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Final essay: Respect for intellectual law is moral Today, when using so many media, social networks, and having the information so available, it is very difficult to delimit who be...

Final essay of the Module Learning Theories Introduction The theories of learning that were presented to us in the following module, deal with the knowledge acquisition processes t...

Fear of death in adults to adults Introduction Since time immemorial, death has always been linked to human being, in some cultures a punishment consequence of sin, in others a......

Favors and custody chain Introduction In other words, this situation results in many prosecuted are condemned or sentenced, without having enough evidence elements of conviction th...

Favores and Agrifood Chain Introduction Luisa Elena Molina gives us her position from the agri -food chain and qualifies it simultaneously, she says that the starting point is agri...

Father of modern politics, Nicolás Machiavelo   This work aims to publicize life, contributions and positions on different topics by Nicolás Machiavelli. In the first place with...

Factors that make up bilingualism and its advantages and disadvantages Introduction It is not easy to delimit or specify the term bilingualism. As the first instance, with bilingua...

Facial distortions as a result of the Zika virus Introduction This essay is carried out with the objective of making people known about this problem and the serious consequences th...

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Exploration in relation to Greek myths Introduction This text is a compilation of stories, which originally most of it was obtained from the metamorphosis book of Ovidio, who lived...

Explanation of reasoning and its origin of thought The formal word comes from formal logic, the science that studies reasoning from formal analysis according to its validity, and e...

Explaining the origin of the Leviathan The Leviathan, was a work written by Hobbes and was considered as that line of rupture with the Middle Ages, since, its descriptions of......

Explaining marriage, monogamy and polygamy INTRODUCTION The human being develops a first bond with a person who will over time transform into a romantic link (Bowlby, 1969). Unfort...

Existentialism in the main character of El Tunnel In the present work we have as an orientation to an outstanding work of the Argentine author Ernesto Sabato, "El Tunnel"...

Evolution of face -to -face classes Introduction In this article, education will be made known as education has evolved from the traditional to the virtual taking the Internet as a...

EVOLUTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT The human being by nature is a sociable being, from the caverns the human being has had to delegate and organize how the tasks were distributed,...

Evolution in Art History Introduction. Vasari, is quite important, because thanks to his contribution as art historian, we now have numerous biographies of artists from the Italian...

Evidence of Learning and Criminal Behavior Introduction Criminology is a science that allows studying and knowing the offender and the reason for their criminal acts, since ancient...

Evaluation of internal control in administrative management ABSTRACT The present essay entitled "Evaluation of the internal control of the financial department", is based...

Euthanasia, one more form of assisted suicide EUTHANASIA Thesis: Euthanasia is a form of assisted suicide, nobody decides for the life of others. Approach “Death perfectly carrie...

Euthanasia is a practice that largely involves the medical field and society Scientific advances have contributed significant changes to medicine and all aspects related to this ar...

Euthanasia as a practice or medical intervention Euthanasia as already known is the practice or medical intervention carried out in order to accelerate the death of a patient avoid...

Ethics related to moral study Introduction This essay will present what the concept of ethics is in regard to philosophy, also examples will be presented with works by great philos...

Ethics of the use of laboratory animals Introduction The ethical-moral dilemma associated with animal experimentation is supported by the contrast of two great foundations. On the ...

Ethics in the development of new technology for biomedicine INTRODUCTION This document is structured by three important points for its understanding in its first section, it is ann...

Ethics in International Trade and Economics The parallel between economics and human values. Making a first approach, we must know the concepts of economics, Marshall (1890) define...

Ethics in friendship and conflicts of interest Friendship can be considered as universal value in which two or more people have an interpersonal relationship, which is based on tru...

Ethical development of science and technology It is of the utmost importance to understand the notion of this scientific-technological competence in our society, for this we will t...

Essay, the importance of business administration Introduction With this text I want to present my concept in the face of the importance of the administration, based on my acquired ...

Essay on the History of Political Ideas Introduction:  The seventeenth century is probably the most agitated century in British history, even qualified as the century of violence....

Essay on the book: Science, Method and Philosophy Mario Bunge makes a presentation in his book Science, its strategy and its reasoning, while the lower creatures are alone on the.....

Essay on Renaissance artistic treaties The ideals defended by the Renaissance revolve around the aesthetic ideas of number, light, symmetry, beauty. Concepts and theories that are ...

Essay on Hitler's rise to power The sources will be mentioned, which will be useful for analyzing and being able to answer the previously raised question. The sources that will......

Essay on extraterrestrial life on Mars In 1877 the astrologer Giovanni Schiaparelli made a map of Mars after his first observations of Mars, on the map he pointed natural structure...

Essay of a prescribed title So that there is a good acquisition of knowledge, both the one who teaches and the one who learns must put everything for themselves so......

Epistemology theories and its philosophy   One of the great virtues that we humidly have and that the difference of other inhabiting beings of this planet, such as animals is......

Epistemology of Communication   Communication as we know it is a source of growing changes between those interested in their theoretical reflection and categorical clarification, ...

Environmental pollution A global problem Environmental pollution is a very controversial problem that over time has been increasing affecting our planet, people, plants and animals...

Environmental Biotechnology and Development of Human Activities In the last century the development of multiple human activities (in industry, transport and production), the increa...

Entrepreneurship Capacity and Projects in Colombia To start with this intervention we must be clear about the concept of entrepreneursor existing process in search of overcoming th...

England in ancient times Introduction The Great Britain of the 18th century was a rural nation based on petroindustrialization, that is, an industry in the field organized by compa...

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