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Sanderberg Lean In


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Women Participation in the Workplaces

Women Participation in the Workplaces
There exist ways in which the challenges which women normally face within the workplace differ from those that men face. Both men and women play various roles within their families although women spend a lot of time in the family life as they have numerous roles to play within their families. Balancing the family and work life seems to be more pushing especially when the child is still young just immediately after delivery and the child requires sucking frequently. As Sandberg (2013) outlines, carrying the child on the subway each day when going to the daycare blocks the office’s work halfway together with running to feed the child while hungry. Women normally find it incredibly hard in managing both the motherhood and career even prior the act of giving birth.
Most women if not all consume a lot of time adjusting to the new changes that occur within their bodies during pregnancy. The changes include slowing speed due to increased weight, changing shoes due to the act of swelling frequently and spending more time in bathrooms to vomit and regularly urinate which are major symptoms of pregnancy (Sandberg, 2013). The women face of the challenge of considering oneself the feminists who derive benefits from activists’ struggles who fought for the rights of women. This act makes them consider themselves inferior to men and thus having the mentality they can only go to the limit which was laid by the activists of which does not exceed the level of men.

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The revolution of feminist has majorly stalled which in turn raises barriers which are still faced by the women within the workplace such as subtle and blatant sexism, sexual harassment. The challenge of the child care office accessibility and the flexibility of work together with the leave policies of parental are sounders in women than in men. The factor which is laid on the promotion basis keeps the women off from exploiting their potential fully. It is simply because the men are always promoted based on the potential they are having while on the other hand women are promoted not because of their potential they have but the accomplishments they have accomplished in the past (Sandberg, 2015).
There are numerous internal obstacles which hold the women back and thus making this to be a prominent challenge in the women than in men within the workplace. Men have confidence most of the times when it comes to the issue of applying for promotion and the rise of salary. While women wait to be one hundred percent in qualifying for certain tasks and salary increment, men comfortably apply while they have sixty percent of these making men to be more successful in the workplace and get certain privileges than women. The inward confidence brings women back while men take every opportunity they get for their well-being.
There are various approaches which are advocated for women by Sandberg in achieving their own goals, but three of them are defined due to their effectiveness. Women are supposed to be regularly negotiating until that day things will become normal perfectly (Sandberg, 2013). It is through negotiating that the women will raise their voice in asking what they require in the workplace. Most women believe that raising their voices is frequently termed as being aggressive and bossy. It is high time women contribute to raising their views so that they can feel valued and capable of performing duties comfortably that men do and the negotiations they make. Women are supposed to be much open to taking the career risks while not worrying too much concerning the skills they are having and the one required in taking the loftier role that is new. It is through accepting various tasks that will make women familiar with the jobs which can make them prominent and hardy to various situations. The act of being unfamiliar with a particular job should not stop women in taking the arising opportunities, but it should become a motivating factor basing that every job depends on one’s ability in contributing and learning promptly regarding the arising matters.
Sandberg advocates for the gender equality incorporation within corporate America. The employers are required to improve the gender equality while promoting and hiring the employees. It is through the employing the gender diversity approach that can aid the managers in making their companies grow well because the gender diversity helps the business and benefits every individual within any organization. According to Shalini (2016), the approach of the Lean-In circle enables women to encourage each other monthly, weekly or any set duration that a peer group has agreed on a meeting. Women are encouraged to meet physically or share their stories online to encourage one another and develop the new ideas which can make every woman gain knowledge concerning the new tasks and how to approach various risks. The circle creates good rapport for expressing one’s fears together with drawing various strengths from the other individual.
If I were to write this book’s second edition, I would insist on the act of laying the policies within every organization regarding the importance of treating every individual exceptional depending on the work output and potential one has rather than basing one’s ability basing on gender. It is through this that women will deliver their best and build their confidence within the workplaces when they put in their minds that it is about their output which will contribute to their success, not their gender. Equal treatment is another vital factor responsible for making women free to give their views and negotiate comfortably.

Sandberg, S. (2013). Lean in: Women, work, and the will to lead. Random House.
Sandberg, S. (2015). Why we have too few women leaders. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e515792011-001
Shalini. (2016). Lean in Women, Work, and the will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg. Adarsh Journal of Management Research, 9(2), 67. doi:10.21095/ajmr/2016/v9/i2/108463

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