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Empiricism, knowledge and existence Empirism is one of the philosophical currents that opposes rationalism within modern philosophy, empiricism arises in England and has as main re...
Words: 1927
Pages: 7
Emergence of Darwin's evolution theory Darwin's theory of evolution is probably one of the most famous and representative of the history of science. The postulates of natural selec...
Words: 1618
Pages: 6
Emergence of capitalism was due to microcapitalism Gerschenkron (as Braudel cited, 1986) states that: "True capitalism emerged in a microcapitalism of tenderos" (p. 70). ...
Words: 1145
Pages: 4
Elon Musk's life and history Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. At present he is compared to Steve Jobs, Howard Hughes, Henry Ford......
Elements used to carry out an investigation Problem Statement Problem approach is the fundamental part, from this the investigation will begin if there is no approach to the proble...
Words: 907
Pages: 3
Electronic commerce for diaspora: a real option for the local company Population movements have existed in humanity for centuries, history shows how the human being has moved from ...
Words: 2421
Pages: 9
Effects of globalization in Colombia and Latin America At the beginning of the 18th century, in the most advanced regions of Europe, the techniques applied in agriculture, manuf...
Words: 1301
Pages: 5
Effects of globalization and current economic changes Talking about globalization is to put on the table the most indispensable theme today for the entire planet, since thanks to t...
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Education as a social science What are the difficulties in considering that social sciences use the scientific method? The difficulties in considering that social sciences use the ...
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Pages: 1
Education and social, political and economic factors. Introduction The role of education for the search for more inclusive and participatory societies, also analyzing the role that...
Words: 1153
Pages: 4
Educational trends in Colombia: Approach to reality Education has always been considered one of the most important sectors in developed countries, the development of their educatio...
Words: 1520
Pages: 6
EDUCATIONAL QUALITY Implications in Mexico Summary In Mexico, educational quality has been mentioned in recent years, as an objective that the country has to meet, however, in orde...
Words: 1038
Pages: 4
Educational analysis of university and non -university higher education Introduction The reflective analysis of education is contextualized in the management of world human talent ...
Words: 1279
Pages: 5
Ecuador obeys the loss of respect for the dignity of the human being Introduction Originally human rights protected man against the direct actions of other men, that is, they tried...
Words: 2091
Pages: 8
Ecuadorian cultural heritage Cultural heritage is one where the inheritance of a human group is constituted, which have their own identity, which are perceived by other people; Tha...
Words: 1418
Pages: 5
ECONOMIC THOUGHT, ASPIRATION OF THE RICH OF THE NATION INTRODUCTION The history of economic thought has been evolving from the Middle Ages to the present. Man, since its origin, fa...
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Ecology, population and environment “It seems very good that women are freer and more autonomous, but‘ the problem ’is that now very few women have children:‘ they avoid mo...
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Easy learn making flowers on cardboard. Introduction First, a cordial greeting dear friends, today Educateaqui. Online provides practical and simple information to learn to make ...
Earth's science and its problems Introduction The Earth, the planet which we inhabit has serious primary problems that leave us a lot to consider for future generations. Currently,...
Earthquakes: Natural Destruction Phenomena Hypothesis The earthquakes are wave movements of the surface, have a lot of information about them, however scientists and people still h...
Early intervention services in the United States Early care is understood, it is the set of interventions, aimed at the child population from zero to six years, to the family......
Dr. Jekyll and Sr. Hyde, critical comment In this document I intend to explain and develop an approximate explanation, details, characteristics and main theme of the literary scien...
Drinking water scarcity in Mexico Introduction In Mexico, the population reaches 125.9 million inhabitants, we talk about an overpopulation in the country. 10% of Mexicans do not h...
Words: 1406
Pages: 5
Dr. Fausto's story Introduction Johann Wolfgang Goethe, was born on August 28, 1749 in Frankfurt of the Main, was a scholar [Footnoteref: 1] poet, novelist, German playwright and s...
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Pages: 4
Documentary analysis "Inside Job", from the macroeconomic point of view The documentary, whose name can be translated as “the work that is done from the inside”, is a...
Documentary "Nothing is private" in Netflix Netflix brings us this new documentary that tells us about Cambridge Analytical, the political consultant that symbolizes the ...
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Pages: 2
Discrimination of individual ethnic groups and prejudices Introduction The UN does not define racism;However, define ‘racial discrimination’. According to the United Nations In...
Discover that there is behind Bach's floral therapy Introduction Hello, dear Stemians, once again I wanted to talk a little about medical practices with alternative treatments. And...
Disability and right to decent housing Introduction The main objective of this work is to expose the reality of disabled people and their right to decent housing. It is about......
Words: 2069
Pages: 8
Digital transformation in companies As technology is advanced, changes in our lives also since we are closely related to technology science and various factors that have a radical ...
Words: 527
Pages: 2
Digital marketing, strategies As well as indicates that marketing allows companiesPromotions plan, to have a solid structure with well -planned strategies to be able to take posses...
Words: 1657
Pages: 6
Differences of social work with other social works Introduction Social work was developed at the end of the 18th century in the United States after having acquired the knowledge ar...
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Difference HIV and AIDS INTRODUCTION Dear reader in the following trial I will announce about a disease that is still a very important issue and that most people ignore since......
Words: 2064
Pages: 8
Difference between scientific explanations and pseudoscientific explanations This essay will talk about the difference between scientific explanations and pseudoscientific explanat...
Words: 692
Pages: 3
Dietetics and nutrition in humans In recent years, one of the most prominent and positive changes that can be seen in people's consumption habits has to do with food.......
Words: 793
Pages: 3
Didactics of Literature in Education Didactic literature is a form of study which needs a lot of application, a lot of effort and dedication to be able to understand, in......
Words: 464
Pages: 2
Development of transport logistics in Colombia Summary With this article, the problem of transport logistics in Colombia against Latin America and the rest of the world was identif...
Words: 4284
Pages: 16
Development analysis in effective communication Introduction. Engineering in general terms, is defined worldwide as a profession where through the study, learning of mathematics, s...
Words: 1295
Pages: 5
Design of a strategic decision -making model: Emotional Intelligence The construction industry is one of the main secondary economic sectors in Ecuador, however its growth has been...
Dependency of the new technology Introduction The world of technology is constantly changing. Today there are two types of relatively new technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT)...
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