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Relationship between the results of the standardized tests and the socio -economic level in Chile Introduction Education is the process of providing learning and obtaining knowledg...
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Relationship between accounting and right Introduction Accounting is the discipline that allows us the registration, knowledge, and control of financial information which is regula...
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Reintegration in society after sexual aggression INTRODUCTION Reintegration is a systematic process of actions that begin at the time a person enters the penitentiary center, conti...
Words: 699
Pages: 3
Reflections on the political theory of Thomas Hobbes How to deal? What was your true intention by imagining and describing a warm and wild presocial state, in which men turn......
Reflection: Arthur Miller's Salem witches Introduction. Under the context of American colonial history, we have the events that occurred in the small town of Salem, which are descr...
Words: 1865
Pages: 7
Reasoning of Philosophy Introduction Mythology, as a science has to be taken into consideration, began to be seriously accepted in the highest academic circles during the last half...
Words: 850
Pages: 3
Reasoning as a cognitive pedagogical tool It is well known that pedagogy, the art of teaching is a set of teaching practices or methods for the use of the teacher......
Reality and television and its consequences Introduction The reality, contrary to what many think, is not unique or invariable, so the present argumentative essay aims. Interactive...
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Racism towards the indigenous community in Ecuador This work will deal with racism towards indigenous people, which is a taboo subject in Ecuador. Given the undeniable force of rac...
Words: 1720
Pages: 6
Racism in the educational field in Ecuador Introduction Have you ever been humiliated by the simple fact of belonging to a country, culture, ethnicity or skin color different from ...
Racial segregation: inequality and discrimination Introduction In the 60s, in the US. UU, under the government of J.F Kennedy, the social situation that was lived consisted of grea...
Words: 2033
Pages: 7
Quote with death, destiny of every being Death is a natural process experienced by each being. However, the attitude of society towards death and death has become a fear and......
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
Quantitative research as a source of knowledge generating Introduction Civil Engineering is a profession based on applied sciences, that is, it manages technical and structured kno...
Words: 1301
Pages: 5
Quantitative research and the importance of generalization The quantitative approach within scientific research highlights the importance of the generalization or universalization ...
Words: 739
Pages: 3
Pythagoras of Samos: life and work The life and work of Pythagoras of Samos is something uncertain by the absence of testimonies of the time- they have been written about......
Words: 1812
Pages: 7
Public policies for a non -sexist society This essay tries to frame, know and formulate a brief criticism about what public policies are directed towards the fundamental rights of ...
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
Psychology of the Mexican at the work of the authors Estrada and Ramírez I would like to express in this essay in which I have focused on some chapters of......
Words: 2318
Pages: 8
Psychology and education marching hand in Spanish writing, 879 words The word psychology comes from the psycho or psykhé Greek, which means soul, psyche or mental activity and lod...
Pseudosciences, a danger to public health Science professionals have been concerned about a while with what they call the issue of what separates the good science from bad science ...
Words: 515
Pages: 2
Pseudoscience and its relationship with another science Introduction The pseudosciences: Among the main issues addressed are: definition of pseudoscience, philosophical dimensions ...
Protein study in cattle, sheep and birds Introduction Ruminants have a totally different digestion from the rest of mammals, with the simple fact that they have different mechanism...
Words: 3375
Pages: 12
PROJECTS AND PERSONAL GROWTH Introduction In this work I will talk about my life project since it is reflected my purposes or goals that in the future I will achieve......
Words: 2555
Pages: 9
Principles of Biomedical Ethics: Morality, Autonomy and No Maleficence. Initially it is important to clarify and start from the fundamental and simplified concepts of morals, et...
Words: 1307
Pages: 5
Presence of coliform bacteria of Escherichia coli (e.coli) in bottled water Proliferation of coliform bacteria Escherichia coli (e.Coli) Water Water is a molecule formed by two h...
Words: 2042
Pages: 7
Positivism and Theology First, we begin referring to historical positivism, which arises as a result of German historicism being expanding, and French positivism at the end of the ...
Words: 590
Pages: 2
Popular beliefs of women and men in the face of aging Introduction From the same process of conception to death, aging is a phenomenon present throughout the life cycle, however,.....
Words: 1855
Pages: 7
Political realism in international relations theories “We know that nobody takes over the world with the intention of leaving it. Power is not a means, but an end in itself.......
Pneumatic and Hydraulics Industrial Automation On a personal level, I think that these two technologies were fundamental pillars in the creation of the Metro and Transmi -Cable ins...
Words: 1348
Pages: 5
Playful play as a pedagogical strategy to strengthen students learning Introduction This essay is written about recreational games asdifferent dimensions, mediation is focused on t...
Pirates and security threats on the Internet of Things Introduction Since the beginning of technology and throughout our life, it has revolutionized in an impressive way, having ad...
Words: 1575
Pages: 6
Pinochet's social policy and its influence on Chile's aesthetic coup between 1973-1975 The country of Chile presents the dictatorship of the Chilean general and politicthe objectiv...
Words: 1618
Pages: 6
Physiotherapy schools in Spain until today In Spain, physiotherapy, initially it was a fairly disfigured profession. The first indications of this acquire form, although with a min...
Words: 543
Pages: 2
PHOTO PROCESSES AND CELLULAR BREATHING In the field of what biology is, since it is known, there have been many questions and issues of interest that, with the help of......
Words: 1590
Pages: 6
Philosophy and theoretical conceptual problem of journalism sciences The relationship between philosophy and communication and journalism is usually complicated, in a certain way t...
Words: 712
Pages: 3
Philosophical Fundamentals of the existence of God Introduction. The representations of God constitute the basis of the modern forms of religion. This is a very abstract issue to d...
Words: 1323
Pages: 5
Philosophical Anthropology and its relationship with other sciences The philosophical anthropology or philosophy of man is a systematic study of man for his ultimate causes and ess...
Words: 432
Pages: 2
Philosophical and spiritual doctrine Buddhism To talk about the set of values that governs Asian society and the social protocol that is exercised in such region it is necessary to...
Words: 1897
Pages: 7
Philosophical analysis of the rising sun of Mao Tsetung Like all dawn, it is a new day that begins, new day to learn, in the same way the rising sun......
Words: 578
Pages: 2
PHARMACY: The essential health sector for the economy The health sector is an essential part of the productive and social economy of advanced countries, it is a generator of wealth...
Words: 437
Pages: 2
Personal opinion about Jeff Bezos, Creator of Amazon Jeff Bezos born in New Mexico, in the city of Albuquerque on January 12, 1964;He maintained his studies at River Oaks and......
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