section on modifications specifically for English Language Learners
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Past Simple Tense
Students will demonstrate the ability to identify when to apply the past simple tense appropriately and in the end to comprehend the application of this tense in the context of constructing both simple and complex sentences.
Lesson Directions
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher ought to introduce the concept of past simple tense by building on existing student knowledge concerning other tenses through written, verbal, and non-verbal communication techniques.
Written literature such as journals should be used as reference material for achieving this objective.
5) Instructional Strategies
Instruction: The past simple tense is used to describe events that happened in the past. However, not all verbs should be changed to past tense, and not all verbs take the same form in past simple tense. What is the basic form of past tense? Which verbs do not change form in the past tense? Which verbs take unique forms in past simple tense?
Modeling: Students are required to identify the basic forms of past simple tense. Afterward, they need to identify sentences which are in past simple tense. Which verbs were difficult to understand? How best can one identify which form a verb takes in past simple tense?
Checking for Understanding: What is the importance of learning how to use past simple tense? Have the students describe why they use past simple tense.
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Guided Practice: Have the students write down paragraphs in past simple tense. In brackets, let them identify which verbs they have used in past simple tense.
Independent practice: Pass out instructions for essay writing. Have students get into groups and write an essay in past simple tense.
Closure: Have the groups surrendered their essays for grading. Discuss how using past simple tense enhances communication.
Learning material such as dictionaries and academic journals ought to be used as reference material, and a building block for some of the concepts that need analysis. As a topic, past simple tense should be analyzed based on the context of its use.6) Proposed Modifications for ELLs: Include the Theoretical Basis for your Selected Modifications.
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is a theoretical basis that enhances the outcomes of ELL students. This model utilizes scaffold techniques like demonstration, modeling, and mentorship to enhance the learning process. For example, teachers can use non-verbal communication methods to improve the understanding of students.
7) Resources needed (note any staff or technology needed for proposed modifications):
The school should employ sufficient teachers to improve the English competency levels among the ELL students. It is vital to enhance the contact between the teachers and learners to achieve maximum ELL results. The teachers should access alternate responses from the students. Alternative answers enable the students to communicate their knowledge using various creative approaches.
Technology is an important tool for learning in the contemporary student setting. For instance, the students should have access to the e-Dictionary via internet-enabled laptops, tablets, or smartphones. This dictionary enables the learners to hear and understand the acceptable pronunciations of phrases or words (Genesee 38). Students can type the unknown words in the e-Dictionary to listen to the pronunciations and meaning as a form of practice.
Repetitive examples can act as a tool for the reinforcement of the study topic. Students should be encouraged to apply the subject matter in different settings in order to improve their practice in the application of the concept.8) Closure/ Homework
In place of written responses, the ELL students should be encouraged to develop images or recorded answers (Genesee 21). Teacher modeling minimizes the Teacher Talking Time (TTT) as it promotes the use of non-verbal communication methods to communicate instructions.
To reinforce the comprehension of the topic, students should be given written assignments with the comprehensive analysis of the topic. This will assist in improving their learning concerning this concept. 9) Assessment Plan, including a Plan to Assess ELL Student Learning:Oral presentations and performances are the most effective assessment measures for the ELL students. In the oral assessment, the students engage in activities like role plays, paraphrasing, and interviews. Such events enable students to have sufficient comprehension of learning concepts. In assessing oral work, the teacher evaluates the pronunciation, content, and volume of the ELL students to determine their understanding levels (Genesee 23). For example, all the students should be allowed to retell, paraphrase, summarize, or respond to a narrative. Also, they can act as characters in the narrative to improve their comprehension.
Work Cited
Genesee, Fred. “Rethinking Early Childhood Education for English Language Learners: The Role of Language.” Early Childhood Education in English for Speakers of Other Languages, 2016, pp. 21-42.
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