Schizophrenia, Alterations In Psychic Functioning
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Schizophrenia generates many alterations in the psychic functioning of each individual, mainly all those who have to do with reality, also affect the executive and cognitive functions. This disease has a preventive, palliative and curative treatment, within them it can be controlled with certain medications that will be briefly explained in the following paragraphs together with the causes for which it in some cases does not achieve a total recovery of this ailment.
This psychological disorder called, schizophrenia, disease, which is the diagnosis given to people with several chronic mental disorders and many times those disorders are serious, these psychological disorders are characterized because it alters the perception and expression of reality.
It is one of the most serious mental illnesses that cause great disturbance in the social, family and tasks of the people who suffer from it, which usually begins in adolescence, which has a tendency to evolve towards chronicity and for which, noThere is a curative treatment today, achieving only a remission of symptoms with the use of antipsychotics.
When the disease is diagnosed perfectly in a patient a professional treatment is necessary to counteract its effects. In this regard, I can consider that this disease is not a unique condition but the expression of several pathological processes that result in similar clinical pictures. Given this, and since the causes are not yet known, current treatment methods are based on experience and clinical research.
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The treatment is based on the ability of medicines to reduce symptoms and reduce the risk that they will occur once they have decreased or disappeared.
In the market there are antisicotic medications that have been available since the mid -fifties. The appearance of these significantly improved the quality of life of patients, since they reduce psychotic symptoms and generally allow the patient to work better. Antisicotic medications are the best treatment currently available, but do not heal schizophrenia or guarantee that other psychotic episodes in the future are not produced. A trained doctor to treat mental illnesses should determine which medication should be used and the appropriate dose.
An important aspect to take into account in the case of people suffering from this disease is the rehabilitation stage, which consists of several non -medical interventions. Rehabilitation programs emphasize social and vocational training to help newly diagnosed patients have been sick for a while to overcome difficulties in these areas. Programs may include vocational advice, work training, techniques for solving problems of daily life, money management, use of public transport and learning of social skills to better interact with other people.
The perspective for the future of people with schizophrenia has improved in the last twenty -five years. Although totally effective therapy has not yet been discovered, it is important to remember that many patients improve enough to maintain an independent and satisfactory life.
I can conclude that schizophrenia is that it is a disease that is still not known enough, and of which a definitive cure has not been found in this 21st century or it is believed that it does not exist. They are people who need a lot of help from professional staff (psychologists, psychiatrists and other health professionals) and in their own home with their family and friends, you need understanding and patience, and above all to be alert to any situation since sometimes they arefeel intimidated or persecuted for no reason.
It is possible to emphasize that with help, support and love and above all faith, everything can and do not forget that they are people and that they are not aware, since all the experiences that live because of the disease, live them as real.
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