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Adolescence Nutrition
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Adolescence Nutrition
Question 1
By definition, the subjective symptom is an indication that is obvious to the individual tormented. However, it can’t be seen by other people. On the other hand, the objective symptom is an indication joined by signs that have a tendency to affirm the patient’s physical dissension and enable the inspecting doctor, nurse, or other healthcare providers to derive the cause of an ailment. Considering the case of Jason, these symptoms are highlighted expressively. The subjective symptom is evident in the feeling of the leg cramps and being a little light headed and also when he sees stars and becomes blacked out as a result of bending down trying to pick a pencil that he had dropped. Tiresome also is an example of the subjective symptom apparent to Jason. The objective symptom is shown when Jason falls, and he is helped by the other classmates to sit down.
The revelation of BP 88/50, HR98, R14, and T99.0 are the deduction brought forth by the school nurse and are examples of the objective symptom. The possible cause of these symptoms, for example in the case of the leg cramps, is as a result of an involuntary contraction of the muscles (Miller & Layzer, 2005). It may be because of lack of exercises that rely heavily on the leg muscles such as recreational running, weight training the legs or sporting activities that require a lot of running. The seeing of stars and becoming blacked out is caused by the debris of crystals or ear rocks in one’s ear.

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Question 2
Regarding the wrestling match to come in the afternoon, Jason should not involve himself in the game until he feels well or recovers to avoid unnecessary complications. But he should not take long to join the game since participating in the event is part of the healing process. To get rid of the cramps, one should be able to exercise much, and so the game will still be of benefit to Jason. According to Katzberg, Khan & So (2010), the mom should not be so much alarmed and be compelled to go with Jason. She should leave him that he may join the game later and be able to give any support to Jason including encouragement. To the coach, he should be able to give Jason enough time to relax before he joins the game and has a close monitoring to Jason before, in the event and even after to ensure the best health outcome to Jason.
Question 3
The other interdisciplinary team members that are helpful to Jason’s health care are the wrestling team leaders and the members. They can be able to give advice to Jason on how to carry out himself when participating in the game and offer any assistance to Jason in the case of any ailment relating to his current condition. The school nurse also plays a big role in this part. There is the need for the nurse being present in looking and following up Jason’s health development. The reason is that in the case of anything happening he will be assisted and advised on the necessary action to be taken (Hesselink & Kopsky, 2016).
Question 4
Unsafe weight management practices can compromise the performance of one participating in any sporting activity and therefore negatively impact on health (Raghunathan, Naylor & Hoyer, 2006). The following are some of the topics that would be included in the teaching:
Assessing body composition and weight
Trying to exercise weight loss through skipping meals
Having a limited number of nutrients or calories in the diet
Restricting fluid
Question 5
What you eat on a match day is highly involved in achieving any accomplishment. Because of the serious way of competitive wrestling, and additionally the factors of making weight and repowering before every match, you should adopt to an efficient strategy to how and what you eat. According to Batterink, Yokum & Stice (2010), Caloric and any intake of nutrients ought to be founded on desired body, lean body mass, objective weight, and game or activity. Any amount of intake associated with too low or high amount of fancies body mass creates an adverse influence of the metabolic functioning of the body structure (Batterink, Yokum & Stice, 2010). Metabolic functioning of the body is more proficient in those with more noteworthy measures of lean body mass.
Metabolic functioning and oxygen usage can be measured or assessed with prescient conditions that think about body estimate, FFM, fat mass, sex, age, and the consumption of vitality for action. In cutting calories, proteins should be included at meals to prevent loss of lean mass. A review published in sports medicine in 2014 concluded that an intake of “0.6 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight” per day helps in offsetting lean mass loss (Driessen et al., 2014). Good sources of protein include eggs, low-fat dairy, lean steak, white-meat poultry, and fish. Egg, for instance, contains 6 grams of protein, 3 ounces of lean steak contains 23 grams, and 1 cup of chopped, roasted chicken contains 41grams. The table below illustrates the amount of protein and Kcal listed in the following food items:
Table: The amount of protein and Kcal in foods
Food Portion Kcal protein Rationale
Mung Beans 3.5 100 3.2 grams Blair SN
Boiled Beans 3.5 25 3.2 grams Fletcher GF
Broccoli 3.5 20 4.65 grams Blumenthal J
Long Grain White Rice 3.5 140 0.002 grams Bradford, S. H. & Keshock, C. M.

Batterink, L., Yokum, S., & Stice, E. (2010). Body mass correlates inversely with inhibitory control in response to food among adolescent girls: an fMRI study. Neuroimage, 52(4), 1696-1703.
Driessen, C. E., Cameron, A. J., Thornton, L. E., Lai, S. K., & Barnett, L. M. (2014). Effect of changes to the school food environment on eating behaviors and/or body weight in children: a systematic review. Obesity reviews, 15(12), 968-982.
Hesselink, J. M. K., & Kopsky, D. J. (2016). The Role of Palmitoylethanolamide, an Autacoid, in the Symptomatic Treatment of Muscle Cramps: Three Case Reports and Review of Literature. J Clin Case Rep, 6(744), 2.
Katzberg, H. D., Khan, A. H., & So, Y. T. (2010). Assessment: Symptomatic treatment for muscle cramps (an evidence-based review) Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 74(8), 691-696.
Miller, T. M., & Layzer, R. B. (2005). Muscle cramps. Muscle & nerve, 32(4), 431-442.
Raghunathan, R., Naylor, R. W., & Hoyer, W. D. (2006). The unhealthy= tasty intuition and its effects on taste inferences, enjoyment, and choice of food products. Journal of Marketing, 70(4), 170-184.

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