Salt Or Sodium Chloride And Its Food Effects
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Excessive salt consumption is directly linked to health problems, such as arterial hypertension, cancer, obesity, among others, therefore, good diet could avoid these diseases.
So, for the human being to subsist and perform his daily tasks throughout his life it is necessary that he has a good diet, based on the intake of healthy foods such as: vegetables, fruits, white meats, vitamins and minerals, etc. Since eating these foods will help to have a healthier life preventing future diseases. Leaving behind fats, sugars, salts, among others, will allow us to bring a correct and prolonged lifestyle. It should be noted that, a good diet not only helps in the human being, but that this is valid for the different species of living beings.
At present, there are many diseases related to poor diet and excessive use of sodium chloride or also known as common salt. That is why governments have to put more interest in this problem and take the respective measures to help the population. The objectives to be achieved are:
- Raise awareness among people to have proper food throughout their lives to improve their health and habits.
- Analyze the different consequences of poor diet in humans and diseases associated with excessive consumption of sodium chloride.
- Health promotion and prevention of excessive consumption of salt -rich foods in the community.
Bases for good diet
Food is a fundamental basis for human being to do day -to -day work, acquire the vitamins and minerals necessary for the operation of the organism and prevent some diseases.
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These are one of the various benefits that you can find or experiment by having an excellent and varied food, but what is food?, According to the Cuban Magazine of Nursing “food is a chain of facts that begin with the cultivation, selection and preparation of food to the forms of presentation and consumption of a group of them.”Based on this concept, it can be interpreted that food is not only the fact of feeding, but it is the set of several events related to this, such as the appropriate and controlled plantation of the vegetables, the correct selection of them, andThe presentation or form in which they are consumed. The consumption of a group of them will give us the necessary nutrients and energies for the normal development of the body and good health. In addition, we can say that food is the intake of food with a good selection of food.
To have good health, we not only have to choose healthy foods, but we have to know where they come from and if they are free of pesticides and preservatives, although vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals, fibers and other elements that helpCorrect body functioning, the growth or development of the physical, intellectual abilities of the individual, are not the only ones that must be ingested if we want a balanced diet, it would be good to go to other types of foods such as meats (in controlled measures), fruits, fungi, salmon, organic eggs, nuts, etc.
As mentioned above, that the way to reduce and/or avoid noncommunicable diseases is purely improving our nutrition, but what are noncommunicable diseases?, As the name indicates, they are diseases that cannot be transmitted, that is, they are not transmitted by any means. For example, among the most common noncommissible are:
- Cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarctions or stroke).
- Cancer.
- Chronic respiratory diseases (chronic obstructive pneumopathy or asthma).
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) "Non -Transmissible Diseases, or Ent, represent by far the most important cause of death in the world, as 63% of the total number of deaths annual" monopolize ".
Likewise, according to WHO data, noncommunicable diseases are a big problem for society, although these cannot be transmitted are very common due to the bad eating habits that people have, the greatest amount of deaths due to this type of diseaseThey occur in countries with low and media in economic income.
How can we avoid these diseases?
The main way to avoid them, or in case of having any of them isto a nutritionist for him to guide him properly in the measures he must take to lead a healthy lifestyle.
One of the examples that good nutrition can be a great way to prevent these evils is oral cancer, it presents 2 to 4% of the types of cancer diagnosed. The highest figures are found in India and other regions of Southeast Asia for its high tobacco consumption. The causes they cause are type of cancer have been identified as bad diet, tobacco and alcohol consumption.
There are different anti -cancer foods that will help us avoid this disease, including fruits and vegetables, these have shown to have a protective effect on the person addicted to cigar and alcohol, red fruits (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.) and citrus (oranges, tangerines, lemon and grapefruit) are also a good way to eliminate carcinogenic substances.
While these foods help us eliminate substances that cause cancer in our body, but this does not mean that if we already have the disease they will heal us, to achieve that other types of methods such as chemotherapy or radio therapy are required (it will dependof the type of cancer).
