest moments in the history of human rights belonging to workers who have been key to world human development taking into account that working conditions were unimaginable to how we know them today, is the struggle for wages and schedulesworthy. The workers understood a vulnerable group with salaries that were not enough to meet family needs and even working shifts up to 16 hours a day or more. Currently this has changed but there are still different violated groups which the law protects more despite being protecting workers such as: workers in the textile, mining, agrarian market, fishing, etc.
But under these notions it should also be taken into account that in general, not only in labor matters, women are part of a vulnerable group thanks to the years of oppression of patriarchy. Today the woman’s struggle has come to have an important representation in society, it was previously unimaginable for a woman to vote and less that she could represent the people;Today women and men carry out the same activities, but is there still discriminatory decrease by gender in labor matters?, The intention of this essay is to present the Mexican social context and give solutions to the problem that afflicts us to generate equal opportunities.
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This issue is of the utmost importance since we live in a country in which 51.4% are women, of which 7% do not receive medical insurance, they earn 34% less than the man even when the position, company, market and education are similar and of which on average for every $ 75 pesos earned, men earn$ 100, for the simple fact of being women. The model and figure of the minimum wage in Mexico is established with the General Constitution of the Republic published on February 5, 1917, in which in its article 123, section A, section six, it is established what is the objective and limit of the salaryminimum which establishes that this should be sufficient to meet the normal needs of the worker’s life.
Honest education and pleasures being the head of the family. In general and for the historical context at the time, man was the greatest working workforce of the Mexican home. For customs, even reaching oppression and machismo, the woman was seen as inferior to perform different tasks because it is an alleged "weak" working class or simply considering that the works were not suitable for them to be carried out by them. The salary gap is defined as the difference between the average income between men and women in relation to the income relationship of men. It must be taken into account that according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
There is more probability that women are given part -time job due to lack of trust and work in lower work. During the presidency of Pascual Ortiz Rubio, in August 1931, the Federal Labor Law was promulgated, subsequently under the Abelardo L regime L. Rodríguez, Secretary of Commerce, Industry, Commerce and Labor, who sets the first minimum salary of national scope. Mexico has signed different work agreements, I allow myself to cite the agreement on salary protection in its first article, concluded in the International Labor Organization (ILO) to take the definition of the salary.
“Salary means remuneration or gain, whatever its denomination or calculation method, provided that it can be evaluated in cash, set by agreement or by national legislation and due by an employer to a worker by virtue of a employment contract, written writtenor verbal, for the work that the latter has done or must do or for the services you have provided or must provide.”This is the statistical contextual framework that today presents and struggles against women in Mexico which is affected by the salary gap and other factors. Households that are headed by women have food deficiencies in proportion to homes that are supported by men. (2017, 24.3% m and 20.5% h).
School scope. Primary: M 98% – H 96%. Secondary: M 87% – H 81%. Higher Education: M 26% – H 28%. Aggression and workplace. 53% of women, over 15 years of age report having suffered from workplace harassment. 46% of women are considered victims of violence and economic discrimination. Physical and sexual aggression. 29% of surveyed women reported physical aggressions. 16% are victims of sexual violence. Active Formal Labor. 32.2 million men. 19.7 million women. Wage gap. Of 6 – 8% of lower gain to women, compared to men. The Federal Labor Law in its Chapter VI, ARTICLE 97.
It establishes that minimum wages may not be compensation, discount or reduction, except in cases of alimony, payment of income, payment of fertilizers to cover loans from Infonavit and payments of fertilizers to cover credits granted by the fund ofpromotion and guarantee for workers’ consumption. The Federal Labor Law also requires that patterns, give a deal with due consideration and without ill -treatment of word and work, also prohibits denying employment for the applicant for any cause of discrimination being, age, gender, nationality, etc. In response to this same issue in article 1 of the Constitution.
