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School Lag Problem That Afflicts Latin America


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School lag Problem that afflicts Latin America

 Latin America since the twentieth century has been the victim of abandonment to education such as: coverage, access, progression and conclusion. This of the different educational levels, if we start thinking in the 21st century, education in our continent continuesThe countries of Latin America.

In the document a comparison is made where 17 Latin American countries are used and issues such as de -schooling, school delay, illiteracy among others are discussed among others. These are issues that demonstrate as education that is one of the main bases for the future of a country and we can also say about a continent has many fissures that are caused by the delay in Latin countries, education is very important since it is the one that is whatWe can catapult us a developed future in which we can be part of the productive society that contributes to the progress of a country.

The first topic that is the de-school, lag and school abandonment, here some data that were provided by the UIS-Unesco in 2017 where it tells us that in Latin America there are about 2 and a half million without schooling. In the data that were presented, it is seen as Nicaragua, Guatemala and followed by Colombia, are the countries with the highest student lag, it is clear that there are children between 9 and 11 years have repeated course on two or more occasions and in theGroup of 15 to 17 years 40% of this population is lagging.

On the other end we have countries such as Mexico, Chile, Ecuador and Costa Rica where there are more students without schooling at the age of 12 to 14, we have to take into account that mainly in Mexico and Ecuador there is a staggered increase, whileIn Costa Rica, the older the minors are more lag.

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If we stop to observe Nicaragua detained where children from 9 to 11 years old have a lag of 22.3 % and children under 12 to 14 are 32.1% school rejection, while young people aged 15 to 17 suffer a de -schooling of 42.2 %, this shows us very high cups where many children who do not attend schools and school have trends to have to be working or sometimes get carried away by wrong roads.

Now we see Mexico where children from 9 to 11 years old have a schooling of 2.9 %, children under 12 to 14 years.6 % and finally those of young people aged 15 to 17 are 11.9 % lag. This is the other face of the problem, where in this country despite the poverty rates due to the internal war that this country faces it is seen as are much less minors who do not attend primary and secondary education. Some of the factors for which there is abandonment of education by minors are the sociological level, the place where they reside, these have a lot of influence since, if the minors do not have the conditions to attend the schools.It is time to occupy the time to help their families and this implies often heavy works for their age, on the other hand, there is the place of residence since sometimes it is difficult to be able to reach school dueThat the roads are found more in rural areas and as an example we have our country where farmers are very abandoned and have no facility to be able to send their children particularly to higher education schools. According to surveys, school dropout cups are headed by Uruguay with a 66.7%, but the analysis shows us that from the years 1995 to 2014 this figure of A kept and that in this country the students do not get the secondary level, in the case of Chile, Peru and Ecuador it has been favorable butThe decrease has been nothing more than 2.3%. On the other hand, the countries of Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela are the ones who have reduced school abandonment with the greatest struggle.

The second point to study is illiteracy and inequality, because according to surveys in Latin America there are about 31 million people who do not have the ability to read and write and 55 % of these illiterates are women are. As results of the investigations carried out, we have that in Central America there is a significant reduction in countries such as Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador. On the other hand, in Ecuador the illiteracy figures are worrisome. In Colombia, Brazil and Uruguay, illiterate women are very few this gives a touch of preference for women when it comes to developing as a professional. If we see illiteracy due to geographical location, it is evidenceIlliterate have are Peru and Guatemala, but geographical in these countries the figures are higher in urban areas than rural, but this except for Mexico and Ecuador.

When we look at the illiteracy figures by age, it follows that the higher age is the cups and according to data filed between people between 15 and 24 years, the cases do not rise from 3 %, but leaving aside the sectors where they have an inequalityOr lack of accessible education, it is the case of Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. But in a positive way we have Argentina, Chile and Uruguay where education has had a large scale and thanks this the gums of illiterate have decreased significantly.

We move on to an important issue and it is that of ethnic communities, in countries such as Brazil, Bolivia and El Salvador Illiteracy in indigenous communities is higher than that of the mestizo and white population, but there are also encouraging data since in relation to groupsWith the ages of the 50s, the cups have decreased in all ethnic groups and especially in the natives this especially in countries such as Guatemala, Ecuador and Peru where the decrease reached 59%. In Argentina and Uruguay ethnic communities have the opportunity to attend the first -time education until university education this for indigenous and Afro -descendant groups. But in general it can be said that these communities are well below in educational conditions if compared to the white race and mestizos.

We see that the inequality in education occurs differently in each of the countries in some is the socio -economic conditions and the difficult conditions of being able to reach a school or a school, in other countries the numbers of illiterate women are higher than greater thanThat of man and in another is the opposite, we also observe how rural areas in countries such as Colombia are the least education, the customs also depends because people often do not let their children have access to education andwho think they produce more helping them at work or perhaps contributing economic mind in the house.


  1.  http: // repository.MINEDU.Gob.PE/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/MINEDU/6133/PROBLEM.%20un%20studio%20 Supported.PDF?sequence = 1 & isalowed = y 

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