The problem of not having a good diet is that not all people have the strength to leave the rich meals in fat and with a high salt content that are very harmful to the health of a person, maintaining a rich diet in vitamins and mineralsIt is very difficult having the temptation of most pleasant meals for the taste. Even knowing that these are harmful to the body people prefer to continue their consumption to change their routine habits and lifestyle.
We could say that the main problem is the mentality of the populations conformist with their bad habits, which have little conviction and decision to eliminate them.
To leave behind bad habits a strong mentality is needed;This helps us to achieve our goals, it is clear that not all people can do it so easily, but how can we change our mentality to comply with what we propose?, First you have to visualize your goal to achieve or your long -term goal, it could be to lose bad habits or leave the meals unhealthy. To facilitate and get used to the change in life, you must start with several goals in the short term, in order to achieve your final objective. A short -term goal would be to leave sugary or fatty drinks, reduce salt consumption, because the excess consumption of this is very harmful.
It is important to concentrate the short -term objectives, but it would be advisable to have an adapted period to new foods and customs, it will be easier to achieve the main objective, the important thing is to overcome the mind and put effort to fulfill whatProposed, the most difficult would be adapted to change, advice to facilitate this change would be to eat healthy 6 days a week and have a day to eat what is desired, but in moderation.
“Each of us is unique in terms of what excites us and the way we direct our behavior;And finally, the motivation is directed towards a goal ”(Locke & Latham, 1990a).
Emotions are personal things, each person has their own reason for emotion and behavior, of course several people can coincide in tastes and emotions, but these will never be exactly the same. The emotion or motivation fulfills a fundamental role in wanting to meet a goal, because it is the one that encourages us to start it;These will be responsible for granting strength to fulfill them and keep them to the point that we get used to complying with what we propose.
The factors to take into account are: the misinformation in people about the problems involvedvariations that exist in the market of these.
Most processed products are harmful to the health of those who consume them, then, these have high trans and salt content. For this reason it is important to regularize these foods and encourage the consumption of healthier products, with high content of vitamins and minerals such as vegetables. Governments should have an active role in this global problem promoting the intake of those mentioned above and informing the benefit of good diet and repercussions of processed foods through campaigns to populations.
Of course, today there are certain measures that inform consumers the ingredients with which they are prepared, but this is not enough, that it is useful to know their components if we do not know what repercussions will have on our body. Not only is it the duty of the State to inform people, but it is also the duty of oneself to educate themselves, to take the initiative to know more about the subject in question, we said that motivation is important to meet a proposed objective, butThis has to be accompanied by knowledge to be able to do it in the best way;Even so, the State’s interest would be appreciated by granting the relevant information, because, I insist not everyone we have the same self-taught mentality.
The big corporations are also involved in this issue, some if they show “interest” in the consumer of their product, although not directly related to the issue in question, help creating sports courts, an example of this is the Coca Cola company.
In order to have optimal health, it is not enough to leave the so -called fast foods, it should also be taken into account that there is a substance that is the cause of diseases such as hypertension, sodium chloride or common salt is widely used in most foods in the world, but abusing this carries very serious problems. The World Health Organization recommends that adults consume 5 grams of salt a day, equivalent to a teaspoon of tea, while in people who are hypertensive, that low dose in half. Most of the population exceeds the dose recommended by WHO, perhaps by ignorance or gastronomic culture, it is a fact that common salt could be a silent murderer unless letters are taken in the matter and begin to be more aware withWhat we are leading to our body.
Sodium chloride
Sodium or simple salt chloride has had a long journey in history, the primitive man who wandered through arid places in search of the precious food was based on the collection of fences, grains and hunting of different animals, by ingestingNatural products without any alteration, it tells us that its salt consumption was very scarce. At present, the consumption of this has increased by a great proportion, although the intake of salt varies in each person, but in general it is consumed carelessly and in large quantities.
“Historians estimate that it was much later that the salt entered the human chain of the human being. This would have been happening approximately 5000 years before Christ, when the Chinese discovered that salt was useful for conserving food and used it in large quantity ”.
