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Week 5
This type of price discrimination is called the third degree of price discrimination. In this aspect, the consumers are charged with different prices depending on their specific demographics and unique characteristics. This means that consumers with more financial power tend to be charged more. In essence, this strategy maximizes the profit obtained from each consumer. This ultimately drives profits upwards. This is done through the elimination of surplus of the products in the market (Liu & Serfes, 2013). The removal of the surplus in the market affects the price elasticity. Ultimately there will be a realization of greater profits due to the maximization of profits obtained from every consumer.
Week 6
In perfectly competitive markets such as those in civilized jurisdiction like the United States of America, tariffs play a very crucial role in determining the business outcomes. Tariffs work to determine the trade balance of a country. If the tariffs are put at their optimum, the domestic welfare will likely be boosted. On the other hand, the optimal tariff eventually affects foreign trade. A perfect example of this scenario is cited in Trump’s administration’s attempts to introduce tariffs meant to achieve a trade balance (McAdams, 2008). While this decision was meant to improve production locally and increase exports, China also reciprocated this move in protest. In the end, the trade deficit will likely persist due to the limitation of U.

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S exports to countries like China.
Week 8
While security occupations such as police work may not require the application of a college degree, there are numerous aspects of this career that require the extrapolation of knowledge learned at higher institutions. A college degree means more than just a paper. College education enables one to widen their perspective and to think objectively beyond the practical skills acquired in class (Rydberg & Terrill, 2010). For instance, policemen are sometimes expected to arbitrary interpret law clauses while attempting to build up evidence.
Week 9
Most public schools depend on funding which is usually determined by the performance of such institutions. Institutions which post better results tend to be awarded a better funding for the subsequent fiscal year. School principals are very instrumental in influencing these results. In turn, motivating principals may work to achieve this objective. An example of an incentive meant to achieve this is the introduction of learning opportunities which will ensure career growth for school principals. Another option is the stratification of the pay grade among principals depending on the performances they post.

Liu, Q., & Serfes, K. (2013). Price discrimination in two‐sided markets. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 22(4), 768-786.
McAdams, R. H. (2008). Beyond the Prisoners’ Dilemma: Coordination, Game Theory, and Law. S. Cal. L. Rev., 82, 209.
Rydberg, J., & Terrill, W. (2010). The effect of higher education on police behavior. Police quarterly, 13(1), 92-120.

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