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School Failure In The Primary Stage


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School failure in the primary stage

The purpose of this report aims to develop in the reader a reflection on the problem posed, the school failure interferes with primary school. Having as a goal to see the different causes, actors, methodologies that directly influence this problem.

Our perspective is to give some solutions or different methodologies, such as to achieve a balance of what is done in school as a compliant institution of learning subjects, taking into account that the concept of school failure is broad and needs a great opening of whatinstitutional, as pedagogical and the political proposals that arise to reduce this problem.

It should be clarified that the report provides information, about the student’s relationship with its environment, the family structure as the primary learning of the subject, the institution as a reproductive of knowledge for life in society, the management of educational centers, the teaching methodologyof teachers.

As the beginning of the report, it is presented in Chapter 1, what we consider as a school failure, its definition and as they call it different authors, in chapter 2 school disruption is presented as a preponderant factor in the marginal urban schools, in chapter 3 the authority focusesIn school and finally in chapter 4 they present the conclusions addressed

School failure

We can define that school failure is the frustration that the student receives not to achieve the expected learning at a specific age, which causes emotional disintegration in the student’s personality, which in turn leads to exploring the facets of the students’ school trajectories.

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Taking your link with wisdom I understand that this is the way to represent a society that requires wisdom to be able to be in accordance with the ruling class. And if this wisdom is not achieved a social failure, because in one way or another dysfunctionality affects society as a whole.

A common denominator that has this problem: it is the inability of school processes, education, delay, learning difficulty, etc. Failure can also vary according to how it is quantified, for example, through performance tests, grades, etc., or depending on what or in whom we focus our analysis: the system, teachers, schoolchildren, etc. Definitions of some authors.

Flaviaterigi states that school schools believe the school systems of the beginning of the universalization and institutionalization of the school. Learning: the decrease in the average size of the groups, the creation of new teaching positions and the slight decrease in the rotation of the teachers.

Baquero, r. ‘The usual of failure and the failure of the usual”

As if they could delimit the possibilities of being educated – this is to learn and develop – from a subject on the exclusive basis of their alleged personal attributes. Reciprocally, educational situations are seen in a naturalized or reified way, as if they really consisted of natural learning contexts […] for this conception if a subject fails in their learning in the natural context to do so, something must be altered in its natureof apprentice, that is, in his ability to learn, in his possibility of being educated, finally in his educability ”.

Disruption in school failure

We understand by disruption to the behaviors of students who hinder learning and distort the individual relationship and dynamics of the group, understanding that the teaching-student roles are in conflict.

And this is reflected in the manifestation of a problem or in an established way of acting contrary to the established norms, to the explicit or implicit norms. Many of these behaviors are reflected by the student and the environment, that is, the student’s performance in the classroom, and noise, motor, verbal or aggressive behaviors are presented and is characterized by school absenteeism generating social isolation with their classmates,And also reading difficulties are conditions for disruption, (linguistic competencies),

The schools that act in the marginal urban contexts, identify more accurately this problem of aggressiveness that is difficult to modify since there is a great influence of the environment that usually reinforces violent and inhibition patterns. A complex work of teachers is needed, the family breast where children and school live together to promote assertive behaviors that students need.

An idea is to try to intervene in the field of children’s social skills with the intention of increasing assertive behaviors and decreasing disruptive. This type of intervention is considered very useful for educational establishments since it can provide, favor participation, listening to students, offering the possibility of giving opinions and suggestions for the class, assigning responsibilities, etc.

The most optimal methodologies are social practices, is to start talking naturally in the classroom, carefully plan the beginning of the class, where the issues are of interest to the subjects and relating them to what will be taught. Use creativity and surprise element as a strategy to capture and create the link with children and prevent boredom.

It is essential to be an active teacher, actively observing the task and helping the students, complying with the provisions generates in the students confidence and security, it is very positive to show a control of emotions, a relaxed and self-confidence attitude to oneselfThe time to dictate the class.

The authority in school

At school, all behavior is qualified and those that depart from normal.

These situations of rewarding and punishing are two sides of the same disciplinary currency that seeks to define each student and the whole of them as a group, a specific school normality. Another agent of surveillance and punishment axes is the exam. Since the same exam mechanism allows the student to incorporate school normality as "normality", as the authenticity of the reproduction of the ruling class. The formality of the modern school is built on the standards of the observation that qualifies the pedagogical spaces, times and relationships, all in order to civilize and channel behaviors towards pertinent normality and that leads to school failure, corrected tothrough repetition or isolation.

Power relationships are exercised in the educational system in a cup and equivalent way, where the teacher becomes the one who carries the content, where this is established in the curricular designs promoted by the State, although changes are generated to these newBehaviors, there are still learning matrices with traditional mechanisms, which are typical of the educator and that are imposed in a particular way, invisible to students, rarely the student is asked about what he wants and needs, or for what makes himHappy, these questions are crucial to change school failure, the child needs mathematics, language, physical, but it is necessary for him to have participation in his training.


In our reflection on school failure we understand that there are different factors that influence social, economic, cultural, pedagogical, thus not only the school must have the solution, but also to match charges, the State must promote inclusive educational policies, which formulate transformations into theContents, train teachers so that they can face these conflicts in the classroom.

The State also has to have a social inclusion policy, and not marginality where vulnerable families have education, health and well -being rights, only in this way can school failure be eliminated.

As a society, school failure should concern us because the education system forms the next citizens to govern the country, and that they must be prepared for such performance, we must not let the students feel without hope but in harmony with what they learn, educating invalues, respect tolerance and where their learning are significant. 

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