It establishes that both women and men are the same before the law and all discrimination motivated by ethnic or national origin, sex, disability, marital status, or any other type of discrimination that violates human dignity thus establishing objectively that restriction or restriction is prohibitedThe impairment of the freedoms and rights of people. Similarly in article 123, section “A” of the same system, it is established that there will be no distinction in terms of sex or nationality on the salary difference, that is, the same will correspond to work equal salary, these are some are some are somerules in matters that give sufficient livelihood for the questioning of the current situation.
As reflected in the statistics set forth above. It is inexcusable that the salary will congratulate themselves for external issues to the person’s decision as is the gender. As referred to in the countenance of the present is a current situation, these are some laws that also contemplate regulations in the matter in question. Federal Law to prevent and eliminate discrimination. GENERAL LAW FOR EQUALITY BETWEEN WOMEN AND MEN. General Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities. Other important instruments that are part of the regulations is the Inter -American Convention to prevent sanctioning and eradicating violence against women.
Which is known as "Belém do Convention for", in which in Chapter II, they are established through positive discrimination protected rights for women. One of the most exemplary authors who studied the phenomenon of discrimination was Becker who developed the theory of taste for discrimination in 1971 in which he establishes that there is a psychological incentive, labeling it as a "taste" for some people to segregate others, guided by the idea of the damages and the law of the strongest. This "taste" leads to the executing agent of discrimination acted in a dominant way. Refer that when agents evaluate people’s different capabilities to hire.
They do it under the idea of the supply and demand for capacities, that is to say the one that you offer me and how I give it back as if it were an objective analysis which is often vitiated by personal interests and damages, in which its "its"tastes. Becker in this same theory under the approach of the problem establishes an equation to determine the magnitude of the "taste" for discrimination which is measured by means of the "discriminatory cost" that reflects the sensation of the costs that result in a impairment or impairment orMonetary benefit.
In other words, if the employer has no damage to hire men or women, the cost of hiring him will be his salary as a compensation to his work;But if he has any or some damages about the person, he will put his own criteria with his own criteria, amount that will be subtracted from his salary, he will develop as follows: compensation for the work developed ($ 2,000) – He is a man/woman($ 100) – This Taz Morena ($ 200) – has children ($ 100) = salary ($ 1,600). The labor participation of women has always been less than that of man and despite the fact that there are different mechanisms, norms and means so that this increases due to the issue of discrimination.
Today it is still lower than the participation of man and even almost dominant. Just as the employer has different obligations towards the State for the protection of the worker such as Social Security, contributions to the National Housing Fund for workers, etc. My solution aims to eliminate discriminatory bias by gender and the best choice of workers under the premise of legislating in social security matters, so that as well as the different obligations that the employer has towards the worker, this is requested a qualitative test (Competitions-360) and a quantitative (psychometric) from time to time.
So that the results obtained can give margin for the analysis of equity of gender salaries in the proportionality of performance in relation to the positions performed;Also generating an internal filter that has the best productivity of the company. As an example of this proposed requirement is the 360 degrees or comprehensive evaluation test, this evaluation is a management tool for human talent skills, which specifically evaluates aspects that integrate the development of workers. This evaluation is based on the work performance and the relationships that the employee has, so that feedback is a key factor.
To evaluate the performance of labor cells, equipment, and the company or workplace. The development and delivery of this evaluation is given from the analysis of their classmates, subordinates, supervisors, direct chiefs, internal clients and external clients;It is worth mentioning that the analysis factors change depending on the position. This allows identifying the strengths and weaknesses presented by the person who is being evaluated when carrying out their work activities, resulting in the worker’s areas of opportunity raising the degree of competitiveness and productivity. The evaluation having different points of view since it is generated by different people.
What it seeks is to eliminate radical views and generate a balance between all opinions and results, seeking to classify the worker’s situation as a circular percentage table. In this same countenance the proposal is aimed at that in this evaluation it is related to the file of the Social Security person in order to have the relationship of all the worker’s data (salary, gender, address, studies, etc.) and generate an objective criterion that serves to analyze situations of salary discrimination, since having all this data, we could know if the person is being discriminated on equal opportunities as another.
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