As I mentioned previously the salt has had a long journey in history, it is believed that the intake of salt 5000 years ago to.C, when the conservative properties of salt are discovered and started in large quantities, in addition to using it as a food conservator they also started using it as a seasoning for food. When starting with salt intake and knowing the pleasant taste it gave to food, it began to collect importance in populations being an important element of commerce.
The intake of salt in moderate quantities is very efficient and necessary, but if it is ingested in a uncontrolled way, it could give place diseases such as arterial hypertension, what is blood pressure? It is the increase in blood pressure;That is, it is the increase in pressure (force) that exerts the blood to the layer of the artery, the consumption of sodium chloride causes the amount of liquid to increase in our body, increases the amount of blood that passes through the arteriesand therefore the pressure exerted to the layer of the artery. Who is responsible for regulating the amount of sodium in our body are the kidneys, eliminating them in the urine.
The diseases associated with the increase in pressure are: stress, this cause that our heart begins to beat faster, pumps more blood and blood flow by increasing, therefore will increase the pressure in the layers of the arteries;Obesity also causes this disease;Sodium -rich diets are of the main cause of this disease so dangerous and silent, since its symptoms are not clear, in addition to not manifesting in a prolonged way.
If blood pressure is not controlled, it will cause other complications such as renal failure (when kidneys are not able to properly filter toxins and other blood waste substances), circulation problems and possible blindness.
For this reason it is advisable to lower salt consumption in diets, we will avoid future problems and improve our lifestyle.
Although in excess it is bad, moderate salt consumption is necessary to control the pH of the blood and maintain adequate hydration levels. Salt is also part of the transmission of nerve impulses, and the operation of the muscles. It also helps in the functions that our body performs. It must also be taken into account that salt is not only the one that we add to our dishes, but also exists in most foods made by large industries and in a large amount, that is, it is not only important to regulate thesalt we add to the meals made at home, in the same way we have to know how to read the labels of the products to regulate the consumption of these in our diet.
Since sodium consumption is a global problem, in Ecuador there is also a large amount of sodium intake due to the wide gastronomy of products with high levels of sodium that are not regulated by the government, some examples could be: chicharrón,variety of sausages, kangpile, cheese, etc.
In Ecuador, salt consumption is very high, as well as alcohol consumption, these two factors together with a disinterest in their health and little care in their diet makes us one of the countries with the largest population affected with hypertensionarterial.
In 2015, hypertensive diseases, and cerebrovascular diseases, were the first five causes of mortality, being responsible for 12.649 deaths in Ecuador.
Sodium chloride is a chemical compound that is composed of 40% sodium and 60% chlorine, it is soluble in its solid form and is found as a natural mare in the environment by evaporating the salt water of the seas.
The characteristics of this are:
- Your marked salty flavor.
- Its easy dissolution in water.
- Its indefinite form.
The most common use of sodium in food is to taste prepared foods and to keep them in a good condition for a long period of time, it is also used to undo the ice on the roads in the winter.
Sodium chloride in food
It is important to know that systemic arterial hypertension is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases, 62 % of which correspond to stroke-vascular accidents, and 49 %, to coronary arteries disease. In a systematic analysis of the population’s health data, it was found that this is the main cause of death in the world.
In children it has been shown that high arterial hypertension maintains that same trend in the third and fourth decades of life. In various studies, the direct relationship between modifiable factors, such as high sodium intake, overweight and obesity that favor blood pressure, has been evidenced, and figures have been found up to three times higher in obese children, regardless ofYour race or sex.
Food transition is essential to establish healthy eating habits;Early exposure to food with a high sugar and salt is related to its greater consumption and increases the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood, so early intervention strategies contribute to reducing their incidence.
Sodium is very frequent in our diet, either as a seasoning or preservative, currently industries continue to use it for their products, improving the taste, that is, give it a pleasant taste for sale to the public, or simply in lifeeveryday of each person when making or buying their food.
An example of the use of sodium in food would be in dairy products such as yogurt, milk, cheese, etc.
The Queseras industries is used for the elimination of excess water in cheeses and bring them to the desired humidity, and to improve the flavor and deliver a better product to the consumer.
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