SAT preparation – Prompt Attached
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Pages: 4
DownloadDr. Sanadi is arguing in support of the adoption and implementation of telehealth practices and use of technology in general in our health systems. He enthusiastically does this and utilizes various strategies and styles to make the message resonate with more people. Among the strategies employed include word choice and appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos.
The author starts the article with a careful word choice selection. He, for example, starts by saying that “healthcare is at a crossroads” (Sanadi, 2015). This helps in holding the reader’s attention to focus on what the problem might be. He then goes ahead to outline the situation that has led to the crisis by arguing that physicians like himself can’t tell whether to jump into the technology craze by adding more resources towards telehealth solutions in hospitals or to continue with their current, less effective methods. The author then seeks to give credence to the response he is about to give to the question by highlighting that appeals to ethos by emphasizing that he is a practitioner at Broward Health situated in Florida. The appeal to ethos here help to hold the readers’ attention as they assume that being a practitioner in a recognized institution, he would be quite knowledgeable about various treatment methods and their effectiveness.
Having laid out his argument, the author then uses logos by showing how the popularity of telemedicine has grown in recent years to become such a vital tool. He argues that around five years ago, the concept of telemedicine was not understood well as it meant sitting in a doctor’s office while teleconferencing with another physician who was far away.
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Few were interested in the concept as manifested by the attendance in “Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society” annual conferences which was quite insignificant at the time. The concept has then grown in recent years with “thousands of telemedicine vendors attending the annual gathering” currently (Sanadi, 2015). The statement seeks to implore the reader’s thinking about the topic. What could have led to the increase in the number of vendors to the conferences, and in the adoption of the concept in many hospitals? Many readers should make their guesses before the reasons are revealed later. The writer then goes ahead to clear the doubt in the readers’ mind by highlighting some of the reasons. Sitting face to face with strangers to give their problems during provision of mental health care discourages many people from seeing mental help according to the author. The failure to interact with the practitioner one-on-one may, therefore, remove such fear and encourage more to seek help.
The author also uses pathos to highlight the other reason why telemedicine has become popular. He argues that the persistent shortage of physicians and other healthcare practitioners can be resolved through the use of telemedicine. Highly trained practitioners can manage and monitor patients in critical conditions in various locations while still far away. The concept would, therefore, improve cost savings, reduce mortality, and improve patient outcomes. The statements help in creating an emotional response in the readers hence siding with the use of telemedicine in hospitals. It now becomes clear that the only way they can prevent the death of their friends and families is if they support the implementation of the concept in all hospitals.
The author continues to use pathos in the next statement when he argues that surgeries can also be done by physician far away and hence it is possible for sick children in the poorest and far-flung areas across the World to get surgeries through remotely-controlled robots. The words “far-flung” and poorest regions and child seek to create feelings of sympathy for the sick children and people who live in third-world countries where there are few qualified surgeons and doctors as well as resources. Many would then agree that telemedicine is the way to go if we are to deal with the inequalities in healthcare across the World.
The phrase “doctors without borders” has on the other hand been carefully selected and used to create the impression of doctors who can work anywhere thanks to telemedicine. It also seeks to elicit support for the program on the basis that care can be given when needed by a patient from anywhere in the World. This would be such a desirable situation to live in.
The author also appeals to logos when questioning the current policies and support towards telemedicine which according to him is inadequate. He notes that “only five states, according to the ATA, have the necessary policies in place to “accommodate” telemedicine adoption.” (Sanadi, 2015). He also notes that “only 16 state Medicaid programs reimburse for remote patient monitoring, and 21 states do not offer a transmission or facility fee when telehealth is used.” This statement intends to make readers reflect on the inappropriate/inadequate support of telemedicine yet it has huge benefits to healthcare as outlined. Why are states and the federal government not making the necessary policies and laws to support the concept for the betterment of healthcare in the country?
The author emphasizes the seriousness of the matter by noting that the US military has always supported the use of cutting-edge technology in caregiving for its soldiers as what matters is usually their lives. If the army has been using technology then, there is no reason why states have not come up with laws to support the concept in public hospitals. Finally, the author carefully chooses his words in the last paragraph to bring out a call to action concerning policy formulation. “It’s time for policymakers to update our laws” intends to show that these laws are long overdue and the various parties responsible have therefore no option but to bring such laws. The statement is meant to strengthen the readers’ acquired support for the concept.
In conclusion, Dr. Sanadi did a good job in convincing the reader why telemedicine should be adopted and policies favoring its adoption formulated. The appeal to pathos, ethos, and logos as well as a thought-out word choice all assist in putting the message across.
Student 1 has focused more on summarizing the article with little emphasis on the styles and strategies throughout the paper. The student does not, for example, explain why each of the styles is used. He/she mentions pathos and logos but does not explain their effect on the reader.
Student 2 on the other hand just summarized the article without highlighting the various styles used. He/she also goes ahead to agree with the article which went against the paper’s instructions. The essay is also very short and with minimal detail to be an effective analysis.
Student three wrote a good length for the essay and had a good introduction. However, it is not clear what styles were used by the author as the essay is too general. The student for example says that the author used persuasive language but fails to mention what made it persuasive; did the author appeal to ethos, logos or pathos or did he have adequate evidence?
Nabil Sanadi, (2015), “Telehealth expansion needs payment, coverage policy advances”
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